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Messages - Omegan

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those actually look quite good. but they are not in the original palette, are they?

True... I just put these icons over the screenshot. Probably it will be look a bit different, not like after using original palette...

For list of soldiers 5x5... true, maybe prints are still good. But how about this? ;)

* here is icon size is 25x25

In past at 2007 on Windows Mobile there was project Pocket UFO (last version is 1.26)
That was clone of UFO: EU, with some good features.

One of the features was classes which describes soldiers regard their stats.
Main classes were:

sniper / psi / gunman

But game not used only 1 icon, game used 2 icons for description of the classes:
sniper + sniper
sniper + psi
psi + psi
psi + gun

And here is how that was look like (in that exapmple psi+psi):

Maybe it is better use these icons instead of "/Snpr", "/w" etc?

Builds & Ports / OpenXcom on iOS?
« on: June 18, 2014, 09:59:07 am »
Hello. Didn't found exact topics, but as I see OpenXcom-project available on many platforms (including Mac OS X and experimental for Android).
So I would like to ask is any way to bring OpenXcom to iOS? Are any such plans?

I know OpenXcom using resources from the game and so in my opinion it will be a problem to make OpenXcom in AppStore. But how about those who has JailBroken devices and use Cydia as well?
In Cydia there are many projects that prohibited and kicked from AppStore, but exist in Cydia (for example iDos/DosPad or many types of emulators like Sega, Nintendo etc.)

P.S. I'm sure that exist huge range of game's fans who will be gladly to see it on iOS :)

Suggestions / Re: Enemy statistics should be a bit random?
« on: February 20, 2014, 11:45:24 am »
nonsense. i have no idea what your source is on this. you're completely misinterpreting the table.

all the stats are based on difficulty. the ranges you see here are accounting for THAT variance, not some random element.
on beginner, firing accuracy is base stat /2, on superhuman it's base stat + 24%

i don't mean to sound like an ass, but a little more research on alien stats would have gone a long way here.

You not an ass, just I was really wrong about it. I was played different difficulties and noticed that stats were also different, but didn't knew before about that equation. Now it is more clear for me.  ???

Ethereal Soldier (example with F.A.):
SLM = 0 (Beginner), F.A. Skill Value = INT(74 /2 * (100 + (6 * 0)) / 100) = 37
SLM = 1 (Experienced), F.A. Skill Value = INT(74 * (100 + (6 * 1)) / 100) = 78
SLM = 2 (Veteran), F.A. Skill Value = INT(74 * (100 + (6 * 2)) / 100) = 82
SLM = 3 (Genius), F.A. Skill Value = INT(74 * (100 + (6 * 3)) / 100) = 87
SLM = 4 (Superhuman), F.A. Skill Value = INT(74 * (100 + (6 * 4)) / 100) = 91

Thanks.  :)

But i'm still wandering how fight in the mission will be changed, if aliens will had a bit random stats (for example with random increment -8% to +8% ):
Skill Value = INT(Core Value * (100 + (Percentage * SLM)) / 100 * (1 + Random[-8 ; 8]/100))

Suggestions / Enemy statistics should be a bit random?
« on: February 20, 2014, 10:43:10 am »
I've been noticed most aliens are have exact statistic with same class and same race.

For example Ethereal --> ufopedia tell us (
Ethereal / Statistics (original X-Com) can be:
TUs:               68-79
Health:            55
Energy:            96-111
Reactions:         75-93
Strength:          48-52
Bravery:           80
Firing Accuracy:   37-92
Throwing Accuracy: 80
Psi Skill:         40-46, 45-52, 50-58
Psi Strength:      50-58, 60-70, 65-75

And now file Xcom1Ruleset.rul in OXC:
Ethereal / Statistics ONLY can be:
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
      tu: 68
      stamina: 96
      health: 55
      bravery: 80
      reactions: 75
      firing: 74
      throwing: 80
      strength: 48
      psiStrength: 50
      psiSkill: 40
      melee: 85

Alien's statistics should be also a bit random in OXC (like it happen with stats of the rookie soldiers that you are just hired):

Final alien stat(i) = Core alien stat(i) + Random[0%..Max_stat_random_increment(i)%] (but except: health; bravery; throw accuracy)
Max_stat_random_increment, % - value that should be depend of stat, like for some it is 8%, for some it is 10% and for some it is (like Firing Accuracy = F.A.) 148%, etc.

* NOTICE1: In original X-Com Ethereal F.A. could be 37-92, it is mean game engine use formula 37 + Random[0%..148%], so on the missions some Ethereals are miss too much (their F.A. are too low) and some can hit the mark (their F.A. is normal or high). In OXC ALL Ethereal's soldiers are sorta snipers (F.A. = 74, and as i said that value is fixed for any Ethereal soldier).
* NOTICE2: Ethereal race is just an example, the same (fixed stats) with other alien races too.

Explanation (why):
I think in that case the fight will be more natural, that some aliens (same class, same race) are weaker and some are stronger. That will be bring some randomness (luck chance in battle) and as a result more passion to the tactics part of the game (like that was in original X-Com).

Suggestions / Re: A few ideas
« on: February 19, 2014, 08:42:33 pm »
Looking at the default ruleset, Snakemen only get above a 20% chance to appear for alien base and terror missions. They actually disappear from some mission types in mid-game though they should still show up in late-game in bases, on terror missions and in the odd research mission.

So yes, if you see a Snakeman there's probably a Chrysalid as well.  :P

Hehe I payed attention that Snakemen are rare, because missed about mighty Chrysalid on the terror or any other missions :D
Svanh, you are right man. I checked Xcom1Ruleset.rul before and found interesting things (it is from place there is "alienmissions:" situated), like Snakemen race has been gone from most types of missions (even earlier missions like that was in original X-com). So in my own local file (Xcom1Ruleset.rul) i changed race's weights to let Snakemen come often and a bit increased chance of met the Ethreal race (In attachment i added file Race_weights.xls that show setting in Xcom1Ruleset.rul before (original) and after (new))

About issue 2 (multiple soldiers having to target same spot), I think one improvement would be to add keyboard shortcuts for saving and re-loading a camera position. This wouldn't disrupt the graphical UI.

Agree, I didn't meant to remove normal soldier's switching, I meant to add that feature. Every player has it own style of playing, so i think that will be just small improvement for management in tactic mode, and that will help to do less clicks and be more effective.

By the way here is situation that explain why useful to switch soldiers without focusing:
Let's pretend i have 6 psi soldiers which are just staying at some safe place (like Avenger or some kind of shelter). So when my Scout-soldier is found some hostile enemy outside and i need to do psi-action on it (enemy), in that situation I don't need to know where are my psi-soldiers situated (I know they are safe and staying, for example, near each other) only I care to do lot of successful psi-hits. So no needs to do lot of useless jump among target and soldiers.

So, yrizoud, agree that UI won't be touched, because it is small add for keyboard shortcuts.

Suggestions / A few ideas
« on: February 14, 2014, 12:56:38 pm »
Hello guys,
First of all thanks for great remastering of the legend game like X-Com is.

OpenXcom is SO perfect for me except two things:
1) Why soldiers are stopping their moving when they see already spotted alien? In situations when I need to move many soldiers to some place, where alien was spotted, each of them is stop when see that alien (because when alien was spotted the game is cancel the moving route)... so every time I need re-point the destination. If that is necessary for some players to be like that, please add an option in additional settings like:
"Continue moving if alien was already spotted {YES/NO}"

2) Let’s pretend I set a group of snipers (or psi-soldiers) near each other to shoot (or make psi attacks on) alien hostile forces. So when I see the target and need make shots (or make psi attack), I need click each solider (to make that I need move screen to the soldier and click it OR press the button for NEXT/PREVIOUS soldier, in that case cursor + camera is also will be focused on the soldier). So as you may see every time I need jump among the place of target and place of the soldiers.
In my opinion would be much easy to make shoot (or psi action) by switching soldiers WITHOUT focusing camera on it (it is like soldiers are switching behind the main screen, but camera show me place of the target). After that player can easy make an action with hot keys (left/right hand) or click the action icons without any camera jumps.
Many RTS-games (for example StarCraft 1 or 2) is using that feature, like you don't need move camera to the structure, because you can select it on the distance and make all action you need  :)
To solve that issue I'm see two ways:
#1 Make switch among soldiers without moving camera like [Alt or Ctrl or Shift] + [Next/Previous], but [Next/Previous] buttons are still switch soldiers normal way (camera is focusing on the picked soldier);
#2 Make switch among soldiers without moving camera with two ADDITIONAL special buttons [Next/Previous]. So old and common [Next/Previous] buttons will be still switch soldiers normal way (camera is focusing on the picked soldier) and 2 new buttons will be switching soldiers without moving camera from place where I'm at;

3) Also a bit weird, but I use to alien show that sequence during the game: Sectoids - Snakemen(/Floaters) - Floaters (/Snakemen) - Mutons - Ethereals.
So when I played OpenXcom (difficulty: SuperHuman) and finished it, I noticed that SnakeMen are most rare type of aliens for all kind of missions. Maybe it is just a random... but still I wonder why?
As i remember Ethereals in original X-Com were most rare, but SnakeMen/Floaters/Mutons were most common types.

P.S. Sorry for my deep and detailed explanation, just want to make clear all that I was meaning  ::)

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