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Messages - Suraisaa

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: Verly early UFO's?
« on: June 24, 2020, 05:18:54 pm »
If you feel brave, you can test your luck with shotguns, melee weapons such as knives, and ambushes to kill these "early UFOs". If you succeed, the gains will be enormous! Most importantly, since it's unlikely you'll get to capture any Sectoid alive, you can shoot to kill with little issue. Melee and shotguns work better in said early raids.
I actually did succeed and captured 2 of them but they "died" because I have no alien containment yet.
I'm guessing that by gains you don't mean selling what I found  :P

The X-Com Files / Re: Verly early UFO's?
« on: June 23, 2020, 08:28:19 pm »
There tends to be an early spike of UFO activity in the first month of the game that tapers off with the occasional early fly by before 1999. Presumably they're traipsing about setting up all the nonsense you'll be spending the first years cleaning up.

It's possible to reach them at times early on, but I wouldn't recommend it. Very little chance of success with two rookie agents in a rental car. Waste of good suits that.
I am honestly not sure if the early waves are scripted or hard-coded to appear in OXC/OXCE. During your first play-through you probably won't be able to recover anything since you're busy figuring out research priorities and combat. During later playthoruhgs you might actualkly be able to take on those sectiods. Early game ufo landing sites can be a game changer financially (which translates to faster research) and might enable you to branch out sooner and with more agants.

Understood. Thank you for your help and advice :)

The X-Com Files / Verly early UFO's?
« on: June 22, 2020, 11:45:06 pm »
I recently found out about this TC and I started a play through and as far as I'm aware aliens should be a very rare thing before the year 1999 (I think) but I'm on January 17th 1997 and I already spoted 6 UFO's.
Is something wrong with my game or did I misunderstand the rarity of aliens?

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