« on: October 21, 2020, 05:49:26 am »
Ok, I have no doubt screwed up something easy and y'all are going to be face palming, but here goes.
After successfully downloading and playing Open X-com extended for a couple weeks, I decided I felt confident enough to install this "The X-Com Files" mod and well it hasn't turned out so well.
No doubt that it is operator error.
I tried to follow Starving Poet's video on how to install the mod. Felt like I did it right without variance.
After clicking the nice little red skull and cross bones it did the "I'm thinking, give me a moment" box, before finally showing the intro. I clicked off the intro and then clicked the mods button and clicked the top drop down menu and clicked the X-com files mod, as opposed to the open x-com or TofD.
Then the starting menu popped up and I choose "New Game" then "experienced" and then clicked "OK".
Here is where the train wreck happened.
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.7 (v2020-10-18)
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Data folder is:
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Data search is:
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] - C:/Users/Randell/Documents/OpenXcom/
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] - C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] User folder is: C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Loading data...
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/'...
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Active mods:
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] - x-com-files v1.5
[20-10-2020_20-17-27] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[20-10-2020_20-17-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for GEO.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-17-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for BATTLE.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-17-33] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[20-10-2020_20-17-33] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HEHEXD
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_RED_SUN
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[20-10-2020_20-17-43] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-43] [INFO] Loading language...
[20-10-2020_20-17-44] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-44] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[20-10-2020_20-17-44] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[20-10-2020_20-17-44] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[20-10-2020_20-17-49] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Loading data...
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/'...
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Active mods:
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for GEO.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for BATTLE.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Loading language...
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[20-10-2020_20-19-31] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Music GMGEO1 not found
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x5a9300 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x5aa170 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x41c880 exceptionLogger()
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0xb79eb0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0xd64150 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0xd69a10 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0xc3a8a0 OpenXcom::Music* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::Music>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::Music*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::Music*> > > const&, bool) const
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x791c80 OpenXcom::Mod::getMusic(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool) const
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x791d40 OpenXcom::Mod::playMusic(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x6cd800 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::init()
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x725090 OpenXcom::NewGameState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x5c5ae0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x67c240 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x5c12e0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x9951f0 console_main
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x995310 WinMain
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] ??
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] ??
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x7fffb6167c10 BaseThreadInitThunk
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x7fffb778ce80 RtlUserThreadStart
[20-10-2020_20-20-04] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Music GMGEO1 not found
Log file: C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
I don't have a saved game to present. I didn't get that far.
So I figure this doesn't help much, other then to provide a good laugh. Yet I am asking for help anyway.
What can I do to learn how to fix this?
... added edit
This old laptop doesn't like doing screen print for what ever reason. I have often fantasied the excellent spectacle of it busting into a million pieces through alternative and inventive means.
TotD works just fine, though the mod options are fewer compared to what they were before, when I had successfully installed just the open x-com mod and played both the X-com and TotD games with open x-com.