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Messages - Echelon117

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / Re: Animation speeds
« on: April 03, 2014, 06:35:28 am »
My game is definitely running a lot better now I applied the nightly build to it and changed the settings according to Warboys suggestions. SupSuper's video shows the game running pretty good. You know what it is, it's me being so used to Xcom CE with UFO extender installed that any tiny deviation away from its flawless performance and I'm dissatisfied. OpenXcom runs good now with the nightly build.

Thanks for the help guys

Open Feedback / Re: Animation speeds
« on: April 02, 2014, 06:15:43 am »
Thanks for your help Warboy that has certainly improved the framerate. Its still not completely smooth and flawless like the way UFO extender feels but like SupSuper said, what more do I want?

If you are at all curious what I'm talking about, get your hands on a copy of the windows CE of Enemy Unknown and install UFO Extender and you will see what I mean about how smooth and flawless it runs.. Maybe there would be a way to mimic this performance for OpenXcom?

I appreciate the help thank you

Open Feedback / Re: Animation speeds
« on: April 02, 2014, 05:27:51 am »
I'm talking about all animations. Battlescape, geoscape.. When soldiers walk its choppy as hell.. The screen scrolling is choppy, interceptions are choppy.

Sorry I'm not even aware of nightly builds what are they? I just downloaded the latest main build 0.9 and played it and its really laggy. I didn;t see any options in the settings that resembled any kind of slider. I'm just a newcomer to OpenXcom so forgive me

Open Feedback / Animation speeds
« on: April 01, 2014, 10:26:20 am »

I was wondering if anyone knows of any plans to remove the set animation speeds the game currently has? Or is there a way to turn these off? The game is extremely choppy and doesn't run smooth like UFO Extender does.

Also perhaps a suggestion for a future feature, to be able to set the screen ratio?

Open Feedback / Re: Geoscape/interceptor delay
« on: September 18, 2013, 02:41:08 pm »
Basically, when intercepting a UFO the UFO moves towards the interceptor VERY slowly. The missiles move towards the UFO VERY slowly.

It's almost as if there is a delay or a CPU slower applied, the way the old DosBox version worked. I just want it to flow as smooth and fast as UFO extender, which runs perfectly

Open Feedback / Geoscape/interceptor delay
« on: September 18, 2013, 12:36:17 pm »

I've been searching these forums to see if anyone else has asked the same as me, but couldn't find anything.

So, after playing UFO Extender for so long I am used to the smooth flowing pace of the game from the way the menu's open up to the fluidity of the UFO interceptions.

OpenXcom does feel a little choppy in some parts and the UFO interceptions are extremely slow. Does anyone know a way around this or if this is something to be fixed?

Any help would be greatly appreciated from anyone.

Kind regards

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