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Messages - Teks

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Heh, they should add a little write in section for the memorial for stories like that.

Lol, yeah, I forogt about that reference.  :D
but did you really give him no name on purpose? or was that a happy accident?

Not that it matters now. Everybody is dead!
Joffrey Lannister performed perfectly. Shot in the back by his own teammate, then he bled out for 9 turns, and failed to perform at every oppotunity until then. Ah. Amazing.

rookie without a name tag. The best ones get there names from their actions (or inactions).

You know what that means...

Don't worry I'm not telling you this stuff. I'm just following along (very) unquietly observing. I'm excited to see what changes you make later on. I end up changing a lot on the rules to try to give more weapons a purpose. I've even worked on craft weapons, and I gotta say balancing those is not easy.

Your very quick and effecient in these missions. I take way too much time, and from watching I feel like I just gotta make some guys a bit more expendable.

The assault rifles are totally useless. Surprised you didn't just give the rest shotguns, or machine pistols, or...anything other then assault rifles. 19% accuracy on auto from 5 tiles away...thats just sad. 23% from point blank?

I like how mr. quiet quietly died.

In my game I was thinking shotguns, snipers, and autocannons/launchers, then migrating to scattercannons (laser), gauss sniper rifles, and plasma casters. Each tree kinda has its own specific upgrade for my troops. Its nice just seeing more options then just assault rifle variants from research. The starting weapons have so much more variety.

Gauss seems to have some balance issues. Why does the guass rifle cost 80% TUs to fire at 40% less accuracy at the same damage as the sniper?
50% TUs to fire at 150% accuracy...seriously?

Ep 4.
People will die  ;D

Good start!
Them sniper rifles are deadly effective. They have that rare reliability that you just don't see with new recruits in the begining of the game. Even then, so few losses! Amazing.

Also, for those who don't know I was meaning the joffrey from the game of thrones books, and series, though I recently rediscovered that he is not a lannister.

I'd like to add putin to my requests. That guy has a higher degree black belt then chuck norris. Who cares if the last degree was more of a diplomatic gesture then an earnest promotion for martial skill. I sure wouldn't fight him! Its time to put him to the test!

From my little ponies

So cool. I'm excited to see you showcase some of the mods in the playthrough. I'm waiting for 1.0 to start a new game, and I'm gonna use this to help figure out what I'd like to add to it. Good luck man! Keep up the awesome playthroughs.
Ah, I'm so excited to be able to play the latest openxcom on linux without missing out on the latest stuff. It's amazing this game made it all the way to 1.0. It looks amazing.

I humbly request you name a Joffrey Lannister. May he never die.  ;D

Open Feedback / Re: *gasp* It's so beautiful!
« on: June 22, 2013, 09:02:43 am »
Heh, I read that article and it got me thinking too much.

You know the plus side of falling off a cliff?   Eventually, your going to stop.

 People look at society like its concrete. "Thats just the way it is." A statement which really undermines the reality that in so many ways we are diving head first into completely uncharted territory, and there is no going back. Theirs little doubt we're going in way too fast, and society will have to adapt when it hits the ground.

At the moment, while we all struggle to adapt to these rapid changes around us, the idea of playing really easy games that constantly gratify us has real appeal, but I like to think society is pretty self-correcting. Eventually people are going to lose interest in this, and these huge gaming companies lack the ability to adapt as quickly (or at all).

You'd think it'd be the opposite. That huge corporations with vast resources would be able to predict and adapt to changes in society. Well, I say, tell that to microsoft. The company that considered itself a monopoly just a few years ago, and now struggles to find any place it can keep a foothold in future tech.

No, most likely big gaming companies will dig their own graves. It's inevitable really. Noone realistically can afford the games they are producing today, and yet they continue to raise the cost to make their product so that it can win the visual competition. We're already seeing the $50 for a new game standard go out the window. My friend payed a total of $240 on borderlands 2 after all the expansions, extra content, and a second copy so his girlfriend could play in the other room. This trend will derail itself. The only question is when.

So combine rapidly increasing costs with a society rapidly losing interest in superfluous graphics, and tell me where we are in the next 10 years. Probably here. where we've always been. Playing X-com. ;D

Suggestions / Re: The last alien...
« on: June 22, 2013, 04:11:23 am »
There are two effective ways to handle this.

1. blow up everything, but if your like me your already scouring over a crater (what? I'm supposed to save civilians? balderdash!)
2. Have your entire squad spread out across the map shouting MARCO!

(shoot anything that says polo)

Open Feedback / *gasp* It's so beautiful!
« on: June 21, 2013, 08:58:06 pm »
You know. Openxcom doesn't look like much on the outside. Bug fixes, and compatibility are great but its not really a sell, ya know, but wow. On the inside. It's just perfection. To think how much money fixaxis could have saved just by adding you guys to the payroll, and saying "Go!"

Well...I guess that would be true if companies still believed there are gamers with the capacity for thought which yearns for something more then % bonuses and giant campaign tutorials...

Anyway, I've lost a couple days already to my new campaign. Experienced mode, moderate ruleset tweaks to keep it fresh, added the mainstream mods. I just gotta say. The bug fixes changed the entire game.
  • Smoke grenades are actually useful because the particle limit has been lifted
  • Prox grenades actually work now (if I could ever figure out where to place them)
  • no item limit, so I can actually bring in those complex loadouts I scheme up
  • the ability to control whos in front of the transport
  • and on and on and on.
Simple fixes, but now I can pull off all those strategies that just never really worked before. I just... I just...
It's so Beautiful!

I just finished taking my first landed battleship from the snake people. I thought. "Oh good snake people. They are chumps. Aren't they the ones who have that giant naked dog thing as a terror unit?" No...They are not. Sneaky freaking Crysallids almost got me a couple times. Hell, I found one in the smoke two spaces away from one of my scouts. Which brought forth bad memories of my last mission when I lost my captain to a similar situation. Fortunately at this point I have some pretty badass soldiers. I got him, and managed to take the ship with no casualties, which is amazing since I almost always lose someone precious...

Oh, and I can't forget my first terror mission with those floating UFOs on day 10ish. So many casualties. I had to finish one by detonating high explosives at my poor soldiers feet or risk losing far more.

I was so dissapointed by the new xcom. All their talk about 'preserving the feel of xcom' and all they deliver is a squad-based arcade shooter prioritizing 'cool factor' rather then 'fear factor', and then they leave it completely deprived of creative space. No sandbox, no hidden mechanics. Just a pile of flat % bonuses for meeting certain objectives. Bleh. The real kicker was the soundtrack. The sound of music tracks stolen from the UFO series felt like spit in my face. It broadcasted the lack of empathy toward real x-com fans, who were never impressed by the UFO series in the first place.

Call me crazy, but I think games like x-com, MOO, and CIV actually made me smarter when I played them as a child, and that the passion I have for these old games is not just about nostalgia, but rather an innate desire to be mentally challenged rather then visually amused. I wonder if these modern remakes will ever unseat the throne of the classics even as time takes its toll.

Especially because there are guys like you out there who are willing to spend your free time completely reviving them just because you want to. If I ever see any of you in person I'm gonna hug you. I don't care if your a homophobe or a germaphobe. Your getting a hug, and thats final.

Work In Progress / Weapons and Craft rebalance
« on: June 20, 2013, 09:50:01 pm »
Hey, I just downloaded openxcom. Amazing.
Now I need to replay X-com 'one more time' (I always swear it'll be the last time)

With the bug fixes with smoke, prox mines, and item restrictions I feel the need to give the weapons a little overhaul for my new gaming session. I want to see all weapons able to bring something to the table...except the heavy cannon because its ugly. I wanted to post the changes I made and hopefully get some second opinions or ideas to help balance it out.

I started with Craft Weapons
Generally I've switched the accuracy ideal on its hindlegs by taking the accuracy idea from ufo invasion. UFOs can trick most guidance systems, so 'dumb fire' is more accurate then 'smart fire'. This system also pretends that the dogfights are much closer then the game states.
Cannon- This has got to be the worst weapon ever designed, and a shame. Nothing satisfies quite like thousands of explosive bullets riddling an alien hull. Now this weapon looks like an attractive bread and butter weapon.
  • Intended to deal the most continuous damage
  • Damage raised to 16
  • Range raised to 15
  • Accuracy Raised to 60%
Stingray- While not as terrible, stingrays are still no good. These new stingrays are rapidfired at the enemy giving them little chance of evading them all. Great for hit-and-run
  • Intended to deal lots of damage really fast.
  • Damage lowered to 60
  • Accuracy lowered to 50%
  • Reload times lowered to 6/9/12
Avalanche-The Tactical Nuke. It kicks like a mule, but has hardly a prayer of scoring a hit.
  • Great for putting holes in things at a distance..if you hit.
  • Damage raised to 180
  • Reload Speeds increased to 30/45/60
  • Accuracy Lowered to 40%
Laser Cannon- This would have won worst craft weapon, but you can sell it for profit. Laser weapons are now super accurate yet weak (UFO:AI's idea really). Lasers are now Instant-fire weapons and thus nearly impossible to dodge
  • Intended to give continuous reliable damage at a safe distance. The charge up time is its biggest limitation
  • Damage raised to 50
  • Range raised to 50
  • Accuracy Raised to 90%
Plasma Cannon- Everyone's go-to weapon in x-com. I didn't want to nerf it really, but I do want to give it its own tactical flavor. Here plasma is brought back to reality. It's firing accelerated goblets of plasma. Far faster then hard munitions, but nowhere near laser-speed.
  • Intended to be a super-cannon. Rapid-firing bullets that actually hurt.
  • Damage lowered to 90
  • Range lowered to 25
  • Accuracy Raised to 75%
  • Reload speed increased to 4
Fusion Ball Launcher- Fusion dud more like it. I think this piece needed more bite, and more random fun. It represents the development of successful UFO tracking systems which marks the return of self-guided projectiles.
  • Intended to put craters in the moon.
  • Damage raised to 320
  • Accuracy Lowered to 75%
  • Reload speed increased to 30/45/60
  • Ammo increased to 3

Then I changed some of the X-com Strike craft a little wee bit. I haven't decided on exact numbers quite yet. Need to blow more stuff up.

Heavy fighter added to the game. Short-range slow flighter with better armor. Basically its the vanilla mod with 300 armor rather then 500.
  • Ideal loadout- twin cannons

Interceptor now with more fuel. tribute to saracen idea from invasion. Fast hit-and run craft.
  • Ideal loadout- Stingrays or avalanches

firestorm Hit points reduced a little. Now the fastest craft in the game. because Avenger supercraft is BS
  • Ideal loadout- Lasers, or fusion- big risks at plasma range now.

Lightning Speed increased, second fastest craft. More hitpoints, more range. It's now designed to be the anvil in dogfights, though it could make a light long-range fighter as well.
  • Ideal Loadout- Plasma

Avenger  Max Speed decreased to slightly above the old lightning. More hitpoints. With alien armor perfected the trend to take the hits rather then dodge them becomes the safer route.
  • Ideal Loadout- any, general purpose craft

I'm still working on the infantry weapons
but the jiist of it is about making lasers light, super-accurate weapons with no auto fire and rebalancing all weapons so that the pistol/rifle/heavy classes each has a distinct purpose. I've done this, but I'm still testing the numbers.

Good/bad? Tell me what you think is out of balance or should be changed.

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