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Messages - Grubleafeater

Pages: [1]
It makes no sense for guard dogs and robots to block surrender entirely, but equally, it makes no sense for them to be able to surrender. So instead, a flag that says that if certain enemies (Dio said based on rank, which on some thought I agree with) surrender, then this unit does, would be very useful.

Might also be good to have a second flag for triggering this when their leader is mind controlled(for enemies can can and cannot distinguish if their leader is mind controlled). Much more optional there, I'd say. If it complicates matters too much leave it out.

OXCE Support / [Answered] Psion Confidence & Probe Chance
« on: June 11, 2023, 08:26:44 am »
Enemies shouldn't automatically know your defense values; instead, they should have 2 stats:

Probe Chance: Chance of targeting someone based on their stats, or not at all if nobody has stats that would be targeted for mind control under current system;
Confidence: Chance that if Probe Chance doesn't trigger, they Mind Control a random target.

This does a few things.

1:Ameliorates the issue of 'lightning rod' troops being set up to always get mind controlled to no actual effect.
2:Allows players who build squads of well defended troops to feel satisfaction when enemies try to mind control them to no effect.

There could be a 3rd variable for apparent vulnerability to weight random targeting so Hybrid agents or agents in armor with anti-psi effects don't get targeted as often.

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