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Messages - Amunak

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Suggestions / Re: another idea - radar range on geoscape
« on: July 08, 2012, 12:30:51 am »
Since showing radar ranges doesn't affect gameplay (it doesn't change the "difficulty") and since it would be awesome (and probably toggleable, too), there's no reason to NOT have it (if you have enought time and enthusiasm to programm it and if it doesn't affect performance too much).

Personally I'd prefer a simple line-ellipse (without shading) showing the actual "vision range" of a base. As for drawing the three ranges while placing a base - I think that that's not necessary. You can save the game before placing a base, then you place it, build a radar (it should probably show the range even if theres a radar in construction) and if you are not satisfied, you can just load it. It would be better to see it while placing the base but as I read drawing the circles at cursor could eat way too much cpu time.

Suggestions / Re: Mixed Crew
« on: July 07, 2012, 12:54:19 am »
Does TFTD handle this the same way , they already have mixed crews and it doesn't ruin there story?
In my opinion TFTD has quite ruined story :P

BUT more chrysalids = more fun (you know, losing is fun... :) )

Suggestions / Re: alternative UFO interception mini-games
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:48:45 pm »
and if you're really brave you could land with your interceptor and have your pilot clean up a crash site on his own :p
That's actually what I sometimes did with xcomutils when tiny ufo landed.

About the rambo style - once it happened to me that all my soldiers left the base to fight somewhere and the base was attacked in the meantime. There were only two soldiers (because they were wounded). They had even no weapons - there were just some grenades left in the base. It was tough but you know what? I won :D
And that's a rambo style :)

Open Feedback / Re: High-Res Graphics?
« on: July 05, 2012, 05:20:03 pm »
I saw an awesome screenshot. Exactly what I'm dreaming for.

I'm actually a bit of programmer, but sadly I have never tried C++.

As I read the other topics I assume that it's not that hard to implement it, it's just plenty of work to make all the coords in the game scalable.

Open Feedback / High-Res Graphics?
« on: July 05, 2012, 11:00:02 am »
Hello, first of all I have to say that I love the fact that someone still cares about the good old XCom and that you actually develop a reimplementation of it.

I tried to find  some information about this, but I couldn't - is it possible to make custom graphics in higher resolution? So that it's not all that pixely? You know pixels are nice, I play Minecraft, but I had a dream of remaking UFO just with a better graphics and bugs fixed. You are now working on the second thingy, so I'm curious if it's possible to make it run in a high resolution with nicer, "sharper" graphics.

Since I'm probably in a wrong category, feel free to move me. Also, please keep up the good work!

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