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Messages - bulletdesigner

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40k / Re: 40k
« on: July 25, 2021, 02:47:12 pm »
You need to encounter chaos undivided high rank, so a chaos undivided base, flying fortress, or sideoperations( 2nd mission is highly probable)

well you play like a factory manager, and you use a list to see who is promoted and can fill the job , the other way is looking at the stat´s and missions/kills and promote because you like that soldier. Meaning during my playthrough i go back and forth to see if i want to promote that guy (they are always lot´s of options and it takes resources to do so, so i want to chose the guy with more mission/kill´s etc, that i know more about..) , and even if i filter by kills in transformations maybe not the rank i want for the guy.

meaning i want to advance  a particular soldier and not fill the sergeant position on the factory.

With the new soldier transformations is possible to give promotions and rank with it, giving the possibility of distinct armor´s. However the issue is the clog up of the transformation list and the chore of making a list and name of the soldiers you want to get the promotion and deserves it
A good way to solve the problem is to make the promotion more direct, in the soldier screen clicking a button and going for the available transformations for that soldier direct.
The images show the issue and a way to solve

40k / Re: 40k
« on: July 07, 2021, 12:17:52 pm »
The soldiers are always random, since the faction is difficulty not work in battle mode, if you want that result you need to change the battle. cfg your soldiers manually

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: June 16, 2021, 12:22:45 pm »
Less of a bug, but I wanted to change the storage amount of general stores in the ruleset but couldn't find a facilities.rul for 40k except facilities_IG.rul, which didn't include STR_GENERAL_STORES. I tried to change the xcom1 facilities ruleset but it had no effect either. I noticed in game the general store had different storage value than base xcom so that's why I looked in 40k Ruleset. However, I might just be blind :P. Only other mods are a change to Imperial Fists and ROSIGMA.

Facility's are under terrain_40k ruleset, you need to change it there

40k / Re: Necron Spread
« on: May 10, 2021, 04:45:24 pm »
ok we will try to fix next version, meanwhile in alienDeployments:
    genMissionFreq: 10 to 5
i think it will reduce significantly the issue

Meaning theres a 5% chance it will spawn Daily chance for the base mission to be generated one of these missions

every day there is a 5% change any of these missions ocur and of those 5% there is 25% it´s a base

The main problem is not to tackle the bases at start since all bases created have the 2.5% change of more bases every day, (again on paper 2.5% seems low)

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: May 05, 2021, 03:24:29 pm »
you are doing something wrong since the

[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 18446744073709551615) >= this->size() (which is 7)

is the alien deployment fix, you need to replace the alienMissions_40k.rul in mods/40k/Ruleset ,
update the OCXE also

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: May 05, 2021, 12:57:27 pm »
So, ive tried playing three diffrent campaigns now and the game keeps soft-locking with crashes during Mid-Tier tech and im not sure whats causing it.

Heres is my newest save where the game crashes a few ingame hours every time without fault.

Thanks for looking in to it

PS. Love the mod and your work so far

no crash in my game, you need to post a screen shot, but for now try putting the alienMissions_40k.rul in mods/40k/Ruleset that is posted in the posts above

ho well , if its that complicated is really not worth the trouble

OXCE Suggestions Rejected / [Rejected] Dynamic prices
« on: April 08, 2021, 01:26:22 pm »
Rejection reason: this is beyond/outside the scope of OXCE

So basically a request that building affect the buy and sell price of items.

  - type: STR_MARKET
    provideBaseFunc: [MARKET]

  - type: STR_RIFLE
    costBuy: 5000
    costSell: 2750
    PRICEBaseFunc: [MARKET]
    costBuyBaseFunc: 4500
    costSellBaseFunc: 3000

By this we can get like a new maket building, or a new reciclatron that can sell specific itens  for a new price crazy price.
Hope is note a great deal of work to insert this options.

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: March 14, 2021, 10:42:22 pm »
So I've started a new month as the arbiters and the game is sending me this error message before the first day is over. What should I do?

that issue is solved like 7 post´s above this one


40k / Re: Arbites Difficulty
« on: March 01, 2021, 01:36:31 pm »
well mission are easier, since there are no chaos terror missions replaced by sabotage (only mid level enemy's) and riot suppression's, they have the lawbringer shotgun can use and buy AP ammo, mid tier and high craft  are stronger than IG and marine on mission (twin assault cannons and such), also you have enforcer shield armor that have high front armor and the airstrike on the enforcer signal.

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: February 04, 2021, 04:15:12 pm »
put the .map on the map folder and the .rmp on the routes folder, was a miss on my part , will be patched new version

A request for the bonus of a armor affect the piloting of a craft!
 ;D well for a time now he a have a pilot armor that don't affect piloting conditions, by changing this, people will choose the pilot more carefully also the armor to wear

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