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Messages - GrandmasterX

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / Re: Feedback
« on: June 19, 2013, 11:40:53 am »

thanks for the reply!

Sound is fixed, thanks!

I'm using the nightly from 2013_06_12_1614. Plenty of more UFOs, but not actually really near my base - do they have to happen to get within a range during their normal missions to "find" me? Then I'll keep watching this.

Thanks for the information on the sneaky AI. I like the "original game experience", i.e. same behaviour for aliens, weapons etc., streamlined (custon initial base, instant grenades, short refuel) and a more challenging (sneaky AI, retaliation). I'm curious about the new reaction fire code. Have you written about what the intentions are and how it should behave now?

Another question: It seems my computer is very busy when openxcom runs, CPU, fan and graphics card working hard. I've tried a few "display modes" in options, anything else I can do to run this better?


Open Feedback / Re: Feedback
« on: June 19, 2013, 01:45:11 am »
another thing. Spotting the aliens (showing the red "1"..."n" over the right hand weapon) used to not work in an earlier version, now it works pretty well. However, I just had the following situation:
Soldier 1 got shot at from the dark, survived. Looked at the dark, saw nothing.

Soldier 2 from further away threw flares into the dark, lighting the squares where the alien HAD to be. Nothing. No "1", no alien graphics.

Only when I went back and highlighted Soldier 1 again the square would be upated and all soldiers saw the alien.

I seem to remember that in the original, a flare etc. would instantly grant vision no matter which soldier was selected.

Open Feedback / Feedback
« on: June 19, 2013, 12:55:15 am »

first off, thanks for this awesome project.

A few observations:

I want to play with sound, but without music. If I set music volume to 0, I don't get any sound. So I keep the music on...

Aliens attacked my base early (aggressive retaliation = YES). The game crashed after a (for the aliens) successful attack on my base, I went back to the last savegame - since then, no attacks on my base, not even the first attack was repeated. It's end of march and there were plenty of missions.

Sneaky-AI is on: Cyberdisks don't seem to retaliate much, if at all.

I have also not really noticed a difference of "sneaky behaviour". Overall the aliens seem to have a little more freedom in moving around the map, but in the original there were many many spots where an alien would never be and it feels like it is still similar. No problem, just an observation.

If you want I can observe these points futher, or you can refute those points, or maybe they are "as intended".

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