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Messages - Bloax

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XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: April 09, 2016, 09:52:28 am »
I cloned the OXCE+ from , then compiled according to , then copied over UFO and TFTD assets and Piratez data into their respective folders. Oddly, the compilation didn't put the  openxcom executable into the bin folder, I had to do that manually.

When I try to run it,  I get a "signal 11" crash and the attached error log.

The highlight appears to to be
[FATAL]   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd9eca2fd40]

So I looked into what causes errors relating to, and followed the directions here
But that didn't help, so then I tried sudo apt-get install libc6* to install both 64 and 32-bit versions of everything that it might be missing. Still the same error.

I apologize if I'm missing something simple. I'm trying to wean completely off Windows but I'm not that sophisticated with any form of Linux yet either.

I'm just wondering whether it's a cardinal sin in OSS to redistribute the motherfucking libraries you use for compiling the motherfucking software?
Because I always seem to see people not having those specific versions of something something that you need to compile the fucking thing.

XPiratez / Re: How to deal with Cyberdics
« on: April 09, 2016, 09:01:39 am »
The fire DoT effect doesn't stack - but repeatedly applying fire to something does repeat the initial damage of the fire (which is different from the DoT, which is probably always 5-10 dmg per turn).
What does stack is the DoT damage on large creatures - since they'll be affected by all four pieces of them being on fire at the same time, alongside the aforementioned 4x* AoE damage thing.

* - in the case you hit all 4 tiles of them with an explosion, otherwise it's obviously either 1, 2 or very rarely 3x

XPiratez / Re: Restrict item use for HWP (dogs)
« on: April 09, 2016, 08:49:07 am »
OXC/Xpiratez is so much easier to weaponize animals in than Dwarf Fortress though :)
Why weaponize animals when you can weaponize useless fucking leeches children?

Don't use sneaky AI, it'll just make your life miserable and the game not very fun.

Currently you can bind a shortcut to use the item in the left/right hand slot of a given unit, but there's no way to select the firing mode after that -  nor any way to confirm where to shoot.
Adding such things would be appreciated, thanks.

if you're shit outta ideas then making the move camera north/south keys scroll between the modes and then have a "(?)confirm(?)" key available that selects the current selection while also serving as the way to confirm where to shoot would work swell

XPiratez / Re: Supply Ship Farming and Taking Down Enemy Hideouts
« on: April 05, 2016, 08:32:00 am »
If you're not going for a capture, then there's no kill like overkill. Click a button. KaBOOM! Or SPLAT! It's exactly what the alien flunkies are doing, but you do it with style and sophistication. Better, in other words.
Well technically you're losing a fair bit of armor parts if you overkill everything ever.

Work In Progress / Re: [WIP][MOD] From the Apocalypse 0.1e
« on: April 04, 2016, 09:25:59 pm »

well it could be clearer

XPiratez / Re: The slow grafix revamp
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:04:55 am »

no i am not dead in case you were wondering

Work In Progress / [OXCE] Retarded Not-Vanilla Balance Screwing Mod
« on: March 29, 2016, 03:49:23 am »
attn: OXCE or OXCE+ required thx

!! NOTHING NEW !! .. And yet, is that so?:

Things usually don't die in one shot.
Coincidentally, most weapons are faster now. (Mostly rifles and especially pistols)
Pistols suck against armored opponents (they're good at killing less armored foes), rifles are generally OK while heavy weapons do not all that much more damage but ignore some armor.
- in case i wasn't clear, then pistols are actually really good weapons now - it's just that you'll want some rifles/heavy artillery to back the pistol guys up on non-floater terror missions

Rockets are really stronk; small rockets do a lot of damage and come in clips of 2, but go through 1.6x the armor of the target, while large rockets obliterate armor just for that occasion.
Incendiary is really good and even causes morale damage.
Most aliens have shittier bravery so that you can set them ablaze and watch them go nuts.

incendiary rockets are fucking cray-cray and make everything but the spookiest spooks go nuts

ARMOR IS REALLY GOOD (although you'll still take damage lol suck it)

oh and lasers are weird things that stun stuff more than they kill things (tip: might wanna not go heavy on lasers against snakeman terror, or you could)

People you recruit are usually good and can become really good pretty easily;

Fortunately they're both really expensive (soldiers are 90k a pop lol) and the fact that you're gonna be taking damage quite a bit (aliens fire faster and have more TUs too, you know)

means that you'll enjoy this sight.

you can enjoy figuring the rest out, since i did leave some minor Interesting details out

this is just something i threw together over the last two days (in fact i only just put the last touches as i wrote this thread, so it's not even properly tested), so don't expect it to be perfectly balanced or anything lol
i mean i haven't even modified the descriptions hahahaha

it all depends on whether you know the psi strength of your guys or not, and fortunately for us we either have the option to always know it the moment we start building psi-labs or practically never

in which case you'd probably want to pick the former option, but it sure would be nice if we could have something in between !!!

Base defense: your f***ed. Let the psi weak troops drop their weapon at the end of each round. Btw: you can reverse-psi your men, if you have strong enough psi tropers...
base defense against ethereals is piss easy if you have the right equipment for the job.

Though it is boring as fuck, yes.

I don't know if that fixes the little issue known as "ethereals floating on the upper floor and spamming blaster launchers at you through nonexistent holes in the ground".

Not really, no.

If you need score or loot then there are much less risky ways to get it.

If you want to kill sectopods without shooting them a million times in the ass with a laser rifle, you're pretty much down to HE-packs, large rockets or heavy shitty laser spam.

oh and i hope you're playing with fixed vanilla maps
if not then have fun with ethereal bases/battleships and/or the final mission

OpenXcom Extended / Re: Meridian's resources and mods for X-PirateZ
« on: March 26, 2016, 02:58:49 pm »
Meridians, just downloaded and tried the 2016-03-17 version of 2.9

I'm still getting the 'Not a Valid Win32 Application' Error.

You fixed this in the 2016-03-14 version - Why is it back?

PS - Can't find a copy of 2016-03-14 in the links, is it possable to get one?
Does this work, by any chance?

I gave it a little bit of dirty juice.

[40a: Premature Finalucation]
Seeing that I walked into a n00b trap and this was dragging on for way too long, I decided to just fucking end it all and edit my save to ACCIDENTALLY have a floater commander again.

IT'S TUH FAINAL COUNTDAAAAAUN (protip: youtube now has a "loop" feature on its html5 player [just right-click on the video] lol let's see how long that lasts)

so close

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