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Messages - Gammelbraxen

Pages: [1]
XPiratez / Re: Solar Courier?
« on: June 19, 2023, 08:02:11 am »
Thank you!

That worked. Also, for future reference. Is it only humanist (the faction) pogroms that spawns them? The only post mentioning The Solar Courier dropping mentioned "human pogroms", yet the pogroms themselves are called "mutant pogroms". I ran at the last humanist pogroms, what with them having two tanks and all. Didn't think that was worth it.

XPiratez / Solar Courier?
« on: June 18, 2023, 09:04:17 pm »

First time poster here. I'm not sure if I've done something to bork the game. This is my second restart, and for some reason this time "The Solar Courier" does not seem to spawn? I'm in februari the second year but I have yet to see it this time around. Is it supposed to spawn during pogroms? I've succesfully won pogroms but no Courier.

Without it I can't seem to progress. Is there some way to add it with a debug tool or something?

I've spent alot of time, so re-starting isn't all that tempting. Also, i doubt this is the last time X-piratez decides to RNG. Or I click the wrong thing. (like selling the hull, why is that even allowed?)

My apologies if this is an eye-rolling noob thing. But X-piratez can be a bit ... opaque.

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