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Messages - Dr_Deathmurder

Pages: [1]
40k / Re: Imperial Guard Officers and what am I missing
« on: July 31, 2020, 04:57:47 am »
Ok so it turns out I just didn't knew the standard carapace can be used for both regular soldiers and officers, I thought they were different items because they had different names lol, like ogryn have their own carapace and strom troopers have their own carapace, oopsie. All I needed to do is to build regular carapace armor and I can equip it on officers and regular troops.

40k / Imperial Guard Officers and what am I missing
« on: July 31, 2020, 12:54:47 am »
So I noticed that when researching IG officers it shows the regular and the carapace armor for the class, but i can't build or manufacture the carapace. I looked around the mod files and found some mention of the armor, am I missing something or is this still WIP?

Also, does the vox caster works or is it still just a WIP melee attack? I couldn't find mention of the armor missing anywhere, but found an old post mentioning the vox was melee while the proper code is implemented.

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