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Messages - efrenespartano

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OK, do not try to contact them or you'll risk them shutting us down :)

Don't get alarmed, I wasn't want to try it anyway.  ;D I found a lot of scenes from the movies and some fan art, so isn't a problem.

By the way, I have some advance in the sector generic reports, please check them and tell me what do you think. :)

Sector Greenland

Being such an inhospitable place, there is little information of armed groups operating in Greenland. The biggest find yet was finding aircraft and operational weapons at the almost intact Thule Air Base, being of help for the global effort of the Resistance.

Sector Canada

Canada, because of its closeness to USA, was also badly hit on Judgment Day. The victory at Cheyenne Mountain also helped the Canadian resistance by smoothing Skynet's attacks. They are concentrated primarily in Edmonton and the outskirts of Vancouver.

Sector USA

Sector Mexico

Mexico and Central America were almost ignored during the Judgment Day, but with Skynet's general offensive at the beginning of the war, a nuclear bomb destroyed Mexico City, due being such a populated city. Mexican guerrilla groups fight deep in the Central American jungle.

Sector Brazil

As happened with Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro was erased from the map due to its large number of inhabitants. Since the beginning of the war, the Brazilian resistance fights in the Amazon, which has caused Skynet to constantly defoliate complete hectares to eliminate their refuges.

Sector South America

Buenos Aires was another city destroyed by the Skynet bombs. The fighters of the Resistance of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay are scattered between the Atacama Desert and the almost dry Río de la Plata. Recently there was an offensive against a Skynet base with some of the last tanks in the world, in Patagonia. The result is unknown.

Sector Western Europe

Like many nuclear capable countries, the countries of Western Europe suffered hard on the Judgement Day. Currently, the main groups of the Resistance operate in the Alps, in the Black Forest in Germany and in the north of Great Britain, doing guerrilla in areas where Skynet can't attack with their HK-Tanks.

Sector Eastern Europe

Being one of the first targets of the Skynet attack, Russia and its neighboring countries were practically in ruins on J-Day. We have reports of scattered Resistance groups fighting in Karelian forests, near Moscow and recently secured an oil reserve in the Caucasus.

Sector Middle East

By nuking Iran's nuclear reserves at the beginning of the war, the Middle East is almost devoid of life. There are reports of rebel groups operating in the Iraqi deserts and in the Sinai.

Better to ask permission first - likely his answer will be that the images are copyrighted to the Terminator franchise owners since they paid for his work.

Hobbes, you were right again.  :'(

I contact him, he's such a nice guy. But he cannot allow me to use his work. :(

Hello and thank you for the compliments. Unfortunately, all work I did for “Terminator Salvation” and “Terminator Genysis” are copyrighted by the movie studios that produced those films. I wish I could give you permission to use the actual artwork, but I’m afraid it would be a violation of their copyrights. You are welcome to use it a reference for your own work, but any reproduction or exhibition of the work would need approval of the production company. My apologies.

How I can contact the production? :(

Well, I have to look somewhere else.  :'(


The resistance gathered its best forces to assault the complex and destroy the Skynet core. Skynet detected the preparations and set a trap. When the resistance broke through the perimeter, the machines deployed a large force and counterattacked, catching the resistance forces between a hammer and an anvil. The resistance was able to hold off the counterattackers until Cheyenne Mountain was secured but at a great cost. It is a bit similar to the radio signal to shutdown Skynet on T4.

Hey, that's a great idea! And sets a great backstory.

I was about to suggest you to add a modified caucasic male soldier with the rank of colonel named "John Connor" who would appear in every name. But I like your idea way much. Gives a huge replay to the mod.

At a certain point in design I considered placing the Skynet Core on North America right on Cheyenne Mountain and fortify the region so that the player would need to get some proper defense tech before placing any bases there (they'd be destroyed in a matter of days/weeks in retaliation attacks). I dropped this idea because it made everything more predictable and not knowing the location of the Core will be a challenge when placing bases.

Well, as you say, the Resistance already have beaten Skynet in Cheyenne Mountains so it has sense that the new Core will be hidden in another place.

What I'd be interested at this point would be for you to write just a paragraph for each generic sector descriptions. And then, when I finish the regions will be a matter of using that template to create the different reports for each sector.

Yes, now I undestand what I need to do. I was a bit confused about what exactly you want to write. But now I know. :D

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And this is what I've written so far about the background story. The timeline is set around the first movie, before the first terminator is sent. So far I haven't mentioned John Connor at all because of my plans on how the story will progress.

Great! Now I have some idea to how is going the story. If you have any other idea, please let me know.

I'm a bit curious. What happen in Cheyenne Mountain? A large assault? A Resistance counterattack? When? Is it a turning point?

I was thinking about using some elements from Terminator Salvation (eg: Connor being a commander at this moment instead the all-mighty savior of the humanity, the radio signal to shut-down Skynet, the Submarine HQ of the Resistance leaders, Connor encouraging other Resistance fighters by radio, etc). But only elements, because the Salvation timeline is set from 2003, not from 1997.

Aslo, about the sector descriptions, I was thinking that the nuclear-capable countries were more punished than the others, meaning that Western Europe, USA, India, Pakistan, China, etc, will have more Skynet presence than Latin America, Africa, central Asia. This applies too with military power, as Skynet will have more troops on powerful countries. Skynet will focus more on USA than in Mexico. This, of course, means that will be easier to start in those countries.

Do you have any map of the Skynet-controlled areas of the world? So I can write the actual locations for the Sector intel.

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I'm not using any specific reference - I love Christopher Shield's site and his descriptions of the tech, weapons, etc., but I've steered clear of using any of the historical events he describes, and I'm just creating stuff as it is needed, like the Graveyard Airforce.

Well, that gives you some creative freedom! That's the good thing about the Terminator saga. The future can be changed. Even you put it in the mod! The save games are "timelines".

I have another thing in mind regarding Russian AIs, called 'Death Hand' or 'Perimeter' system, but this will be a part of the storyline, so it won't be revealed in the sector reports.

Hey, that's the name of the fourth difficulty! :D I understand why "Maginot" and "Great Wall", they were impenetrable fortresses. But, why "Astra"? It's any type of AI?

I have a lot of ideas about the general universe, but I haven't written them all down. There's some info in the intro (which is currently a visual mess) but tomorrow I'll compile it all in a document and share it with you.

THAT will be super useful! Thank you!

I like tamales even better ;)

Then you will love to be here on Febraury, 2nd. It's the " Day of the Candelaria", when we eat tamales and drink atole all of the day. ;D

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Better to ask permission first - likely his answer will be that the images are copyrighted to the Terminator franchise owners since they paid for his work.

I understand, first I will contact him and ask him for permission to use his images. I hope he accept, it's artwork would be a great addition to the mod.

If you'd like to help with writing, what I'd need right now would be for a single paragraph description of each sector to use in their Intelpedia articles.

All right! But to be ready to work, it would be good to be on the same topic as you. Do you have any reference, any doc or story to use it for the background story? I know you based most of this mod in the forum of Christopher Shields, this work is amazing. But, do you have another reference?

This is, to have congruence about what I will write and your general vision of the mod. There is not much information about what happens in the rest of the world. I think some book refers to a version of Russian Skynet, but nothing else.

Haha I mean, I don't want to write "Mexico was busy doing tacos while the rest of the world burn in flames" (Yes, in Mexico we love tacos), because this obviously will go against the lore and the thematic of Tech-Comm.

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That site really has some awesome images, thanks for the link.

Just added your more recent images and they're looking pretty good. I've been working to finish the regions, been taking longer than expected but I should release 0.29 in the next days.

You're welcome! :)
I will download some of the pics of Victor Martinez and convert them, so you can use them for the Tech-Comm and Skynet pages of the Intelpedia.

And of course, I'll credit him. ;D

With the backgrounds created by MKSheppard and the ones I will made, you can add some pages for backstory both for the Resistance and the Machines. If you like, I can help with some writting too!

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To properly credit the original authors, and/or if necessary ask for permission to use them in the mod. There are a lot of fan images around the internet and I don't like to steal other people's work.

If your models were based directly on the HKs found in the movies, then it's not necessary ;)

Ok, I'll check that.
If necessary, I will do a readme to credit the authors.

EDIT: Actually, Hobbes, you were right. I made a readme with all of the credits I can find. And I found something interesting. One of the guys who made the images I've used, actually work with the team who made Terminator Salvation and Terminator Genisys. He made some artwork, and I like it very much. I think we can use his work (I dunno if we need to ask him first) for the images of the Intelpedia. Even for some HWPs ('Cause they are some art about technicals and jeeps).

This is the link, please check it out and tell me what do you think.

I've attached a little rar with a new set of Intelpedia images (better quality, of course) and the readme.

Yes, Skynet will send missions against targets located on those cities, like civilians or resistance forces.
Oh, just like a Terror Site!

Very nice, now I'd only wish that the sprites on the tactical missions looked the same.

Did you get those images from any particular site?

Negative, I've found them searching on Google "HK Aerial", then I choose the ones I'll need. It was a little more difficult than the crafts of the weapons, 'cause they aren't many HK models.

The models are from T2, T:Salvation, T:SCC and T:Genysis


EDIT: I've corrected a few Intelpedia images of the craft weapons, I switch them for other ones with better quality. Also, I've started to do the inticon/basebits, I hope to upload them tomorrow.

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Hello there!

I've completed another part of the sprites, this time all of interwin images. Now we can see against what we are fighting!
Includes all of the HKs, even those who aren't implemented yet (T-70x Aerial HKs), and even the HK-Tank.  ;)

I'm rushing to complete the remaining sprites before the update v0.29.  ;D

I've attached a screenshot of two of my dogfights, check the new HKs images (one fighter and one scout, the darker one is an upgraded scout)

City ruins, most of them nuked during Judgment Day or devastated afterwards by the fighting against the machines. But the ruins are also very useful for humans and the resistance to hide in them from Skynet.
Oh, I see. They are any missions in those cities?

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And a little update...

efrenespartano's updated craft sprites have been added and are looking great, but it will still be a couple of days before I release a new version, but it will contain several major additions, including the whole Earth being playable and the strategic level will definitely look different.

Did you say a couple of days? Great, then I can complete the remaining sprites, so you can add them to v0.29.

Here's a little teaser of what's to come.

These will be Sector comm reports. At start you'll have 1 for each sector, in a total of 23,  that you can research to get tips on the areas more likely to encounter HK activity on the sector.

Awesome! That will be super useful! And will add some backstory about the global effort in the War Against the Machines. I like it.

By the way, what are the red dots in the Geoscape? Cities? Refugee camps?

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Cool, just added your sprites and they're looking pretty good, specially the craft weapons. :)

I'm glad you like it! I would like to help you will all of the Intelpedia pages, just tell me what to do, and I'll do it. :D

All extra images are added in extraSprites.rul and you assign them to HKs in ufos.rul

Good, as soon as I complete the interwin images, I'll add them.

There's already an Interwin image for the HK but I didn't use it - it's included in \Resources\Craft\ as hangar.png

Oh, I tought that was for an hybrid/captured HK. :0

One question - the Mohawk reminds me of the Ornithoper in Dune 2. Is that a coincidence?

Hahaha no, is not. Dune 2 (and later, Dune 2000), were two of my first games for my PC. Great that you note the reference! ;D

EDIT: It's a bit obvious, but remember that you don't need to fix the palettes anymore, I've learned how to do it by myself. I appreciate your help and patience. ;D

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This rar includes the corrected sprites of the aircrafts I've already made. If you encounter some weird color or something that need to be rescaled, please let me know.  ;D

Also I included the Intelpedia images for the aircraft weapons. The next step, is to complete the basebits/inticon for the weapons, so we can notice the different missiles/guns in Dogfight. Also I'm working on the interwin (the window in Dogfight where we can see the enemy craft) images for the current HKs. (Actually, I haven't yet searched in which ruleset the interwin are specified, but I suppose that in extraSprites.rul  ???)

Nothing more to say, please enjoy!  :D

You can see all the ruleset files in \mods\TechCom\Ruleset\ . The ones you're looking for are extraSprites.rul, ufopedia.rul and craftWeapons.rul

Thank you! I didn't knew where to find them.

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