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Messages - Astronox

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / Re: High Resolution Artwork
« on: July 01, 2013, 01:33:54 pm »
By these pictures it's clear automatic zooming algorithms was used for tiles. Lots of places aren't sharped/redrawn, only edges seems to be "geometrized". As I remember for TTS, for the other hand, they were redrawing sprites manually.
I believe these pictures are 10% of final result?

All pixels are doubled by hand, or by a mask to reduce work at bigger surfaces.
The picture looks unsharp, cause i accidentaly shifted the top layer in photoshop one pixel to the right.

Open Feedback / Re: High Resolution Artwork
« on: June 30, 2013, 05:10:36 pm »
To double the resolution is no problem, as long as i´ll get the files that must be updated
in a format that i can load (like the original bitmap, a tiff or PSD would also work).
At "UFO: The Two Sides", the devs used a open file structure, where you just could find and
open / replace the graphics files. Thats why i could just open and mod them.

Here is an example of the "Mars" graphics where i doubled the resolution two days ago,
and the "basebits" bitmap, where i had to add a CGI firestorm, cause the UFO:TTS team
finished work on the file before the firestorm was added.
This CGI firestorm is based upon the image from the ufopedia from the original 1994 UFO,
that i found with google. So this one is not based on the old 1994 image (cause i don´t
have the original top view).

At UFO:TTS, they also had a high resolution geo image to replace the original rendered
earth from the 1994 edition. I hope the OpenXcom team does the same, cause it looked
really good. I could help them getting the image ready for the game, so thats not the problem.

cu, Astro

Open Feedback / High Resolution Artwork
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:20:09 pm »
As the UFO: TTS Team stopped working on their game, they didn´t finish to convert all the artwork to
a higher resolution. I´am working now on finishing all the files that are still at the old resolution
(all in the "graphics_old" folder) and i would know if the openxcom team plans to add a higher (doubled)
resolution, and if you could use the files.
I think also about  to model some UFO parts (i began with the firestorm yesterday) in Cinema 4D.
When you could use it for an intro or anything else, you can get the files from me just tell me.

cu, Astro

Pages: [1]