Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: July 30, 2023, 03:36:14 am »
Some notes on 3.3 (and maybe earlier, I haven't played FMP for some time, also I might have got more recent game engine)
Hasn't the game been heavily randomized recently? I am just player, not acquainted with randomizations of data vs engine (using OpenXcom on SuSE Linux), but this time I witnessed phenomenons like MiB Laser tank surviving 2 hits from the rail sniper rifle and several hits from laser equipped HWPs. This was pretty unsettling, because these things pack one of the biggest punches in the battlescape. Later on, Obliterator went happily surviving full auto fire from the heavy plasma. To be honest, I'm glad I did not encounter them earlier with just alloy bullets! :-)
On the randomization, I also saw my HWPs auto shooting like crosseyed novices, the auto cone was like 60 degrees, which I think was a wee bit much for machines, unless they've been secretly bought from Wish. Also my senior soldiers missed with the laser pistol auto fire from a point blank range. I don't think I saw this on the earlier FMPs/engines. Not sure where this comes from.
I don't remember which level I played, maybe the randomization increases as one plays on harder difficulties? The randomization is definitely there (surviving many hits from ultra hard hitting weapons), I was also spending more than one plasma torch battery to get a single hole in the UFO hull.
I was surprised that the UFOs did not contain commanders (except battleships), but I got my tech advances all from leaders, then had to pick one commander in a base to learn about Cydonia. That was a nice twist, I could care less about the bases in the previous games.
Fortunately at that point I had my psippet masters working very effectively, so it wasn't that problematic. I abducted one commander from a sectoid base and ran away; when I went in for a second time for another one to see if he yields any further info, and I ran into this unfortunate base configuration which made my ammo/equiment depot located on the lift, this meant that I had to win the base battle, or run away and lose all my stuff, or transfer it from the lift. It was like 200 items, mind you, so I decided to win the base battle. The depot location is definitely not a problem of FMP, I saw this on TFTD game with OpenXcom too. With that I found out my Sectopods had asthma, as they were running out of "energy" after longer strolls in the largely emptying base. That was a surprise indeed. :-)
Is anybody using the Plasma cannon or the Stormlance missile? The Avalanche beats them hands down on availability+range. One has to gang up more fighters on large UFOs, but once I have Ravens and Thunderstorms, I can bring down any UFO safely down that is not Very Large.
I liked that I didn't have to have alien electronics for the Stormtrooper armor repair, that made sense.
I saw things like Battle Ships (not MiB terror missions) crewed by MiBs. Surprising.
Hasn't the game been heavily randomized recently? I am just player, not acquainted with randomizations of data vs engine (using OpenXcom on SuSE Linux), but this time I witnessed phenomenons like MiB Laser tank surviving 2 hits from the rail sniper rifle and several hits from laser equipped HWPs. This was pretty unsettling, because these things pack one of the biggest punches in the battlescape. Later on, Obliterator went happily surviving full auto fire from the heavy plasma. To be honest, I'm glad I did not encounter them earlier with just alloy bullets! :-)
On the randomization, I also saw my HWPs auto shooting like crosseyed novices, the auto cone was like 60 degrees, which I think was a wee bit much for machines, unless they've been secretly bought from Wish. Also my senior soldiers missed with the laser pistol auto fire from a point blank range. I don't think I saw this on the earlier FMPs/engines. Not sure where this comes from.
I don't remember which level I played, maybe the randomization increases as one plays on harder difficulties? The randomization is definitely there (surviving many hits from ultra hard hitting weapons), I was also spending more than one plasma torch battery to get a single hole in the UFO hull.
I was surprised that the UFOs did not contain commanders (except battleships), but I got my tech advances all from leaders, then had to pick one commander in a base to learn about Cydonia. That was a nice twist, I could care less about the bases in the previous games.
Fortunately at that point I had my psippet masters working very effectively, so it wasn't that problematic. I abducted one commander from a sectoid base and ran away; when I went in for a second time for another one to see if he yields any further info, and I ran into this unfortunate base configuration which made my ammo/equiment depot located on the lift, this meant that I had to win the base battle, or run away and lose all my stuff, or transfer it from the lift. It was like 200 items, mind you, so I decided to win the base battle. The depot location is definitely not a problem of FMP, I saw this on TFTD game with OpenXcom too. With that I found out my Sectopods had asthma, as they were running out of "energy" after longer strolls in the largely emptying base. That was a surprise indeed. :-)
Is anybody using the Plasma cannon or the Stormlance missile? The Avalanche beats them hands down on availability+range. One has to gang up more fighters on large UFOs, but once I have Ravens and Thunderstorms, I can bring down any UFO safely down that is not Very Large.
I liked that I didn't have to have alien electronics for the Stormtrooper armor repair, that made sense.
I saw things like Battle Ships (not MiB terror missions) crewed by MiBs. Surprising.