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Messages - experimentalunit

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Fan-Stuff / Tactics to survive early games
« on: May 29, 2013, 09:18:20 am »
Hello, I am new on the forums.

I used to love xcom, I still do! The mood is so capturing. I am very glad about this project, thank you to everyone involved!

I find early game hard to survive, especially terror sites. Sometimes my first two soldiers off the platform get shot down immediately, smoke grenades provide enough cover to get the rest out, but damn I just had my whole team annihilated.

Is it normal to lose most (if not all) of your team the first few terror sites?

Does anyone have tactical tips for early game when your soldiers don't have personal armour or high powered laser/plasma weapons?

Here is some of my tactics. I'd love to hear improvements or learn new ones if you like to share.

I pay attention to:
- time of day: equip and use flares to increase visibility
- using the skyranger wheels as cover when moving out from the ship
- using smoke grenades whenever possible, especially if landed in a hot zone
- moving units in teams: to provide autoshot cover for each other
- keeping distance between units: to minimize splash damage from incoming fire and grenades
- snap shot over aimed shot, the 10-20% difference in accuracy makes up for the extra shots you get (in my opinion)
- I ignore pistols from the start: I go straight for rifles
- I keep F4 toggled (save TU's for autoshot) most of the time. I only override this and use all my TU's if I *must* get a soldier to cover, ASAP.

I would like to hear your tactics :)

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