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Messages - bulltza

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / Re: Alien/Sectoid Psi attacks
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:18:26 am »
I completely agree that PSI has become too weak feature on aliens in OXC. In vanilla it was very scary meeting the Sectoids, now however you can go with rockies as long as you kill early enough the aliens around. And if one of your soldiers is psi controlled, it is almost not a problem because you just need to move the nearest soldier in the direction of where you think the aliens are and kill the nearest one. However human PSI is extremely powerful when you know how to use it, and from that point the missions become boring because you allways win.

If Vanilla AI was cheating, I would suggest to put an advance option "Alien PSI behaviour" with 3 possible values:

  • Like it is now PSI works like in humans, aliens can PSI atack enemies in the FOV of any of the aliens
  • Enhanced version of what it is now, PSI units can sense enemy units that are closer than 2 times the distance of the original FOV. Alien however can not know the unit location, only sense it and attack it with PSI but not allow other aliens to shoot the sensed unit. This means that an alien with PSI power can attack humans that are at least at a distance of 2 times its original FOV distance limit and even if they are hidden behind obstacles. Then the original equations for the PSI attacks is kept. The assault of a ship would become especially scary because the commander in its room would be able to make psi attacks to any human entering the ship. And that would feel a lot like vanilla
  • Like vanilla, PSI units will attack to any soldier that is not in FOV as soon as one of the humans are spotted by aliens

Maybe I should have put this under "suggestions"?

Walks too far? I don't even make it off the ramp sometimes! Ah, well. I suppose that's XCOM for you.

In Vanilla it was strange that my soldiers were shot in the first turn while descending the ramp of the skyranger. However in openxcom it is exactly the contrary. In my first missions I was losing between 2 or 3 men in the first turn because of this.

To avoid this, since then in my first turn I throw a smoke granade into the ground infront of the ramp and then start the deployment on the second turn. Since then I don't remember losing a man on the ramp, I became too cautions in that sense (I play in auto-ironman mode).

In OpenXcom I have also noticed some positions inside the UFOs are always covered and there is no way of seing the alien first to kill him. He will always be there waiting for you and killing your first man. So you have to figure out new strategies there, granades, mind control units or other explosive amunition ;).

I must admit I love that there is an improved AI. In vanilla after a while it was a little bit embarrasing seing the aliens not doing anything to try to win the battle, just stay there and shoot if you were around running.

Suggestions / Re: Enabling RSS feeds in the SMF forum?
« on: April 17, 2013, 01:47:39 am »
Thank you it works I have been using it for the last 12 hours :)

Suggestions / Enabling RSS feeds in the SMF forum?
« on: April 13, 2013, 04:15:12 pm »
Hi guys, like following some forums using the RSS feeds, I tried with this forum but I couldnt, it looks like the RSS is disabled.

Pleeeeeease!!! ::)

I completely forgot about this behaviour!!! :o

Hi guys, I just completed building a couple of psi lavoratories but I can't remember how to put my soldiers into that training. Maybe it is a bug? can someone drive me?

Offtopic / Re: shocking news: XCom: Enemy Unknown by Firaxis
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:34:54 pm »
Hi guys, I found this game thanks to this thread. I have played it and finished it yesterday.

I had like many of you, very mixed feelings while playing it. First of all I think that none of us will ever feel the same than the first time we played the original XCom, mainly because of the feelings of the Unknown. XCom was the first game, we did not know the different races of aliens, when you killed one you really wanted to go to the laboratory and research it to find out more. I remember taking a body of an alien myself to the skyranger and abort mission!!

Anyway, this remake was very nice to play. At the begining it was a little bit messy. I started playing like "ironman" but the game was very unstable and lost too much time with a couple of crashes. I liked the new "turn based" mode, it was easier to calculate distances and possibilities to shoot (not at the begining), however it also added undesired secondary effects but I must admit that looked like a "modernized turn base" strategy. I liked mostly all the remakes of the alien razes. The fact of being story driven also was good, however some missions became repetitive (the original xcom was much more repetitive though xD), other xcom related games had a more dynamic line story making the game a little bit less boring. The base handling was not very useful I guess, you don't really need more than one interceptor, you will not reach some UFO's but you can live with that, also all the abilities of the soldiers were not very clear unfortunately there were too many in very few missions to test. It is funny that the original XCOM was much more complex in possibilities and things to learn, however you can finish the new XCOM without understanding half of the abilities or some of the dynamic of the game, however in the original XCOM even if it was more complex with more possibilities you finished the game being an expert on all the available options.

I was very happy to find small references to the old XCOM, like testing the new rifles against a picture of a muton of the old xcom. Also the music when the Psi laboratory had new results I think it came from the old XCOM, etc. I hated the new geoscape, the megaunrealistic size of the ships, distances were no longer important, etc, I guess that this is because I am an aerospace engineer and I hate seing these things wrong. I did not like the ending of the game, no problem if they wanted to completely change it, but I did not like it. It is always very difficult to find a nice/credible ending for a story like this though. That's life I guess!

In general I was very pleased with the game, I had a very good time, I am sure people that did not play to the original might feel the same that we felt in 1994... Or at least I desire them that.

And after this... I can only think of how the hell did they manage to get a such a complex game with it wonderful flexibility in 1994. The first time I played was a demo, a terror mission, I played it like 50 times. Amazing, first game (in "3D") and a world to explore. Amazing...

Suggestions / Re: Iron Man
« on: March 16, 2013, 01:51:38 am »
I am indeed playing openxcom in Ironman mode myself (im in july already). I never did that in de original xcom and I allways regreted it. I have to say that it is pretty good, playing ironman is like almost playing a different game. I make use much more of smoke grenades  ;D ;D. I lose on average between 1 and 2 men in each mission. I have lost a complete crew already and a bad defended base. But my accounts are green and looks like I will be able to finish the game :). Every time I want to play xcom I load it and never save it until the end of the game day (maybe 1 hour?) I know it is a risk because I am playing the latest GIT always but ... I have to say that It has never crashed on me yet. Amazing! The problem is that I became used to play like this and I tried another game (the new 2012 Ufo enemy unknown) and it crashed on me twice already losing like 1 or 2 hours of game in total argg

Playthroughs / Re: My version of live Play
« on: February 21, 2013, 07:03:14 pm »
Hey, if you need more recruits in the near future, i want to join the team aswel!!

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play Is LIVE!
« on: February 19, 2013, 10:22:31 pm »
I am a fast learner, I just hope I will not die from ... my own fire (like liberty in episode 7)!!

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play Is LIVE!
« on: February 19, 2013, 09:21:52 pm »
I want also to be recruited as a rookie!!!  :-[ :-[ Oh!, this is my first post in this community, but I have been following it since the early days, when the battlescapewas no yet implemented. If you hire me as a rookie I assure you I am very motivated  ;D ;D ;D, but please in middle august give me some holidays :)

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