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Messages - MyThos

Pages: [1] 2 3
@SupSuper - this was the right clue - the "UFO" folder contained older openxcom content, before this was separated into own locations. I removed all the not original UFO files/folders and now it's working.

Thanks you!

This time I waited for the into to finish - but it still crashes. Attached the generated options.cfg

There are more details in the log this time around:
Code: [Select]
[06-05-2024_12-53-27] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[06-05-2024_12-53-27] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[06-05-2024_12-53-27] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[06-05-2024_12-53-38] [ERROR] Sound 17 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-40] [ERROR] Sound 14 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-42] [ERROR] Sound 21 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-44] [ERROR] Sound 7 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-47] [ERROR] Sound 3 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-48] [ERROR] Sound 5 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-53-50] [ERROR] Sound 6 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-13] [ERROR] Sound 13 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-13] [ERROR] Sound 13 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-14] [ERROR] Sound 11 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-14] [ERROR] Sound 13 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-14] [ERROR] Sound 13 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-30] [ERROR] Sound 4 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-31] [ERROR] Sound 5 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-33] [ERROR] Sound 6 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-38] [ERROR] Sound 21 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-38] [ERROR] Sound 21 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-41] [ERROR] Sound 5 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-41] [ERROR] Sound 6 in INTRO.CAT not found
[06-05-2024_12-54-59] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x5e3550 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x5e43d0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0xa2c4c0 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc99c970 _C_specific_handler
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc9b2290 _chkstk
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc961030 RtlRaiseException
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc9b0e90 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x5f6b50 OpenXcom::Font::getCharSize(unsigned int) const
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x758610 OpenXcom::Text::setScrollable(bool)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x759d10 OpenXcom::TextButton::initText(OpenXcom::Font*, OpenXcom::Font*, OpenXcom::Language*)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x6c03d0 OpenXcom::State::add(OpenXcom::Surface*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x76f580 OpenXcom::MainMenuState::MainMenuState(bool)
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x7716f0 OpenXcom::GoToMainMenuState::init()
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x5fb980 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0xa2dff0 console_main
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] 0xa2e110 WinMain
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] ??
[06-05-2024_12-55-00] [FATAL] ??
[06-05-2024_12-55-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdb8b7330 BaseThreadInitThunk
[06-05-2024_12-55-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc962690 RtlUserThreadStart
[06-05-2024_12-55-09] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Log file: C:/Users/some-user/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log

Hi, on two of my notebooks both OXC and OXCE latest dailies always crash, when interrupting intro on load of main menu. I cleared the folder structure in "Documents" but it has no effect.

Code: [Select]
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x5e3550 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x5e43d0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0xa2c4c0 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc99c970 _C_specific_handler
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc9b2290 _chkstk
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc961030 RtlRaiseException
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc9b0e90 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x5f6b50 OpenXcom::Font::getCharSize(unsigned int) const
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x758610 OpenXcom::Text::setScrollable(bool)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x759d10 OpenXcom::TextButton::initText(OpenXcom::Font*, OpenXcom::Font*, OpenXcom::Language*)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x6c03d0 OpenXcom::State::add(OpenXcom::Surface*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x76f580 OpenXcom::MainMenuState::MainMenuState(bool)
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7716f0 OpenXcom::GoToMainMenuState::init()
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x5fb980 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0xa2dff0 console_main
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0xa2e110 WinMain
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] ??
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] ??
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdb8b7330 BaseThreadInitThunk
[06-05-2024_11-17-14] [FATAL] 0x7ffcdc962690 RtlUserThreadStart
[06-05-2024_11-17-18] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Log file: C:/Users/some-user/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log

On my tower the game is working though. I have both UFO and TFTD files installed
Any ideas?

Offtopic / Re: Xenonauts 2 Kickstarter
« on: June 27, 2018, 04:11:04 pm »
Thanks for adding a tweet, now I only request a news item  :)

Offtopic / Xenonauts 2 Kickstarter
« on: June 25, 2018, 10:16:21 am »
Hi guys,

Goldhawk Interactive  is currently raising money for the successor of Xenonauts X-com derivate: "XENONAUTS 2 : Strategic Planetary Defence Simulator"


Xenonauts played very much like the original X-Com/UFO - Enemy Unknown at they are having a nice number of stredge goals now the project received initial funding.

Could you consider bringing this up on the openxcom frontpage?

Thanks and Best Regards,

Offtopic / Re: Separate installations for OpenXCOM Possible?
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:15:21 am »
You just need to set -user option to separate the configuration folders for each install. See,4016.msg52920.html#msg52920 for details

Well, you only save the space on the .exe and associated .dlls, no?

And I'm not making fun! :)

Not to forget the data files for UFO and TFTD  :P I like this approach better than mixing installation files and configuration.

Anyway the "-user" option is sufficient for me to run multiple configurations and I want to thank R1do for pointing this out. I'll withdraw my suggestion and apologize for not completely reading the readme where this was mentioned as well.

So long ...

Yeah had already tried with "--help" and now with "-?" or "--?". Does not work either way ...

But the  "-user" option is working, tried
Code: [Select]
openxcom.exe -user %HOMEPATH%/Documents/OpenTftd

and created "OpenTftd" folder in my users Documents folder. So this will help me greatly.

Hmm, tried it via cmd but no output on my Windows 7 shell ?!

Thanks for the info :)

Is there an overview of supported commandline options ?


I was looking at a way to run multiple installs (extracts) of OpenXcom in parallel, allowing me to experiment with mods and run OpenTftd with a separate configuration using common installation.

Currently all "user data" is located in "C:\Users\<user>\Documents\OpenXcom" per default. It would be nice if the last element ("OpenXcom") would not be static but derived from the executable name in the installation folders. As such we could copy & paste multiple executables that correspond to separate configuration and save folders. Additionally there would be no impact for anyone not using this approach as he/she would just continue using the default \Documents\OpenXcom folder.

Background: I used to run ThirdWire Strike Fighters series which is very flexible and moddable and used this approach to manage multiple configurations using one base installation.

Best Regards,

Suggestions / Re: Colony Missions and Terror Missions in TFTD
« on: October 07, 2015, 09:44:36 am »
For the original TFTD "Tycho" implemented the "TFTD Extender" - an in memory mod tool where you could select an option to make these missions easier. This included removing second stage of ship terror and artifact missions and reduced levels and size of alien base missions.

If this could be done via a mod for tftd@openxcom I would pick it up right away.

Open Feedback / Re: Psi-Panicked alien has Reaction-Fire
« on: November 06, 2013, 06:38:55 pm »
I think about this rules (new advanced option):
- if soldier uses his psi-abilities, each attempt of MC or panic, leads to decrease psi-strength of soldier by 5 points.
- psi-strength will restored only after battle.

This sounds quite hard again. Should psi-strength not refill like Energy with a small rate ?

Open Feedback / Re: Psi-Panicked alien has Reaction-Fire
« on: November 06, 2013, 12:25:00 am »
Failed mind control could reduce Bravery or something. Something that reflects the PTSD nature of entering an entirely foreign beings' murder machine brain.

Sounds interesting. I do agree that mind-control is very overpowered so some drawback may balance it. Maybe this can be tested as a mod ...

Open Feedback / Re: Psi-Panicked alien has Reaction-Fire
« on: November 05, 2013, 07:24:01 pm »
We will change the message to be less confusing, but X-Com mechanics pretty much dictate every attack you perform has a random chance of succeeding, so nothing is guaranteed.

Except for the fact that the mind-control pop-up does always provide you access to the alien ;)

Ok, no prob. Just means I will mostly go for mind-control as I will not need a mind probe to check my success. This is especially true since the usage of mind probe also uses up TU.

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