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Messages - guille1434

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Ok, for the order freaks like me, here is a new file with all the Skyrangers variants made by Aldorn, including the last "cutomized" one: the skytrooper with wing engines and no lateral platforms.
The files for the original version were renamed SKYTROOPER_ALT_WE, and the new variant is SKYTROOPER_WE. Note that the ground engined variant remains without any change (SKYTROOPER_GE files). Thanks again for sharing!  8)

Thank you very much Aldorn!  For your brilliant work and your prompt answer to the front troops request!! :-)

Indeed, a truly horrible experience, with bullet firing rifles ineffective and the soldier with a rocket launcher unable to fire because ao all the other troops present surroinding him and the alien...  Yes, just like the sneaky Xenomorph aliens from the Alien/Aliens saga!

By the way, Aldorn, as per field troop reuqest: would be possible for you to modify the Skytrooper craft without the two lateral doors platforms? They would like to be sure that this event will not happen again! :-)

Look out with those lateral doors platforms! While recovering a downed terror ships from the Snakemen/Chryssalids with a Skytrooper craft, one of those ugly monsters (the Chryssalid) walked from the roof of a building, along the forward wing leading edge and then down to this small 1 tile platform and then walked right into the aircraft, killing instantly one of my soldiers and turning another one into a zombie!! That mission did not end well!  :( Just a warning!

Work In Progress / Re: [The Final Mod Pack] Basic Weapons part
« on: August 15, 2014, 11:11:37 pm »
Hi! Another small bug detected: In the Manufacture section, the Gauss Cannon Rounds x 60, in the category line it says: STR_CRAFT_WEAPON, and it should read STR_CRAFT_AMMUNITION (line 18957). this causes o show an incorrect clasification in the in-gama manufacture setup screen.

Yes, I supposed that... But, don't worry, all your craft variant designs look beautiful enough! Thanks for sharing your brilliant work, man!  8)

Yes! A bigger (or just longer) yellow nose in front of the aircraft! I don't think it is possible to be made to look more "bulbous", but if you can make the nose (just the nose, not the aircraft itself) of the aircraft longer and paint it in yellow, it would be WUN-DER-BAR!

Not exactly, I was refering to the possibility of drawing both the Skyspotter and Skywatcher with a longer radome... The total lenght of the craft is very good-looking, but I just wodered if, to indicate that they have a more powerful radar, that feature could be visually reflected in the craft drawing, hence, the bigger or longer radome...

Work In Progress / Re: [The Final Mod Pack] Basic Weapons part
« on: August 11, 2014, 08:18:35 am »
You are welcome, guys!

About the Improved Skyranger: I did not like very much the "cargo floor level with the ground" design... I know it is better for troops' fast exit, but it is not very "real" for an aircraft to land on its belly... I know the ramp plays against the soldiers (specially rookies), but in later stages of the game this problem can be solved by trops wearing any of the flying gear uniforms/armor suits present in the game.

May be you can consider adding one or more of the very good designs made by Aldorn (a lot of good concepts and ideas over there!), but reducing a little those crafts cargo capacity. For example, I am testing the replacement of the "Alloy Skyranger" by  the "Skytrooper" but with reduced capacity (20 soldiers/3 vehicles, instead of 26 and 4, which is the capacity of the Avenger ,which should be the best craft). I think that to have a craft with so high capacity so early in the game can throw things out of balance a bit.

To give the Avenger more "edge", and to make some more room for improved variants of the Skyranger which arrive earlier in the game, I think the Avenger capacity could be increased to 30 troops... If I am not mistaken, Xcomutil software allowed just that increase in the good old X-Com game.

I hope you find this little feedback positive for your great mod!

Ok, I think I found the cause... To replace the Alloy Skyranger with the Skytrooper, I had to delete the first craft declared by the FMP mod, so I added the line"- delete: ..." but I just did it in the crafts section. Now I also deleted the "Alloy Skyranger" in the manufacture and ufopaedia sections, and all seems to run smoothly. I am now researching the Skytrooper, and I will see after the research work is finished if the correct info can be seen in the ufopedia, manufacturing, etc...

Aldorn: Thanks again for the new ships! If everything is ok with this first "integration" work, I would really like to add also one of the big craft with side doors and one of the smaller exploration (with big radar range) ones....

A little request to you, just for "eye candy", but I think it will improve the looks of the mod: would you consider to modify the two "big eyed" smaller craft to have a larger (longer?) radome to emphasize its role as sensor/exploration craft? I think they would look more different to the others and will add to the inmersion of the game... :-) A million thanks again!

Hello Aldorn!
First of all, thank you very much for sharing your excellent work here!

  As you said, I wanted to add one (as starters) of you improved assault craft to my personal mod, which is in fact, a complementary mod to the Final Mod Pack. Because I don't like very much the Alloy Skyranger included in the FMP mod (I dont think a V/STOL aircraft should land on its belly, and having the cargo compartment floor at the same level as the ground), I decided to include the Skytrooper design (but with somewhat reduced cargo capacity, 20 troops/3 vehicles), so I worked including all sections of your .rul file to my custom one (except for the "startingBase" section). Also I wanted to the skytrooper to be available to be built after researching the "Improved Skyranger" topic, to make it compatible with the FMP mod.

 The problem is that immediately after finishing the research on "Improved Skyranger", when I hit the "View Reports" button, the game crashes. On the other hand if i just hit the "Ok" button, the games continues. I think the problem is with the ufopaedia section, but I really cannot figure where my mistake is...

May be you, or someone else can have a quick look to  the .rul file in order to find where the problem is?

Thanks a lot!!

Work In Progress / Re: [The Final Mod Pack] Basic Weapons part
« on: August 11, 2014, 07:24:16 am »
Hello! I just downloaded v0.8 of this wonderful piece o modding work, and I am already enjoying it... I think I found a little bug: The new Stormlance missile (after looking at its stats, a very welcomed weapon to have available) is seen as available to purchase in the purchase screen... And no, I have not researched it... I think the problem is that there is a line en the .rul file, under the items section which says "costBuy: 3000" (line number 10588)... Is this intentional? (Besides, the launcher is not appearing in said screen)...

Ok, I am from Argentina, so I think I am qualified to make the Latin American translation, but I am sure it can also be used for the European Spanish language strings. Stay tuned! :-)

Hello: Do you know what's the difference between "es" and "es-419" languages? I think I can help eith the spanish (espaƱol) translation...

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: August 08, 2014, 06:24:00 am »
Yes, you are right... The fourth ammo type will not show in the Auto Cannon page... Sorry! :-)

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