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Messages - Totoro

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: April 08, 2023, 06:03:07 pm »
The problem of not being able to progress any further in the game though (Past the The UAC code book mission) has me dead in the water.
Without the MIB lunar moon mission, I'm out of luck.

Maybe have a quick fix for you that worked for me. Wait until the mission pops up on the geoscape, save the game, quit. Then open up the saved game with any text editor (I  used notepad). Search for "STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING". For me it was halfway down in the save file or so.

That line should be something like: "    type: STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING". Below that line you should have: "deployment: STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING". If you do, replace the "STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING" part with "STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING".

That worked for me. It changes the mission location to the right one. Storyline progressed normal after succesfully completing that mission for me too. Be sure to backup your save file before you change anything, just in case stuff goes wrong.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: April 07, 2023, 06:50:59 pm »
I have the same issue.

Same here on version 2.8. After capturing and interrogating the Ethereal Commander + researching the then opened up hijacking comms line, I started to get the UAC moon mission again (which I already completed - not through code book capture btw but by elimination), and not the MiB lunar base one. So I'm stuck in the storyline.

Waiting over 2 game years after all doable research is done before an Arbiter shows up is also quite frustrating. My previous run was on 2.6., much smoother experience in terms of game progression. One quick fix could be to give the Ethereal Commander a different color than the other Ethereals, and maybe add one in some alien Bases or some such on occasion?

Other than that, since it is my first post => Thank you for creating this Mod! Been xcom fan since the very beginning, and this is quite the joy to play.

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