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Messages - Meridian

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Playthroughs / Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Hawaii challenge!)
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:17:57 am »
I had a few questions for you, if you do not mind.
1. Where are you from? you speak English with a slight accent(better than me) but grammar and word choice point to British English being taught to you vs American English. Belgium?
2. How old are you, I can guess,  but my curiosity has gotten the better of me.
3. 20 years playing Xcom? holy shit.... me too :) Do you prefer TFTD or UFO defense?
4. You played the new Xcom or Xenonauts?
5. Did you play fallout tactics??

1. I was born in Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia), currently living in Switzerland and I was taught British English at school.
2. 32 and counting :)
3. OpenXcom of course... no seriously, I'd rather not answer that question... I love both.
4. I own both, but didn't really have time to play either yet :-(
5. Again, I own the game, but never played it... I've seen others play it though :)

Playthroughs / Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Hawaii challenge!)
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:44:44 pm »
I'll join if you like. Just use my forum name.

@the_third_curry: you will be hired at the next opportunity... probably in the next episode :)

I noticed you said you don't like smoke in video 3. Why!? in a night mission it is an equalizer and with a scout tank to pop it you can take the cake. 4 tiles of smoke means that your guys are invisible.

I'm loving watching this. Your tactics are sound and you don't make too many dumb moves.

@HelmetHair: I know that smoke is very useful (and I will be using it a lot during the terror mission)... I just don't like the visual aspect of it (the effect/animation).

I'm glad you like watching the LP... and I love the comments and interaction/feedback. Btw. if you like I can recruit you as a soldier... it brings a whole new perspective when your life's at stake... I know, because I am in Ivan Dogovich's LP and boy do I fear for my life :D

I have to agree! Meridian is an amazing player!  I've learned a ton from him, but I have nowhere near his skill!  Maybe that makes my vids more comedic, idk. XD
I do like the smoke, myself and really use my scout drones to deploy it.  In my first terror mission, I had 5 aliens in sight off the ramp and smoke saved my bacon. 

@Ivan: You're too kind! But all that flattering will get you nowhere, you'll still be in the breach team on the next mission... no slacking :D

@all: Go check Ivan's videos too!... he's probably making a few more mistakes, but the result is hilarious (e.g. setting the skyranger on fire :P)

Hi, I am hard of hearing, so you probably mentioned the answer to below in one of your videos.... any reason why you picked a small island far away from the big lands for a base location?

@Recruit69: That is the theme of the series... I will try to finish the game with only a single base at the most remote location surrounded only by ocean... you can place your bets now :-)

Playthroughs / Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Hawaii challenge!)
« on: September 18, 2014, 08:18:46 pm »
I like your comment, "we could have save more civilians, but at least they took shots instead of us" typical commander let the civies die so long as the soldiers live :)

Well, I take good care of my soldiers... and civilians should have hidden themselves in buildings/underground... I can't help them if they run around like hamsters ;-)
Btw. I still have about 10 slots left for new recruits... if you (or anyone) would like to join the team, just let me know what nickname would you like...

Playthroughs / Re: Let's play OpenXcom (Hawaii challenge!)
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:09:38 am »

Programming / Re: [Missing feature?] Base Defences - Damage range
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:16:44 pm »
should be easy enough to change IMHO
but are there any sources for the double dice calculation?

I don't know if there are any sources... I don't even know if TFTD is really doing "double roll" or not... I guess RSSwizard should answer this question... i.e. from where he has this information.
(I have only answered that OpenXcom is not doing "double roll" anywhere at the moment)

And yes, it is easy to change... once it is confirmed.

Programming / Re: [Missing feature?] Base Defences - Damage range
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:17:51 pm »
Do you mean for craft damage? I don't know about that, but for weapon damage there's the "TFTD damage rules" advanced option that does exactly what you want.

He meant damage in general (all types).

The "TFTD damage rule" does NOT do exactly what he wants. It changes the damage range, but it is still a "single roll", not "double roll"... as illustrated by the code snippets I have posted earlier.

I actually did some research on this and tried to price scout drones like this.  I feel comfortable with the cost of this drone as it is little more than a remote controlled vehicle with a camera and smoke dispenser.  The Talon series of combat robots are the closest thing that I could compare it with, and I have edited the Ufopedia entry to reflect this.   They are not uber talented systems and have no lethal capability, so I don't have a problem with making them cheaper. ;)
Cheers, Ivan :D

The point is not to make it realistic (otherwise Avenger would cost 500-times more for example), the point is to make it balanced.... and fun. Such a powerful scout for a cost of a rookie (and without monthly salary) is not balanced no matter how I look at it. But feel free to keep it this way... that's the power and beauty of modding.

Programming / Re: [Missing feature?] Base Defences - Damage range
« on: August 25, 2014, 08:42:30 am »
Slightly off topic question but . . . The Damage Randomization code . . .  Is it a straight linear roll or is it a "two dice" roll?

I very much like and prefer the double roll precision from TFTD and im wondering if thats what you guys are using from the "TFTD style" damage dice rolls.
If so is there any way to Mod this as a normal change without doing any kind of actual cpp coding?

It's a single roll:
1. Firing guns:
  int dmgRng = Options::TFTDDamage ? 50 : 100;
  int min = power * (100 - dmgRng) / 100;
  int max = power * (100 + dmgRng) / 100;
  const int rndPower = RNG::generate(min, max);
2. Firing craft weapons:
a) xcom
  int damage = RNG::generate(p->getDamage() / 2, p->getDamage());
b) aliens
  int damage = RNG::generate(0, _ufo->getRules()->getWeaponPower());
3. Firing base defences:
  _ufo->setDamage(_ufo->getDamage() + (dmg / 2 + RNG::generate(0, dmg)));

Can't be modded afaik, requires some coding first...

For Balance: Adjusted price of Scout drone.
  • (8/15/2014) adjusted price of drone down from 200K to 40K.  This is the price of a Rookie, and these units are highly disposable.  The original price compared to fully equipped combat HWPs felt that the scout was overpriced and therefore wouldn't get used

That is too cheap, Scout Drone is much better scout than a Rookie:

Time units>70 (instead of 50-60 of a rookie)
Reactions=110! (instead of 30-60 of a rookie)
Can create multiple smoke fields and still move (a rookie barely one, if he doesn't move)
Is smaller and thus harder to hit than a rookie...

I would not go under 100K... may I suggest let's say: 120K?

Programming / Re: [Missing feature?] Base Defences - Damage range
« on: August 24, 2014, 07:58:37 am »
all sorted.

So the original had 50-150%?

Programming / Re: [Missing feature?] Base Defences - Damage range
« on: August 20, 2014, 09:17:50 pm »
I'm not sure the base defense damage follows the same rules as the battlescape damage... AFAIK, it was never clear if it does so in the original.

What does Warboy say? I think there is nobody who knows the original game code better than him.

For that matter, what about craft weapon damage?

Craft weapon damage is already randomized.
(50-100% when XCOM shoots at UFO; 0-100% when UFO shoots at XCOM)

Programming / [Missing feature?] Base Defences - Damage range
« on: August 12, 2014, 04:28:16 pm »

reading the code (BaseDefenseState.cpp, line 190), I didn't find any range for the damage of base defence facilities.

I am also not sure if the range is 50-150% or 0-200% (in the original xcom). If someone knows, please post it here. If nobody knows, I will try to make a patch, which takes the value from the TFTDDamage configuration setting.

Or, if somebody would like to implement it instead of me, feel free.

UPDATE: pull request is here:


PS: more info here:

Playthroughs / [FINISHED] Let's play OpenXcom (Hawaii challenge!)
« on: August 01, 2014, 10:23:04 am »
Let's play OpenXcom (Hawaii challenge!) is finally here...

Superhuman, Ironman and only a single base in Hawaii.

Using some awesome mods too: Luke's Extra UFOs, Luke's Expanded Terror Mission and Scout Drone

For every fallen soldier before Cydonia mission (if we ever get there ;-), $1 donation to OpenXcom... because they're just awesome!


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