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Messages - krautbernd

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 74
The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 29, 2018, 10:00:25 pm »
Wow, that was fast! I'll review it ASAP. And don't worry about the palette.
Yeah, but can you tell me which palette xcomfiles actually uses for these (or for the Ufopedia articles)? Because i've been working on the Ufopedia background image and some of the colors are off, but the rest are identical.

OpenXcom Extended / Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
« on: November 29, 2018, 09:58:06 pm »
I'm having trouble adding (i.e. running it together, loading last) Biggieboy82's Large Workshop to an existing mod (xcomfiles in this case). It keeps messing up base defense terrains:
  - name: XBASE
    addOnly: true
      - BLANKS
      - XBASE1
      - XBASE2
      - XBASE3
      - BATHWALL
      - BATHBITZ
      - name: XBLW_01
        width: 10
        length: 10
      - name: XBLW_02
        width: 10
        length: 10
      - name: XBLW_03
        width: 10
        length: 10
      - name: XBLW_04
        width: 10
        length: 10

In particular, i couldn't find any documentation for the "addOnly" switch. As far as i can tell it doesn't work as intended, as it overwrites the map datasets when it's supposed to add them the list. This is xcomfiles terrain definition:
  - name: XBASE
      - BLANKS
      - XBASE1
      - XBASE2
      - XCOMWALL
      - XCOMBITS

As far as i can tell the mod is only supposed to add the missing datasets - instead it overwrites them and deletes those not on the list, messing up existing blocks. The only way i can get it to work is by deleting the datasets line alltogether, but of course it then fails to load on a base defense that includes the large workshop. Any hints on how i can get this to work?

Nevermind, works fine without the mapDataSets.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 29, 2018, 06:29:10 pm »
...but do we really need more of those little monsters?

The OXCE download package has the same structure as the vanilla nightly download package.
All installation instructions are also exactly the same. -> download -> nightlies -> FAQ-link

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 29, 2018, 05:45:26 pm »
I have also redone the default giant spider inventory image and moved all the templates 6 pixels to the right so they don't overlap the weapon boxes. There's something funky going on with the colors - i have used the standard battlescape palette, but the colors always come out a bit lighter/brighter in the mod. If you can point me to the right palette to use i'd happily redo them (or other image files for that matter).

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 29, 2018, 12:28:59 pm »
Can the embassy spawn after terminating the cult? I might be wrong, but I seriously doubt it. Still, would make sense... Even if you terminate the Church, the members generally survive to return another time.
Last i checked the mission trigger were Church_of_Dagon_destroyed=true and Tasoth_factory_destroyed=false (trigger names might or might not be accurate). Yeah, would make sense that those sorcerers seek refuge underwater.

Well, there is no reason for you to not know these weapons. M.A.G.M.A. doesn't hide such info from you. Why exactly is this a problem?
I just found it strange, since they are the only weapons i can think of that hav an ufopedia entry before you can actually access them. Reading the articles it makes sense in context though, with the special arrangement. Nevermind!

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 29, 2018, 12:11:52 am »
Thanks, that simplifies things a bit  :D

I hope i am not going overboard with this, but would consider adding seperate images to spider subtypes? They are hard enough to differentiate in daylight, but encountering them in the underground caverns - where they are blocked by the tight corridors so you can't see them - doesn't make things any easier.

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 28, 2018, 10:43:40 pm »
You're right! I added Underwater Ops as a prerequisite to this mission. I don't like it much, since the window for the embassy became rather narrow, but what else can we do? I could completely restructure this part of the research tree, but for now let's see how bad it is - maybe not bad.
There's still the late-game embassy mission that occasionally pops up as long as the tasoth factory(?) arc isn't finished. Another option would be to not spawn the agents in a sub, but on the sea floor. Seeing how the diving suits are unlocked by default and the mission take splace near the coast/on the shelf this could be some kind preliminary mission where they got dropped off from a surface vessel. Of course this doesn't fit when you unlock underwater ops...

I think the late game option is fine TBH, since it starts spawning once you finish Chruch of Dagon.

Hmm, I might have non-standard settings. Fixed (hopefully).
TBH i haven't tried rebinding the "reset all"-hotkey, but i don't think it would work with ctrl+alt+del under windows anyway.

But manufacturing the Napalm Grenade requires researching it, and researching it requires Promo 3... Or am I misunderstanding?
The way it is right now the manufacturing options is kind of pointless, since you unlock the option to buy it at the same time (i.e. after reaching Promo III and researching the grenade). I'd remove the manufacturing option alltogether and make researching the grenade independent from Promo III (which would make sense seeing how you can research other human tech before you are able to buy it, the HE for example).

Does it need one? Many crafts don't.
I have no idea what the option defaults to, just wanted to point out that it doesn't have one (along with the arrow and the mig i think).

Oh yeah, just noticed that the Auto Cannon and the Heavy Cannon are unlocked the first time you contact MAGMA, but you don't get to buy either until the third message. Seeing how no enemies carry them, wouldn't it make sense to unlock them at the same time as you can buy them? Or am i missing something? I mean it's nice to have the ufopedia entry, but i can't blow up enemies with it.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 28, 2018, 07:49:09 pm »
Totally unrelated:
It's kind of amusing how it's okay bring crossbows or combat knifes to the beach, but not tritanium knives or shivs.  Might i suggest adding both to the allowed list for beach/sporting gear (since the tritanium knife practically replaces the combat knife?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 28, 2018, 07:07:50 pm »
Don't sweat it, as far as i'm concerned most of these are low-priority anyway.

--- posts merged ---

Osprey has no assigned repair rate.

Right now i'm trying to find a good way to implement Biggieboy's recruitment office into my game. Veteran soldiers would have better stats, but would be more expensive to hire, as well as taking longer to arrive (i.e. they have to go through an evaluation process first). Turns out openxcom doesn't allow per type transferTimes for soldiers - only for crafts and items. Also, as far as i can tell there is no way to define separate "first arrival" (i.e. when bought) and transfer (i.e. transfer from base to base) times.

Would it be possible to implement these in OXCE?

Help / Re: Soldier arrival/transfer times
« on: November 28, 2018, 12:09:00 pm »
Shoot, so you can't have different arrival times per soldier type? Does OXCE add that functionality by any chance?

Help / Soldier arrival/transfer times
« on: November 28, 2018, 02:22:47 am »
Are soldier arrival and/or transfer times hardcoded? I tried to modify them via transferTime, but the time stays at 72 hours.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 0.9.6: Tales of The Abyss
« on: November 28, 2018, 12:26:37 am »
->STR_ADVANCED_AI_UFOPEDIA: "This artificial intelligence unit was built using advanced programming advancements, such as evolving algorithms and neural networks. It is capable of learning and self-programming, adapting to previous experiences. It can be employed in a variety of technologies, like robots or intelligent weapon systems."
Suggestion: concepts?

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: November 27, 2018, 03:17:41 pm »
The Black Lotus HQ assault has no shade entry in deployments, resulting in the map being dark when you assault it at night time. Given that the HQ is located "deep underground" and is lit artificially, shouldn't the map load with daytime lighting even if assaulted at night?

Have you removed the shield from the EXALT brainer? At least the two i'Ve encountered in my new playthrough didn't seem to have one, at least judging from the in-game graphics.

Hm, i might be misremembering this. Did the brainer even have a shield? Just asking because the animations seem to be a bit different, and he doesn't seem to be such a HP-sponge as he used to be.


I just got the T'leth Embassy mission without having researched a Deep One or Underwater Operations. I noticed that diving suits are unlocked from the beginning, but the submarine article isn't. Any chance of restructuring research and/or missions in such a way that underwater operations is needed to actually conduct underwater operations? Maybe link UW-Operations to deep one servants and not to deep ones? I did a stupid :P

Field manual mentions "del" clears inventory and that ctrl+alt+del clears craft inventory. It doesn't, and pressing ctrl+alt+del under windows opens the task manager. Standard OXCE hotkey for this is x and ctrl+alt+x.

Napalm grenades can be manufactured and bought, but they both have the same requirements, i.e. researching the Napalm grenade. Would suggest unlocking production as soon as the grenade has been found, and unlocking the buy option with Promotion III.

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