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Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.3.2
« on: March 23, 2024, 08:21:11 pm »
Is there a problem with v8.32 as it won't start-see attached.

I have no problems running the current BAI v8.3.2.  Have your tried running a clean game with no mods?  Did a previous version work and now this one doesn't? More details would be helpful.

Also I see you are running from a MS one-drive, not sure how that works for remote files and data syncing, but it would be a good test to try to run the files from a local file location.  What OS are you running? Windows? 10, 11? Have you updated the GPU drivers nVIdia or AMD, or are you running Intel CPU/GPU and ahve you installed the Intel GPU drivers?  Sometime generic default MS OS installed drivers have issues and you'd need to install dedicated GPU drivers.

From the looks you are getting a zip file load error? Specifically, the crash log you've shared indicates an issue with mapping twice, which looks like the game doesn't handle.

Recommend steps to try and resolve (Again I think the biggest two possible issues I see are the following):
0.) Check and see if you have the file `` in the game directory, do not setup the game with this file, rather use the default release format with a 'common' directory. 
1.) Make sure you have a clean game install with no extras
     -- Verify that some mod or custom setting isn't causing the problem.
2.) Verify that a previous version of the game works with the original DOS X-Com content
     -- If a previous version doesn't work then it's not a specific problem you are having for BAI v8.3.2
3.) Run it from a local file location, not on a remote share
     -- Sometimes during a data sync files get read twice
4.) Verify with the latest version BAI v8.3.2 that you are only using it's file structure and NOT OXCE file structure...
     -- OXCE has all it's share common data files combined into a single binary, BAI does not and places them in the directory as individual files.

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.3.0
« on: March 23, 2024, 04:45:19 pm »
I also would love to not receive a grenade under my agent feets from the other side of the map but alas that has nothing to do with your great mod.

Yea, I was also thinking about this and wish that the grenade throwing distance was Nerfed.  THey should not be allowed to throw complete across the map.  Something more realistic is needed.

Example solution: Max Grenade Throw Distance (MGTD) = ( (2 * Strength / 10) + (Throwing / 15) ) ; round down to nearest integer for each calculation.

Soldier has: Str = 60, Thr = 75, then MGTD = 12 + 5 = 17 Tiles

Solider has: Str =45, Thr = 50, then MGTD = 9 + 3 = 12 Tiles


Accurace logic remains the same, this would only affect max throw distance for each soldier, this would also affect ALL NPCs, enemies and firendly NPCs.

Brutal AI / Re: Autoplay
« on: March 23, 2024, 04:29:47 pm »
Another suggestion would be to add the 'Game Options' menu into the available buttons when in auto-play'  then I could go into there and disable auto-play.

currently when auto-play is running and I hit escape, I get the following see attached image, there is no 'Game Options' button, so I can go into the settings and disable auto-play.

Brutal AI / Re: Autoplay
« on: March 23, 2024, 04:23:41 pm »
Posting here, because this thread seams most relevant to any discussion, request, or issue related to auto-play.

High Important Requests:

Fix auto-play hanging with user unable to disable auto-play or interact with menu when CPU 100%
I understand that auto-play will likely spike cpu or single processor/thread to 100%, but currently it's almost impossible to 'escape' to the menu or more importantly hit the keyboard keys at the right time to disable auto-play.

Recommendation: add the following features for when auto play is running:
1.) Really Important - pole the keyboard for input (meaning that even when CPU is maxed, at any time entering keys are priority) this can be done by checking for keyboard input at every loop of the auto-play logic, but also caching the keyboard input during one iteration of the auto-play logic.  The Problem I'm having for example is: during auto-play with CPU at 100% I can repeatedly hit escape and get to the menu sometimes, but hitting the keyboard shortcut to enable/disable auto-play just hangs and is almost impossible to disable auto-play.

2.) Have auto-play track player unit movement... or make this an optional setting.  So when the player units running on auto-play move out of the screen the screen shifts to a new location to follow the unit, or have it smoothly move the map as the player unit moves?

Lower Priority:
3.) GUI logic should take priority over the auto-play logic even when it's maxing out the CPU.  For example the user should be able to move the cursor around without the screen locking or lagging?  (I'm not sure how easily this could be implemented, this is more of a QoL, but not as necessary as the keyboard poling for disabling auto-play)

4.) Keyboard shortcut to rotate settings for all player soldiers to 'individually managed' for auto-play or 'all' soldiers auto-play.
Example: sometimes you want only a few specific soldiers that have been set to auto-play.  scenario: I have soldiers 1,2,3,4,5.  I set soldiers 1,5 as individual auto-play. hitting a specific key enables all soldiers for non-individual auto-play, and hitting that key again reverts it back to only soldiers 1,5 to run as individual auto-play when auto-play is re-enabled.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: February 22, 2024, 06:01:47 am »
I appreciate the feedback, thank you! 

The new mod is a step down from the old mod.

Old Hangar Expansion Pack Mod
2x2 Hangar (default one)                1x craft   / 4 tiles (get right away)
2x2 Hangar (upgraded hangar )      2x crafts / 4 tiles = 4 crafts / 8 tiles (minimal resources and research restrictions)
3x3 Hangar (huge hangar )            8x crafts / 9 tiles (some more progressive research and building materials, but not much more)
Easy research tree to get facilities and no story integration
Profitable materials easy to sell
Down sampled blurry images
Hangars don't accurately represent crafts in them

New Facility Expansion Pack Mod 
Garages 1x for automobiles only     1x car    / 1 tile (get right away)
2x2 Hangar (default one)               1x craft / 4 tiles (blocked by minimal progression)
3x3 Hangar (UAC Aerocraft)           4x crafts / 9 tiles (half the old mod number of craft space, restricted progression access, very story integrated)
2x2 Hangar (Alien Tech Hangar)     3x crafts / 4 tiles = 6 crafts / 8 tiles (a step down from 3x3 for 8 crafts / 9 tiles, and it's got a lot more requirements in research and materials to build)
no more building materials that are easy money for keeping engineers gainfully employed.
hand crafted pixel art
Hangars accurately represent crafts in them

Both mods are meant to help with craft management and base space allocation, the new one is just not as OP as the previous mod and has more flare for the story-line integration, artwork and ideas.

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 8.2.3
« on: February 21, 2024, 02:53:04 am »

For BRUTAL 8.2.4 I'm assuming you'll be updating to the latest release of OXCE also?  I see Meridian just merged in a change that should properly show 3x3 base facilities in the ufopedia UI.,11819.msg161988.html#msg161988

I just posted a Facility Pack mod that has a 3x3 facility but relies on BRUTAL due to the current need for the different hangars type properties not in OXCE yet.

No rush, but look forward to seeing that update included in BRUTAL-AI or BOXCE or however it's going to be referred to :)

OXCE Suggestions OK / Re: [SUGGESTION]Custom Hangar/Craft types
« on: February 21, 2024, 12:36:26 am »
I have already said in this thread that I don't need help with the implementation of this feature.

Reviewing your code, learning how it works, changing it to my liking and testing it will take me longer than doing everything myself.

It's a valiant effort, but this is a critical feature that I want to do right and want to understand every detail so that I can support it long-term.

Please don't send pull-requests, they will just be closed.

I just posted a new Facility Expansion Pack Mod that has custom hangar facilities using BRUTAL-AI currently until when you release your version into the main OXCE branch.

One suggestion for your consideration when you look at implementing this would be to have an option for a default hangar to accept any crafts. 

For example if:
   hangerType: 1 = (cars)
   hangerType: 0 = (Aircrafts)

Then have the option for something like:
   hangerType: -1 = (anything)

Example scenario:
   All automobiles = craftType: 1
   Garage = hangarType: 1

   All Aircrafts = craftType: 0
   Hangar = hangarType: -1

That way a hangar can store both aircrafts and automobiles, but a garage can only store automobiles.  Then the logic would check if there is a hangarType and craftType match first, then a craftType to universal hangarType second when determining facility space available.  The crafts would always count against the matching hangarType first before a universal one.  So if you had 2 cars, 1 garage and 1 hangar (with hangarType: -1) and one of the cars was sold, then the second car would be counted against the garage first so that any craft could be placed into the hangar.

Currently, the implementation in BRUTAL-AI has explicit matches both craftType and hangarType have to match so an automobile could not be placed into a hangar.


The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: February 20, 2024, 11:51:55 pm »
If the intention is to have only one 'super-aerospace-manufacturing' hangar, you could introduce an item requirement, like 'UAC license' or something. IDK, can you get items back from destroying facilities? Edit: Yeah, you do get them back.

Well you only "Need" one for manufacturing aircrafts, but welcome to have more than one of them or multiple at bases to suit yourself in game-play preferences as I didn't want to make it too locked into a specific game-play.  I just don't prefer 3x3 facilities at all like the 3x3 huge storage facility because they just take up too much base area and minimal necessity for these overly large facilities are my preference.

The X-Com Files / Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« on: February 20, 2024, 10:47:39 pm »
When I made the original mod I mostly followed Biggieboys version for the original XCOM, and I was also new to X-Com files and looking for an easier play through. 

What I don't want to do is remove the old mod just because of my "subjective opinion" that it makes the game too easy and replace it with something completely different where someone may want the old mods original features.  If it's removed or replaced then it leaves people to scour the internet archives for the old version.

But I would like to encourage the use of the new mod without the old one as I think its more balanced in the spirit of X-Com Files.

I'll think out how best to make a "pure version" that's more of a drop in without the research and other facility property changes.

The X-Com Files / Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« on: February 20, 2024, 10:06:26 pm »
Added, plus the precursor Garage mod.

I did notice that this submod is not just three extra hangars, a lot of other facilities have also had their parameters fiddled with. Perhaps consider making 'pure' version?

Since the issue the old Hanger Expansion Mod had was basically incompatibility with BAI, and this version is now in turn incompatible with 'vanilla' OXCE, I figure it's better to leave everything up until the day Meridian gets to variable hangars himself.

I would recommend listing both mods... long term. Mostly because the two mods are so different I think a lot of people may want the old mods features.  I'm trying to figure out how to label them so people don't get confused.  I don't know if you are planning on having a "CHEAT" section for X-COM Files mods list. But in my opinion the old hangar mod is more of a cheat or enables a MUCH easier play through.

Old Hangar Expansion Pack (standalone facility expansion, research tree only for it's own components)
- General Building Materials
- General Building (1x1 Facility)
- Architecture Building Materials (CHEAT??? - highly profitable)
- 2x2 (Hangar x2)
- 3x3 (Hangar x8) (CHEAT??? - 8 crafts is a bit excessive)

New Facility Expansion Pack (more integrated mod that modifies the research tree to get acces to crafts and hangars)
- General Building - (Removed - I saw this a duplicate to the Corridor which I don't think was originally in xcom-files when this mod was 1st released)
- Garage mod - (Dependency - start with 1x bay garages instead of hangars)
- General Facility Access - (Some restrictive progression to build an "Operational X-COM UFO Defense Base" inline with the spirit of the X-Com Files beginings)
- Starting Base Facilities - (Reduced access because of new progression requirements, slight enhancement to some xcom-files facilities storage and living space)
- Regular Hangar - (Advancement Gated - requires research advancement to get access to)
- 3x3 (Hangar x4) - (Balanced - more realistic to the space of hangar & craft size)
- 3x3 (Hangar x4) - (Now an Aerocraft Shop - requred facility to manufacture crafts)
- Interceptor and Skyrider trees - (A few more minor research gates before getting access to researching and crafting them)
- 2x2 (Hangar x3) - (New Advanced Hangar for Ultimate Base Management)
- ALL New Sprites - (New Pixel Art - no down sampling images, everything done by hand, pixel by pixel)

I've played through a bunch of times, testing up through getting the 2x2 (Hangar x3) and I feel it's well balanced, BUT completely different than the previous mod.  I can't please everyone, but I'm definitely open to getting feedback to help improve and mature this new mod.

From your statement
Perhaps consider making 'pure' version?

I'm guessing that you are ask to have a separate mod that just adds the facilities at specific research times without modifying any of the existing X-Com and X-Com Files research trees and facility stats?

The X-Com Files / Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« on: February 20, 2024, 09:26:35 pm »
Hm I would guess it is not safe to swap to this from old Hangar mod midgame right? Especially if I have upgraded hangar built.


The TWO hangar mods are compatible to have BOTH.  If you are mid game, my recommendation would be to leave the old mod, and just add the new mod.  Of course, make a backup save before hand if you want to revert or have any issues.

I have had both mods running in a game before and the are compatible, use completely different facility id's.  If you are starting a new game I would only recommend using the NEW mod only.  Honestly I think the old mod was almost more of a cheat because it's very easy to get a lot more hangar space, and the Architecture Building Materials are fairly profitable.  But keep using the old one if that's what you want.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: February 20, 2024, 09:20:32 pm »
Hangar 3*3 for 4 crafts completely breaks the management of the base.

Akamashi, thanks for feedback! 

How do you mean that a 3x3 breaks base management?  Also the intent of the 3x3 hangar for 4 crafts, my intent was that you would only need one of these facilities for the entire game, where you would manufacture new crafts, have hangar space for them, and then need to transport them to other bases. Basically this mod restricts ALL crafts that need manufactured to require to be built in this facility.

The X-Com Files / Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« on: February 20, 2024, 06:36:40 am »
Hmm, yeah, Brutal AI seems to be doing more than just AI these days.

Anyway, a quick fix attached until/if the submod author decides to make a separate version for BAI. No guaranteeing these will line up nicely for advanced aircraft since I only tested with Mudrangers.

Juku121, I just updated, actually a major overhaul to the Hangar Expansion Pack, and with the hopes that it will be more than just hangars, so new name is Facility Expansion Pack.

I haven't looked at the old mod in so ling I didn't debug the issues people are currently having, but if there are issues with the new mod release, then I'll work getting everything ironed out.  I also haven't tested the base retaliation component of the new mod release.

FYI the current release required BRUTAL-AI, because it supports different hangar types, I know that Meridian has on his todo list to eventually support this feature.  When he does that should drop the BRUTAL-AI requirement, although I might have to makes some changes if it's implemented differently.

The X-Com Files / Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« on: February 20, 2024, 06:29:15 am »
XCFHanger Expansion Mod v0.86 appears to be broken with the latest OpenXcom update from yesterday. I keep getting these errors now attempting to launch the game  :-[

[04-07-2023_07-54-31]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of facilities:
Error processing 'STR_LARGE_HANGAR' in facilities: Not enough position vectors for crafts allocation.
Error processing 'STR_UPGRADED_HANGAR' in facilities: Not enough position vectors for crafts allocation.

I just posted a complete overhaul to my X-Com Files Hangar Expansion Pack mod.

New Mod Link

I haven't tested base retaliation, everything else works as expected.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: February 20, 2024, 06:25:47 am »
I just posted a complete overhaul to my X-Com Files Hangar Expansion Pack mod.

New Mod Link

I haven't tested base retaliation, everything else works as expected.

Solarius Scorch, I'd be curios to get your take and any interest to incorpoarte this submore into the main XCF?  You are welcome to if you want.  :)

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