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Messages - efrenespartano

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Awesome! That will add to the mayhem! I did have a wee tongue in cheek thought that maybe it was an infiltrator.

The new underground living quarters is excellent, you've put quite a bit of thought into making sure there's somewhere to read, cook some food and a wee medical bay too. At least someone cares  ;)

I agree with you, Gordonmull! The new map it's great. I can't wait to see some Infiltrators!

EDIT: The ground missions on Android doesn't work, everytime I try to start a new Simulation, it crashes. It's the same with the campaign, but Geoscape and air combat it's OK. D:

About the Android version, I've found the error: apparently, it's related with the T-500. I've adjunt some screenshots of Logfile involving missions with T-500s.

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I considered having a random set of planes upon game start, but the engine doesn't support it and this could be a big disadvantage for the player. So I'm trying out different sets of planes to see the ones who work better.

My favorite set is Osprey+Warthog+Skyhawk+Lion+Prowler, is quite effective.

The sprites already contain the necessary palettes, but I can use those I sent you, or you send them to me I can quickly convert them

Actually, I'm not using a fixed palette for all of the sprites. I search an image of the plane based on the Intelpedia (I'm trying to match them as much as possible), I minimize it using Paint.NET, then draw a few details. I'm not drawing them from scratch.

I appreciate very much that you are converting the sprites, but I don't know why they look white-ish and they have yellow dots after you convert them. :-/

Is any color that i'm using making this strange colors? I suppouse it's some gray, but I'm not sure

EDIT: The ground missions on Android doesn't work, everytime I try to start a new Simulation, it crashes. It's the same with the campaign, but Geoscape and air combat it's OK. D:

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About the Android version... It works! And works very good!

And about the sprites I made, I'm so happy to see them in the mod. I can rescale the dogfight sprites. But I have no idea how to fix the yellow dots and white-ish colors of the Basescape. :(

Hobbes, can I use the palettes that you send me to draw the sprites? Do you think that's going to fix them?

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Tech-Comm Alpha v0.26 released

List of changes:
* Adjusted buy/sell prices to craft and craft weapons
* Changed quantity and mix of starting base craft, favoring more fighter craft and less transports/supports (can be changed back later)

I like this, it's more useful to have more fighters. And even seems more logic that the Resistance has new random planes every new game (you know, We fly what we found)

* Adjusted starting base layout for better base defense
* Several advanced craft/items cannot be purchased anymore, only sold
* Humans and Skynet plasma weapons now require research to use
* Removed advanced items from Resistance NPCs

 It's a shame, I liked the NPCs with M25A1s, they saved my troops a few times. :(

Wow guys things are blasting on. Looking forward to seeing your sprites, efrenespertano!

Thanks, Gordonmull! I'm about to finish 4 more planes, so maybe I'll finish all of them by tomorrow, maybe thursday. :D

That seems sensible about the soundtrack, I have to say. Any chance of a pointer as to where the music files are if we're going to make our own?

Do you mean the location of the music files? The location is mods/TechCom/SOUND, there is a list about the names of the files, so you can edit them.
Check this out.

Thank you very much! :)

I've just added your images to the mod and updated the download link to version 0.24. I converted the images to the proper palettes but there are still a number of issues regarding the colors and the sizes. But now you can see/check yourself how your work is looking just by replacing the relevant .gif located on /mods/TechCom/Resources/craft/

You're welcome! It's awesome to do something to make bigger and greater this mod.

I'll download it when I get to the university, we have free WiFi. :D

'You Could Be Mine" it's one of my favorite song since I first watched T2 when it came out. And I usually listen to the whole T2 soundtrack while working on the mod for inspiration.  :D

It wouldn't be my choice though for dogfight (Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins)

However, at this point,  I'm considering to separate the soundtrack and make it a separate download from the mod package itself.

Actually, Danger Zone was my first option. And it sounds great too, but You Could Be Mine sounded even better, I couldn't resist to add it, it's one of my favorite songs.

Although perhaps it would be more suitable for the briefing of the ground missions.

I support your idea of making a separate soundtrack folder.

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Yeah, Mexico and all of Central America up to Panama are playable. Los Angeles HQ might not be a good idea... ;)

* Design individualized sprites to Tech-Com craft
in progress

Hi, everyone!

I've tested putting my base in what remains of Mexico City and it's way quieter than in Los Angeles. I've send a few missions along the border, but my aircrafts found little opposition.  Los Angeles HQ has been overrun... again. xD

About the aircraft sprites, I'm finished the first half, the starting planes. I couldn't fix the palettes, I've struggle with it yesterday. Was a waste of time haha. I hope you can fix them, and of course, you like them. :D

An apology for the delay with the sprites. I spent the weekend studying for my exam week, but I hope to finish the rest of the planes in the next days.  :-\

In addition, I put in the .rar a suggestion for the dogfight song, gminter. It's You Could Be Mine, by Guns n 'Roses. I tried it in my game and I found that it is quite adequate, it also goes great with the theme of the mod. I hope you like it too. :D

Tech-Com Alpha 0.23 has been released - Fly the (un)friendly skies!

Sounds great! I'm downloading it.

Is Mexico a playable area? Since the launch of the mod i'm playing in the West Coast (haha the name of my base is "Los Angeles HQ"), but sometimes I've seen some HKs coming from Mexico and I would like to fight in the ruins of Mexico City. I'm going to put my base there, just for test, but I don't know if it will be so hunted, as my base in Los Angeles.

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Yes, but it's not really a big deal: your soldiers will start spread out instead of inside the craft, and if all soldiers are killed you won't lose the craft. Might be an interesting option since there aren't craft sprites to use.

How about use some "jumpsuit" or some kind of parachute to be necesary to the paratroopers? I mean, just like in X-Com Files, that you need swim suits and aquatic weapons to condutc submarine missions.

Besides looking different from the normal troopers, it make sense for the parajump, and if you don't equip'em with parachutes, they can't leave the Sherpa. 

And maybe, make some sprites of deployed parachutes and put them in the drop zones, just for estetical effects. :D

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As a tip, when you play new missions be sure not to leave any items in the ground during the soldier equipment screen - in some missions like Escape, Defense and Extraction you won't start in the craft but elsewhere on the map.

Hey, about the paratroopers... Are you still planing to add them? That's a feature that I really want to see soon!

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Updated download link to Tech-Com Alpha 0.22

List of Changes:
* Added several new terrains to HK crashes/landings, taken from the Terrain Pack/Area 51. The terrain also reflects the Geoscape, ie, mountains, polar, etc., as well as the already existing HK landings in cities.
* Redo of the Resistance missions: there are now 8 possible Assault, Defense, Destroy, Escape, Protect, Rescue, Recovery and Extraction missions, as well as several new terrains. Some terrains are temporary (i.e. Skynet facilities) until more proper terrains are designed and the mission objectives/descriptions will be further implemented in the next days. There will also be additional terrains possible for mission later on.

As a tip, when you play new missions be sure not to leave any items in the ground during the soldier equipment screen - in some missions like Escape, Defense and Extraction you won't start in the craft but elsewhere on the map.
It's nice to see old classic maps!

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I use GIMP then fix the palettes using Grafx2 (open source). I've attached the game palettes - you'll be using either the Basescape or Geoscape, depending on where the craft sprite is used - either on the base or during combat. Those craft sprites are simple to make - I could do then myself despite my also limited sprite skills, but I have more priority things to implement right now ;)
Awesome! Thanks, I'll start as soon as possible. :D I hope to finish them in a few days, I've been busy with the school of laws. xD

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I've attached the files containing the sprites for the Hawkeye. You'll need to use the game's palettes, or can I convert them after you draw them. Thanks!
It's an honor. :D

Is there some program can I use to make the sprites? Besides PhotoShop, of course. Or some tutorial on the forum?

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Version 0.21 has been uploaded - download link

List of changes:
* Updated HKs and craft with the latest features from OXCE+, including escorts (both for craft and HKs on Termination (retaliation) missions. If you'd like to give direct feedback to Meridian for his great work with the new HK interceptors features, you can do it at this thread

Hi, everybody!

I'm testing the new aircombat mechanics, they are very good. I've send my Osprey to a ground mission and an A-10 to escort them and they found some HK. It was quickily dispached by the Warthog. The escorts work well!

And the name change of "Tech" and "Comm" seems logic.

Another thing: I know this is not the correct place to ask, but... how can I add new sprites for the aircrafts? I'm kinda bad making sprites (and almost every "graphic-stuff" xD), but I want to try, and If this weird experiment works, offer you my sprites! :D

I'm still waiting for the release of OXCE+ in Android, so I can play Tech-Comm, 'cause my bus trips to the University are boring. :(

You could also try making separate name files for the pilots, such as making all pilots only have the first name "Pilot" or adding "Pilot " to the beginning of every first name.  Or, since you have pilots wearing different armor from regular soldiers, you can look at the soldiers' armors to see which are the pilots and which aren't.
Actually, that's a good idea. I name my pilots "Lt Blair Williams", "Cpt Steve Rogers" and stuff like that, just to know that they ARE pilots. ;D

One feature I asked already to Meridian was if it would be possible to sort the Personnel list by pilots/non-pilots, to more easily find them. Would that help?
Yep, that will help!

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