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Messages - Meridian

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Playthroughs / [FINISHED] Let's play OpenXcom (Final Mod Pack)
« on: November 04, 2015, 11:37:23 am »
All things must come to an end... and so ends also the FMP LP.
You've been a great audience and a bold crew with noble goals and valiant efforts defending human kind against its greatest enemy so far.

Some of you had more luck, some less... and all the recruits now on memorial wall have made the ultimate sacrifice. This sacrifice was not in vain though... as it became a tradition already, for each dead soldier (not including the poor doggies) I've donated $1.

The final fight was VERY intense and is well worth watching:
 1. Cydonia, level 1 (69 minutes):
 2. Cydonia, level 2 part 1 (40 minutes):
 3. Cydonia, level 2 part 2 (25 minutes):
(Last part is scheduled for Friday, i.e. in 48 hours)

As for my plans for the future... don't worry... I'll be playing (Open)Xcom/Apoc for as long as there is someone watching and real-life doesn't interfere (Sidenote: we all miss you IvanDogovich...).

Next week the X-PirateZ LP will begin (,18.0.html).
Except for the first episode (studying Bootypedia), I will try to play a new tactical mission in each episode... probably making the episodes quite long. The game itself however is long (or so I've heard), and I don't want to play it longer than 9-15 real-world months.

There are also many other awesome things around and I will probably start playing more than 1 LP at the same time (starting in Q2/2016). Potential candidates (in the order of my curiosity) are:
 1. Hobbes' Redux (,19.0.html)
 2. Robin's Apocalypse TC (,3319.0.html)
 3. hellrazor's Expansion (,3550.0.html)
 4. OpenApoc (
 5. Solar's FMP+ (,2961.0.html)
 6. OpenTFTD

So much to play, so little time ;-)


XPiratez / Re: Let's play X-PirateZ
« on: October 31, 2015, 10:09:48 pm »
Half the fun of hairdos is the RNG. I'll go Randommando.

Hi Draco, I don't have your nickname on the list yet... what female piratey name would you like to be known under? Sorry if I missed it, but I don't see it anywhere.

XPiratez / Let's play X-PirateZ [00] Victory Through Superior Hairdos!
« on: October 31, 2015, 07:34:04 pm »
Now for the code (hope all the numbers are right, but even if they aren't, Meridian is a smart person and will manage :) )

Only two are wrong  ;)

#19 should be 012 (instead of 112)
#27 should be 023 (instead of 020)

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: October 31, 2015, 04:51:42 pm »

Just finished the last mission of FMP...
... and I would like to thank Solarius Scorch and everybody else who has contributed to this mod for an incredible experience that it was.
I can recommend this mod pack to everyone, who loves XCOM and wants to try something fresh, but still needs the feeling of the good old original.

Can't wait to try more mod packs, expansions and total conversions... arrrgh!

XPiratez / Re: Let's play X-PirateZ
« on: October 31, 2015, 09:44:51 am »
Please don't. If you do, I'd have to politely ask to cancel the series. Censor what you feel you need to (But I don't think there is a single vulgar/offensive picture in there), but don't substitute - make that a obvious censorship like a black rectangle. The 2 mods for helmetless armor/maskless suits, found in the package, which are based on roxis's graphics, are fully accepted and it might indeed be better because they allow to see the face which should be better for the participants/audiences in the community.

1/ OK, I didn't want to but I went through all the resources now to be able to give you the feedback. The only thing I would consider censoring is the directory "Body_40" (by putting a small black rectangle where the panties should be). All other nudity is fine for me. There was one more picture of two superheroes in flagranti, which I also found a bit "unsuited" even if it doesn't display any nudity. All in all, I think I can just avoid these two by not even following the research path leading to them; thus not having to censor anything.

2/ It is not clear from your post, if using the new armours mod from Roxis (inspired by jmf's fanart) is OK or not... ? I won't be using it in the first 50 episodes for sure, but maybe in the second half of the LP I would like to feature some of his work too... would that be OK?

XPiratez / Re: Let's play X-PirateZ
« on: October 31, 2015, 12:34:20 am »
Ah ho Cappin. This here is my first time signing up for an adventure. Hopefully the sea will be kind to me.
I am signing up as: Buccaneer RisingOne
I look forward to serving on yer crew Cappin.

Welcome to the OpenXcom forum TheRisingOne... may your rise in the pirate ranks be quick and productive.

Builds & Ports / Re: Build request: Nightly from July 13
« on: October 30, 2015, 11:46:14 pm »
I would first try the other combination I told you about in the other thread.

If it doesn't work for you, here's the file you're looking for:
(I will keep it there for 2 weeks, then delete)

Released Mods / Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« on: October 30, 2015, 11:40:27 pm »

XPiratez / Re: Let's play X-PirateZ
« on: October 30, 2015, 11:30:04 pm »
Suitable For Work - ie Suitable for Youtube

I'll have a look. I don't plan on censoring naked boobs... I will consider censoring other sensitive parts of the piratess' body though (if necessary).

Other than that, I'd like to show both original graphics and alternative graphics... first the original ones I guess, then later yours.

XPiratez / Re: Let's play X-PirateZ
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:46:04 pm »
Meridian, I've just watched the first episode, and I have a question:

Will you be useing My Alternate Graphics Mod for X-Pirates? As this would give some of the Inventory images a more S.F.W. look.

Uhm, what does S.F.W. mean?

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: UFO Redux
« on: October 30, 2015, 07:50:01 pm »
Congratulations again :)

Nook, when you have time I'd like to ask you a few questions about the expansion so that I can get some feedback. Basically they are:
1) The nicest thing about Redux
2) Anything that stood out
3) The worst thing about Redux
4) What feature did you feel more connected to
5) Any detail not included in the above

I was just watching, not playing yet, but from what I've seen:
1/ Nicest thing for me were mixed crews (for example sectoids + floaters), that's really a great idea
2/ The firepower of the Overseer UFO really stood out (unless it was a bug)... and the "invulnerability" of the energy aliens
3/ Shrubs blocking craft exit in jungle
4/ I loved the concept of News Briefing... Nook didnt pay too much attention to it, but if you could somehow bring more story into the game, it would be so awesome... binding to research is probably the only way at the moment, but if it was possible to generate briefings also on a monthly basis (e.g. a briefing at the beginning of each month) and maybe also create a few one-time missions with unique briefings... that would just rock. I know it will be hard if not impossible to make them both interesting and relevant, because everyone's playstyle and game length is different, but I think it's worth a try.
5/ At some point I'll play Redux myself and give much more feedback

XPiratez / Let's play X-PirateZ [00] Installation and Recruitment
« on: October 30, 2015, 08:59:56 am »

XPiratez / Re: Let's play X-PirateZ
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:19:08 pm »
Hope I'm not too early Meridian, But can you put me down as Stabby Rock Sis - yes its the same name I used in  Ivandogovich's earler LP, but I like it.

A little bit too early, recruiting video will be posted on Friday, but I accept you as the first of many... welcome to the team!

Released Mods / Re: Terrain Pack: Shrub-blockade
« on: October 22, 2015, 12:45:02 pm »
Are you shouting at me or just ventilating at no one in particular?

Btw. I also think it is a bug... just saying that people have already reported it many times and the result was always the same.

Released Mods / Re: Terrain Pack: Shrub-blockade
« on: October 22, 2015, 12:30:24 pm »
This has been discussed like a million times already.

Some consider it a bug, some a feature.
Mod author says it's a feature... you can either live with it or edit the mod if you want.

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