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Messages - chowwuikeung

Pages: [1]
Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.58)
« on: July 24, 2023, 12:10:17 am »
Installed clean new twots and checked. All works fine. Maybe you got corrupted install?

I put the mod and the QOL mod in the c:\users..... path where the saved games are (mod folder). it doesn't run. I tried putting it in the openxcom mod directory but the mods only show up in xcom ufo game. (this was where I installed it last time. I had done a clean install since you suggested.) Where do the mods go? (using OXCE now)

{solved} mods go into the OXCE folder, then inside user/mods dir. Not sure if this was a fluke but I've cut/copied the second dir in the mod folder and moved it to the OXCE mod folder. Since it was pointless having an extra folder. I think OXCE couldn't find the mod info inside the first dir (which was in the second dir)

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.58)
« on: July 19, 2023, 12:50:01 am »
was viewing the ufopedia, came upon bubble entry. Game crashed as there was no "sprite BUBBLEIMAGE" to be found, just fyi.

STR_MUtant1 also not found.

Is there a complete build that I can play with?

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