« on: February 23, 2023, 09:30:49 pm »
Hey, I want to start out by saying Solarious Scorch and the xcom files team you guys are awesome keep up the food work.
But I did have a question, in my most recent playthrough, I had a fully loaded Dragonfly on the way to a mission and the damn cult of dagon or some other group scrambled a fucking fighter jet and shot down my dragonfly! I do believe that theres a fun sort of minigame to the logistics of actually getting your troops to battle, but when the consequences are potentially losing all of your best guys, I dont know what to do.
I guess I dont really understand air combat at all in xcf, i had the helicopter sitting in a hanger with 4 lmgs attached for months and it never did anything. Are you supposed to send combat craft escorts to engage enemies that might come kill your transports, if so how are you supposed to defend dragonflys from fighter jets? Idk maybe im overthinking it but I dont want to be sending troops on magma lab and cyberweb missions in a van! Could someone explain like i’m five, What is the Air combat meta?