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Messages - Daiky

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Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:51:38 pm »
I'm happy to anounce first visible results of the unit drawing code I have been working on lately.
As you can see, it is currently only drawing the heads of the soldiers.
The drawing routine works 100% on a rule-based parameters system, so it's as flexible as it gets, nothing hardcoded. This means in the future easy implementation of other units, or more advanced unit animation, etc without code changes.
The downside is, for every unit you have currently 63 parameters to configure, which can become even more later on.

Other stuff I have been working on:
- reading of RMP files = spawnpoints of aliens on the map, and later on for AI pathfinding
- moved MAP and RMP file loading to ResourcePack
- Soldiers are positioned on the proper tiles inside the skyranger
and in between I'll get that soldier summary panel on the bottom look right.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: November 02, 2010, 07:10:23 pm »
I committed a cleanup, and renamed some of the classes, so they are clearer what they do.

Programming / Re: Problems with r189
« on: November 02, 2010, 12:51:47 pm »
I'm doing some cleanup in the battlescape code, so I'll add this one, thanks.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: November 01, 2010, 12:57:29 pm »
If you just heard a loud bang, don't be afraid, it was just me committing the battlescape code into the openxcom repository :o

Offtopic / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: October 31, 2010, 10:06:03 am »
Tom, from Belgium, 30 years. I also had both UFO and TFTD on floppy, unfortunatly when I moved, 10 years ago already, all my floppies ended up in the trashbin.
I have all sorts of programming experience both professional:
- assembler in machines that controlled locks on rivers, robots that assemble cars, ship simulators in laboratory
- warehouse management software for big companies like IKEA, etc but also for airline companies to manage spare parts of airplanes
- finetuning of Oracle databases
and in my free time:
- websites, games, all kinds of tools

Other hobbies are making music (yes, I've done remakes for some xcom music), playing games (everything), cooking, making documentaries about nature(filming).

Programming / Re: Improved globe performance when zoomed in
« on: October 30, 2010, 04:56:33 pm »
well, SDL will probably not actually execute the drawing function.
But the other stuff like "Text *label = new Text(_res->getFont("BIGLETS.DAT"), _res->getFont("SMALLSET.DAT"), 80, 9, x - 40, y + 2);" is executed anyway, even for labels totally off-screen. It is creating massive amounts of new instances of Text there...
Not sure where label gets deleted again?

Programming / Re: Fps counter patch
« on: October 30, 2010, 04:30:04 pm »
yep, using resolution 320x200 almost 2000 fps and my CPU goes to 60% ... I think if you limit the frames to 30 fps, it would only take 0,9% CPU ? :p

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: October 30, 2010, 02:59:58 pm »
those special tiles are in U_BITS.PCK

Programming / Improved globe performance when zoomed in
« on: October 30, 2010, 01:50:21 pm »
Adding two lines of code (to not draw text labels that are not on the screen), more than doubles the framerate when zoomed in.

Also you may want to do the same check in the cachePolygons function. The performance increase is amazing. But I don't want to do all the work for you :p

Programming / Re: Fps counter patch
« on: October 30, 2010, 01:02:42 pm »
Nice, it works fine here.

There is also a function SDL_getFramerate, but I don't know if that can be used here, because it only works with a "frameratemanager"?

Offtopic / Re: Show your project
« on: October 30, 2010, 11:36:13 am »
Welcome DaiShiva, really appreciate it you came by. We think the map editor can still be of use, since openxcom uses the oldskool file formats.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: October 29, 2010, 11:47:31 pm »
I opened up the good old map editor, and behold.... the floortile next to the diagonal wall tile has a small part attached which is a half floor tile.

The reason why it showed black is, that I was drawing all floor tiles first, and then the rest. Which is maybe not a good idea I see now.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: October 29, 2010, 12:48:15 am »
as promised a patch this week for milestone 5:
- functional: XCom Craft placement (done)
- functional: Ufo placement (done)
- functional: Battlescape starts when landing skyranger at a crash site (done)
- technical: Move MCD struct to TerrainObject class (somewhat done)
- technical: review variable names to see they all correspond the conventions (done, I hope)
 (conventions: a map origin is on the left side, X-axis runs to bottom right, Y-axis runs to upper right, Z-axis represents the layers, a distance on the X-axis is called width, a distance on the Y-axis is called length, a distance on the Z-axis is called height ) (done)
- technical: big code review so this patch can be integrated for the first time in the openxcom SVN repository (somewhat done)

there is still a little issue with diagonal ufo walls, the floor is not blitted correctly (it's not using the black mask, got to find out how to use masks with the SDL blit).

So, SupSuper, as for me this patch can go in SVN. I don't know what you think.
Anyway, I keep implementing battlescape stuff:
milestone 6:
- load waypoints/spawnpoints
- add units /soldiers

Open Feedback / Re: Dingoo A320 performance problems
« on: October 28, 2010, 04:04:25 pm »
There are fixed point math c++ libraries out there and using such a library is mostly done by replacing all occurences of "double" with "fixed" and functions like sin,cos,sqrt with fsin,fcos,fsqrt. Or whathever their fixed point counterparts are.
So it is not really rocket science to implement a fixed point library, but it's mostly a matter of priorities, like Sup said. And how to test it without the hardware, like michal said.

PS. there will be a lot of math once started with the collision detection / raytracing etc on the battlescape. I will try to take into account this issue.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: October 27, 2010, 03:53:35 pm »
speaking of damages... if you shoot the inside half of the tile it should replace it with the damaged version of that tile, if you shoot the outside half of the tile it should replace it with the damaged version of that one. The damaged version is held in the MCD data, However, the game can only hold 1 MCD index for a floor tile... how can it hold the MCD indexes of both "floors"?

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