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Messages - Jstank

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Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: UFO Redux
« on: April 03, 2015, 07:02:44 am »
go into your options menu and make sure advanced movement is turned on. Then hold control while you click. you will run, expending more energy but less time units. If you would have ran you would have been successful.

Suggestions / Re: Base Defense Mechanics
« on: April 03, 2015, 04:59:48 am »
Thats what I envisioned the first time I came on these forums.

Its one of those would be really cool if sort of things to think about. However we have to work within the confinements of the orginal code. Something way too drastic like that would be way too much work to accomplish. Ideally that would be what we all (I) want. Missile Command within xcom. But we have to deal with the reality that it just is too much of a departure of the original code.

The closet thing I can think of is maybe someone could make a map that looks like land and sky, with cyber disks at the top of the stage advancing south and modified stationary MWP tanks at the bottom shooting at those cyber discs. That seems really far out there though and although possible I don't think people would like it. It would probably look wonky as hell and tying it into the base defense mechanics would take alot of pushing.

Like I said cool to think about but probably out of the realm of open xcom.

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: UFO Redux
« on: April 03, 2015, 12:30:59 am »
Rocket launchers V Cyberdiscs for sure. Man that was a great terror mission.
Especially how Tengu risked his life to pull meridian off the battlefield and meridian died in his arms. That is going to be one great commander some day.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 02, 2015, 11:54:30 pm »
How do you insure that the trooper remains unconscious?

Suggestions / Re: Flanking gameplay mechanic
« on: April 02, 2015, 03:16:49 pm »
Ah man you got me all excited that there was a euxcom mod called nuxcom. I went on a wild internet goose chase just now.

Playthroughs / Re: Jstank's Final Mod Pack Lets Play
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:56:45 am »
The following is a post that I made on a Battle Bunny LP. I think it answers your questions about cloning...

through advances in technology it is possible now to transfer conciseness to a fresh clone just before death. Its no secrete now. There was a press release a few months ago and pamphlets were handed out. The media fiasco that ensued made things complicated and some misinformation was circulated. After the lies were squelched and the mysterious disappearance of JStankXII along with his radio news program, people began to realize that having their conciseness transferred made them in fact immortal.
They remembered all the good times, the waves they surfed, the nurses they kissed, what they had for dinner the previous day. However there is a dark side to this process and that is the skills they acquired through their career become shattered at transfer.  To this day our scientists have not figured out a way to regain the muscle memory or the psionic ability the clones previous predecessor possessed. This was particularly hard on Oldie Bones. Having a supreme commission and and high skill and respect from his teammates, Oldie Bones was a very happy man. After his death there was a change in him. Instantly he was demoted to rookie, not because of his lack of experience but due to his lack of skill. This effected him deeply. Before he would go drink beer with the guys, surf all the waves, and was loved by all the nurses. Now he found himself in a strange base, wandering aimlessly as the layout is completely different. Everyone knows who he is and the guys still call him col bones as he was affectionately called, but its not the same because he is in base Europe now. They asked him if he wanted be transferred back to Australia but he declined, commenting that he forgot how to surf. It is a tough transition for all xcom troops who die.  It is a sad for old Col Bones, because he is now in psiciatric treatment Commander, and he is considering to terminate his clone insurance policy.

There is hope however. The new ones, the ones with not much to loose are not as heavily affected. A quite opposite effect occurs with rookies who get the thrill of being the first to step off on a mission crave the thrill. They look forward to the fight, are often brash, and reckless. There was even one occasion were Sergie Entropie was caught playing Russian Roulette with a heavy plasma between missions as the long months and routine training regiment bores them horribly. Sergie in particular has an obsession with Crysalids, He often spots them coming towards him and holds his fire until the very last moment.  These soldiers have nothing to loose and do not fear death. It is quite a different organization once this technique was developed.  It is not like the old days, the days of pro newbie, the ones who have an intense fear of death, and who are affected deeply by the carnage. Pro newbie the movie has been out for quite some time and the new guys just laugh and say its all made up. They will never be able to empathize or understand the plight of a traumatized combat soldier who was not immortal. 

Horst is an anomaly. His skills are so poor that he begs to be killed constantly, saying that he would do good to have a fresh clone because the one he is in now has already been deemed defective. His lawyers are working though the X-Tribunals and now have the case at the lower circuit courts. No one is certain what to do as all the regulations set no precedent for this type of behavior.  We think command needs him for some special purpose. Men have heard whispers of a controversial tactic called a lightning rod. This is a cruel tactic where a commander allows an alien to creep into the mind of a mentally weak soldier and wreck havok. It is quite effective on the battlefield but the effect it has on the soldier is traumatic at best. Doctors say that resetting the clone would only worsen the soldiers condition. Horst's lawyers say that this is just a political filibuster so that they can continue the tactic. Ultimately all decisions come down to the commander, and the court system only has the power to make recommendations. After the war however the courts do report all actions of the commander to the counsel who then decide bunnies fate. If they feel he has committed any war crimes, it is in their power to prosecute. This is also unprecedented, and highly unlikely. Most feel horst will be doomed to a life of a puppet and may be entitled to a civil lawsuit after the war.
All of these effects make this organizations environment a truly unique experience that will be discussed for ages by scholars and historians. The advances in cloning, if we survive will change the world forever   

Suggestions / Re: Base Defense Mechanics
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:33:23 am »
The first step would be making it activate the base defense sequence against the specific UFO in the area. The key to making it work is making sure that that specific retaliation mission failed if it was shot down....

Throwing game donuts now duck!

Maybe make a super fast fighter, that has weapons similar to the calibre of base defense  that has a really really small range (fuel), and that also derives its base power from the number and type of base defense you have installed. Possible, that is not a question I can answer, but It might be simpler than messing with the current base defense mechanics.

You can now un-duck. Im done throwing donuts.

Suggestions / Re: globe fog of war and battlescape fog of war?
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:22:31 am »
Agreed. It is assumed you know what earth looks like already so there is no need to visualize it and we already have the radar rings.

Suggestions / Re: Flanking gameplay mechanic
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:21:01 am »
I'm going through the android version of XCom 2012 and I can definitely say that they panic. You can hear your soldiers say something like "Enemy is retreating" when it happens. They don't shoot around or drop their weapons like in the old XCom, but they fall back instead of engaging.

Panicking aliens dropping their weapons and becoming useless, or worse firing their explosive weapon up close and getting hit by the blast, is a pretty bad mechanic of the old XCom.

I don't think a mechanic is bad when it is so satisfying. And the fact that it can happen to you is even better. With the EU thing. I don't believe that YOUR troops panic at any point. Is there a morale system that is visible from your end. I don't know I haven't played it too much.

Work In Progress / Re: "Skill Applied" for Firearms? (Damage modifier)
« on: April 01, 2015, 10:05:24 pm »
Honestly I would shy away from ranged weapons doing extra damage due to skill. Maybe some bonus if you could work out a crit system but to add it to base damage would make all the weapons extremely op.

On the other hand having mele damage tied to strength makes sense in D&D and makes sense here as well.

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play PirateZ! (0.9) (Piratey Names accepted)
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:54:54 pm »
I like my name ivan! 8)

Suggestions / Re: Base Defense Mechanics
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:52:50 pm »
That could be cool.  Very similar to my idea of missile degenses being able to shoot at UFOs.  Only problem is it doesn't really solve the Laser, and to a smaller degree the plasma,  being pointless.

Nah If you could make it work like that then making all of the defenses useful would be issue of balancing. 2 missile batteries have a 50% chance of shooting down a retaliation mission on a small but one laser defense would take care of a small retaliation mission to 100 % and a large retaliation mission at 50%.

You know just make it so that the larger defenses have a really good chance at shooting smaller ones down and are equal footing with large ones.. scaling ect ect.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:45:36 pm »
I would like to comment on point 2

With a little bit of reskin work you could make guass tech into Pulse rifles

You know the one Ripley used against Xenomorphs in Aliens.

Suggestions / Re: Base Defense Mechanics
« on: April 01, 2015, 04:31:23 am »
I'm going to go throwing wild donuts your way, just be prepared...

Is there some way to trigger the base defense sequence out of a true base attack. For instance. Lets say a small craft does fly over too close to your base, and you actually do have some missile defenses up and running. Now lets say for arguments sake that it will take 2 hits to bring down that UFO before it translates the location of the base to the battleship (it is successful). You are able to shoot this down so the retaliation mission ends up failing. However, if you don't have any defenses the UFO flies harmlessly by AND does succeed and does send a invasion fleet.

Sorry for the food fight, because I don't even know if this is technically feasible.

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: UFO Redux
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:01:35 am »
And silly me just figured that out  ::)

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