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Work In Progress / Re: Building mars
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:06:41 pm »
Thank you  :)

The thinking behind the suits was armoured torso and helmet in one while the rest of the suit is normal fabric. Kinda like the marines from "space above and beyond" ahem..

The problem comes with the sheer amount of arm and legs sprites, I have to be reasonable and not want to repaint every single one, at least not right now otherwise I run the risk of not getting anything else done.

Work In Progress / Re: Building mars
« on: May 25, 2015, 03:23:18 pm »
Been working more on my mars globe, think im getting the hang of it now! still abit blocky in a few parts but im still working away atm.

No textures yet, but im working on them now. Also my first draft if you like on the space suit!

Work In Progress / Re: Building mars
« on: May 16, 2015, 08:20:01 pm »
HA! Have been very tempted making my Mars half terraformed  ;D When I started making this, editing world.dat was still kinda new and I started off with BB's grid world as a base but im working on it and adding more triangles and textures to blend it all in more, after looking at the dune mod's globe and saying WOW im going to have to knuckle down and get editing!

I will have a look at the War of shadows mod, however for my mod/tc I did a lot of writing back in the day and would like to see it all come alive so to speak!

Work In Progress / Re: Building mars
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:19:07 pm »
Is there a way of not having to use the standard palette? having about 3 browns is rather annoying considering mars is just 1 colour with various shades!

Work In Progress / Re: Building mars
« on: May 15, 2015, 10:14:15 pm »
Looking through what I had done a few years ago and playing around with world.dat editor again im thinking the key to making mars work properly will be to use many different shades of the textures used to try and blend in the detail and not make it look blocky which mine does atm.

So time to make some new textures  ;)

I did have a look at the desert globe, very nice and the textures blend really nice. Not sure if I will be able to use the same technique thou!

Work In Progress / Re: Building mars
« on: May 14, 2015, 11:09:00 pm »
I'm using this, or was at the time. not sure whether to carry on or go down a different route atm, will check those tools you pointed out!

Thank you! Also perhaps this is something we could collaborate on if you so wish/would find it useful.

Work In Progress / [TOTAL CONVERSION] Battle For Mars v0.4.1
« on: May 14, 2015, 09:58:16 pm »
Update by Meridian: updated the latest version v0.4a to run with latest nightly, download v0.4.1 here:,3636.msg114957.html#msg114957

Version 0.33 of Battle for Mars is ready for download

The plan is a tc involving the defence of Mars against some horrible alien types, involving big battles and plenty of death  8) The final Game will have an extensive research tree, a good selection of weapons, armour, maps and aliens. The aliens from UFO wont be used.

Features so far- V0.33 (New items are in red)
1. New globe and regions- 11 of Mars regions have been added, can be seen when setting up new bases and on the graphs screen
2. Standard trooper spacesuit
3. 4 Weapons- not been coded for balance and tu costing as of yet
4. 3 grenades and 1 mine
5. Restructured Ufopedia, now called database
6. Ufopedia articles on items in the game so far
&. New tiles and maps for battlescape, 23 new maps and textures. With 2 different types for North and south hemispheres
9. Alien Missions
10. Countries / Alliances
11. MDF Dropship, new interceptor and 3 craft Weapons
12. Polar tile set
13. 3 new UFO types
14. 3 new alien weapons added, Tachyon Rifle, Heavy Tachyon Rifle and the Tachyon Cannon
15. The first 2 new aliens, the Tauran Alien soldier and the Drone type 1
16. New tile set, a rocky terrain type (terrain type 1)
17. New Geoscape background and menu colouring
18. New basescape, including maps for base defence, which is now a massive battle and good fun
19. New battlescape hud/interface
20. The standard space suit has had a upgrade, includes shoulder and knee pads, looks a lot better IMO
21. More detail on Mars globe
22. Inventory screen sprites for standard spacesuit

Go to New Battles to check out the new base defence mission  ;D, also to note that this has some of the new stuff going into v0.35 which is incomplete and wont effect the normal game but still can be accessed.

The "a" version on this page differs from the version on page 6 only slightly, just adds more Mars maps to the base mission and corrects an error.

Features coming up-


- The main campaign has begun. Starting of with monthly battles which the MDF have the chance to take part in.

- Each battle will have at least 3 to 5 missions with the mission scripting picking 1 at random for the player to try and complete.

- Missions types -

1. Search and Destroy (ie artillery, munitions caches etc)
2. Sweep and clear ( clear the way for retreating troops )
3. Hold the line ( fill holes in the battle lines, rear guard actions)
4. Covert Ops ( can be a lot of different types of missions, one example is even fighting the very troops you are supposed to be assisting... you will have your reasons )   

Plenty more planned, just seeing how far the mission scripting can go atm.

As before put into your mod dir, go up to game type and select Battle For Mars  8)

Uses - built 2015-08-27 09:40 and above

EN-US supported only at this time

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play Is LIVE!
« on: December 24, 2012, 11:24:13 am »
Watched all of them so far, been highly amusing! If your needing some more breaching fodder I would be happy to help!

Work In Progress / Re: Editing textures.dat
« on: November 23, 2012, 09:55:48 am »
Thank you Yankes, that info was very useful and when the time is right i can alter openxcom's source with these changes along with a host of others (not alot of point atm since openxcom is still being updated daily).

Bomb Bloke, thanks for the grid world. at the start of the year i created something simiular but with bigger grids and only using a hex editor, lol. but with the smaller grids i have a good starting point and can get on with creating Mars.

And cheers for the info SupSuper, again this is something i will do at the end.

Thanks for the help guys  :)

Work In Progress / Re: Editing textures.dat
« on: November 21, 2012, 08:56:20 pm »
Bomb Bloke, how did you texture the globe? that would work very well for what i have planned, since Mars has no areas where one could not land and also would help speed up the building process. Hopefully ill be able to just use the polygons for detail.

Yankes, im indeed intrested in the day/night cycle as Mars's days are 38 mins less that earths days time wise and i would like to change that as well.

Work In Progress / Re: Editing textures.dat
« on: November 19, 2012, 08:38:34 pm »
Thanks, ive got all i need now to start making my new planet.

However one last question, how do you change the ocean colour? After looking through the code that draws it i couldnt find anyway of changing the colour, is it internal like the bullets, plasma shots or is loaded from a file?

Work In Progress / Re: Editing textures.dat
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:10:11 pm »
Thanks for the replys

I cant get pckview to run, and the older version i had did run but wont load anything  >:( So i tried gimp and that wouldnt load the .dat file either...

Im using volutar's world program to place my polygons, but again for some reason the latest version wont run, much in the same way that pckview dosent ie a console window comes up then closes and thats it! Must be missing something on my computer.

Im a bit pressed for time tonight but will discuss soon what im up to.

Work In Progress / Editing textures.dat
« on: November 14, 2012, 03:13:17 pm »
Hi looking for some advise on editing the textures.dat file so I can make new textures for the globe, I'm hoping to make a new planet for a project of mine. I've used bbtools for various bits but haven't seen any tools for extracting stuff from .dat files.

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