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Messages - 0xEBJC

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I started looking at the code on github and found that '0' "Realistic" is more accurate & has a tighter grouping.  Until I actually looked at the code, I didn't know if 'Realistic" or "Normal" was more accurate.

accuracyDivider; // Default - Unchanged
distanceDivider = 3;

if (Options::battleRealisticShotDispersion == 0) {
  distanceDivider = 5;

int accuracy_deviation = (accuracy_check - real_accuracy) / accuracyDivider;
int distance_deviation = distanceTiles / distanceDivider; // 1 voxel of deviation per X tiles of distance

I looked around the code a bit and found that the value for battleRealisticShotDispersion is used in a few locations, it might easier to leave the logic untouched and just change the text in the advanced config menu.

Here's my recommendation for clarification. Update the text in the advanced options menu to something like the following, otherwise I wouldn't have a clue what either option is doing.

"0> Realistic, higher accuracy, tighter shot dispersion grouping 1> Normal, closer to original OXC logic, lower accuracy and wider shot dispersion."


In the advanced game menu for "Realistic accuracy shot dispersion". I am still confused as to what is realistic and what is normal?  I think it would be helpful to clarify the descriptions better.  Sorry I think I discussed this before but am still confused about the setting, which is enabled and which isn't and if I understand the feature correctly.

Is the following true?
0.) Realistic = tighter shot dispersion, more grouped around target location
1.) Normal = default OXC calculation

It's hard to tell if I understand these calculations correctly or have them backwards.  Another reason I'm confused is that 0 usually means disabled and 1 means enabled, so having 'realistic' as 0 is confusing also as it seams that 1 means enabling the feature but the word normal more appropriately describes the setting disabled.

This is how I would show and describe it in the menu, 0 for DISABLED, 1 for ENABLED.
0.) Normal, default OXC calculation
1.) Realistic, tighter shot dispersion, more grouped around target location

I understand that this feature was merged in from Joy Narical, but hoping for your help and insight, thank you.

"Realistic accuracy and cover system" => Feature developed by Joy Narical and merged into Brutal-OXCE. Find the full documentation here:

Thanks Xilmi!

I personally really like the break out in advanced options and controls between OXC, OXCE, and BOXCE specific settings.

I can more easily filter and identify the BRUTAL AI settings and what's dependent on them and what's not.  It also lets me see what's provided between each, OXC, OXCE, and BOXCE.

Regarding identifying if there are key assignments that conflict. Sometimes I want the same key for two options and many times not.  I've seen in some games the key combinations menu will highlight red or another color the key assigned when two hotkeys are assigned to the same key.

Something like this in OXCE to show conflicting assignments would be a nice touch. Where conflicts would be highlighted across oxc, oxce, and boxce, and for each section, i.e. both assignments in battlescape but not across sections like between battlescape and geoscape because that wouldn't be a conflict.

Suggestions / [Suggestion] New Binary Icons for OXC
« on: February 15, 2024, 08:41:55 pm »
This isn't a request in anyway, just providing my work if you want to use it.

I made a new icon for BRUTAL-OXCE, not sure if Xilmi wants to use it.,11663.msg161860.html#msg161860

and likewise for OXCE, not sure if Meridian want to use it.,11814.msg161883.html#msg161883

I used the same icon with different color schemes to match OXC.  You are welcome to use them for OXC if you'd like, and no worries if not.  The .ico file is a multi-resolution icon file with 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48,  64x64, 72x72, 80x80, 96x96, and 128x128.

OXCE Suggestions Rejected / [Rejected] New OXCE icons
« on: February 15, 2024, 08:26:24 pm »
This isn't a request in anyway, just providing my work if you want to use it.

I made a new icon for BRUTAL-OXCE, not sure if Xilmi wants to use it.,11663.msg161860.html#msg161860

I used the same icon with different color schemes to match OXC and OXCE.  You are welcome to use them for OXCE if you'd like, and no worries if not.  The .ico file is a multi-resolution icon file with 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48,  64x64, 72x72, 80x80, 96x96, and 128x128.

Suggestions / Re: FEATURE Revamped research progress screen (QoL)
« on: February 15, 2024, 07:47:28 pm »
Would the community be interested in research screen showing the man days left per project as a range?


I already implemented it for myself and happy to share if there is interest (and if you tell me "how" I should integrate it).

Nice, I thought of adding something like this as a percentage xx% done.  Although that idea or your implementation is very helpful, to me it feels more authentic and realistic for "researching" without knowing how long precisely to finish.  That's why I ended up not perusing this.  you could always have this as a toggleable feature in the advanced options?

OXCE Support / Re: [Suggestion] Info if Terror mission too far away
« on: February 15, 2024, 07:27:40 pm »
You can check that easily (2 clicks) by selecting your craft in the base and look at its range.

FYI for anyone wondering... you have to enable 'RADAR' (default key 'R') in the GEOSCAPE screen which will show base radar and craft radar 'AND' then craft max distance when selecting a target will be displayed.  Posting here, because I had no idea this was an option (usually have radar disabled) and it took me a while to start looking for this feature and figure it out only after reading this post.  Thanks for the screenshot Meridian. 

Super low request, and not necessary, but it would be nice to decouple the hotkeys for the three: base radar, craft radar, and craft max distance.
Probably the easiest way would be by having a separate hotkeys to toggle in the geoscape hotkey options for the three.  That way you could set the hotkey for all three as the same key and then the functionality would work like it does now or have separate ones.

I find that I only use base radar when planning and building a new base otherwise prefer not to look at all the radar rings, but I do now use the craft max distance all the time and I often use the craft radar after launching a craft to target or when patrolling to I.D. alien activity. I just never noticed the craft range before because of usually having radar off most of the time.  I'd prefer to set the craft radar and max range as the same shortcut as I use them all the time and the base radar as a separate shortcut as I use it seldomly.

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.2.1
« on: February 15, 2024, 02:35:49 am »

I found an alignment issues in the craft soldier equipment menu, see attached pictures.  The issue does not present it self in OXCE, just BRUTAL

Again, thanks for an amazing fork of OXCE

Also, this alignment issues wasn't there when I was using BRUTAL v7.x (I can't remember which version I was using) maybe 7.12.2?  I only saw this issue after upgrading directly to v8.2.0, I skipped the other versions in between.

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.2.1
« on: February 14, 2024, 10:41:07 pm »
I reworked a new BRUTAL icon, I can change the alien face to any other color you desire and the eyes separately if you have a specific request for eye color and face color.  In my opinion for the BRUTAL icon a darker face and bright eyes seams more ominous and daunting.

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.2.1
« on: February 14, 2024, 09:27:03 pm »

I found an alignment issues in the craft soldier equipment menu, see attached pictures.  The issue does not present it self in OXCE, just BRUTAL

Again, thanks for an amazing fork of OXCE

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: February 14, 2024, 08:11:08 am »
Looking at the facility rul file, I have a question about the living quarters for the following regarding mana recovery

manaRecoveryPerDay: 3

manaRecoveryPerDay: 4

would four of the 1x1 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS add up to 12 mana recovery?  and if so, I'm wondering why the single 2x2 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS_2 not be something equal to or grater than four of the 1x1 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS?

Like this???
manaRecoveryPerDay: 15

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: February 14, 2024, 03:02:23 am »
I suspect this issue is more with OXCE? possibly and not XCF?

In the tech tree window item dependencies are inconsistent.  For example "Alien Fuel Trace"

In my game it shows that for manufacturing Required By: Elerium (From Alien Fuel Trace) [m]

but it doesn't show other dependencies for manufacturing such as "Trace Flares" which also require Alien Fuel Trace?  Seams to be more correct in the sell window and right clicking on the entry

I recall there are other places but I don't remember exactly where

This is awesome! Thank you.

Very helpful to help.

Wow, this looks super useful, thanks.

What if there are multiple reasons why you can't remove a facility? (For example, you need that manufacturing space and storage, and the facility grants both.) Will you get multiple warnings?

Only one, it would be near impossible to propagate more data than first "error".

I'm assuming if you addressed the first issue, i.e. like storage space, then try again it would give you the next issue if multiple exist, so a little tedious, but still very helpful to resolve issues vs digging through all the potential reasons for a specific one of multiple facility properties.

Ok, thanks,

I'll work on testing as I get time, I'm traveling a month for work soon, will mostly be after that.

0.) I have created all the basescape sprites

Will work on
1.) I'll finish rule files
2.) I need to learn how to make battlescape maps - to create a rectangle battlescape to match basecape
3.) Then play through base battlescape testing.

- Is there an easy ways to force / trigger an alien base attack? even from a new start game?
- what kind of debug tools / mode is there? I'm new to testing for bugs outside of just play-through. (i'll search the forms, which I haven't done yet)

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