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Messages - Danny

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Open Feedback / Re: SOLDIER GENDER
« on: December 20, 2013, 11:42:44 am »
well i have back luck then beacuse always get  more female agents XD
and a i feel a little guilty using low stats females as scouts and meat shields   :'(.
thank you so much for answer  :D

Lol... XD
I don't look at genders, if they have low stats. Their expendable... :P

Offtopic / Re: Your X-COM base names
« on: December 07, 2013, 11:23:56 am »
"We're gonna die"
"Doomed base"
"Humanities grave"
"Probing done here"

Hehehe ^^

Offtopic / Re: Reviving a stunned alien?
« on: December 03, 2013, 08:28:39 am »
... the carefully thrown safety proxy which happens to be 2 tiles away from one of your best troops...

I used to do that, but then I found that you had to avoid their corpses like they were the plague (and, like the plague, would probably kill you) or else the proxy would go off. In the tight-knit corridors of a UFO, that's a rather awful idea for obvious reasons...

I always kept some distance away anyway. ^^
And particular dangerous alien get safety (alien) grenade instead. :P

Alien with no melee options just take away their weapons and grenades.

Offtopic / Re: Ok... so where is Elerium coming from?
« on: November 29, 2013, 01:03:00 pm »
it's a waste product of the alien brain's biology. think kidney stones.

In one Xcom game they found a lot natural Elerium deposits in another solar system... XD

Offtopic / Re: Ok... so where is Elerium coming from?
« on: November 28, 2013, 08:02:04 pm »
so we can safely assume that the aliens need to ship it into our solar system from the outside (or perhaps they had large stores of it on mars, which were destroyed after the brain was killed).

I thought they found an extremely large stockpile on Mars a few thousand miles from Cydonia?

It probably won't be put into the main game as it makes it easier for X-Com to amass money while aliens will rarely, if ever, need to use their sidearm.

Check the wiki or ask around if you need any modding help.  :)

Well heavy Plasma's and rifles need to be more like their TFTD equivalent, less ammo which will give the pistols more use... :\

Maybe make the bigger plasma weapons less accurate while boosting the pistols but weaker.

Stronger aliens should carry pistols as side arm... :\

Suggestions / Re: Make ufos smarter an tougher
« on: November 26, 2013, 04:44:50 pm »
Bombers should only trigger a 25% to 50% of your base defences and grav shields will not work on them.
And your base defences have less accuracy as well.

Bombers will disable between 1 - 4 mostly random base modules for 10 days. It will also trigger 2 Battleship attacks within 10 days (unless the first one hits).

Also Hyperwave decoders should have only 80% to 90% detection rate. And add a "stealth value" to scout ships in late game

Why reinvent the wheel when the traitor humans can just be the very early Cult of Sirius?

This and personally I think the first alien war shouldn't have "traitors" just yet... :\
Maybe a rival organisation in fighting the aliens and "battling" them would be in a diplomatic way.
They are rivals for Xcom in who gets to go in and recover alien crash sites and such. If they are very successful Xcom gets a lot less loot to research, use or sell. ;)

Suggestions / Re: [CORE] Special Armor Resistances
« on: November 21, 2013, 08:36:14 am »
Psi armour shouldn't give too much Physical protection though :\

Suggestions / Re: [CORE] Special Armor Resistances
« on: November 19, 2013, 05:49:01 pm »
A powerful new type of protection for your soldiers, this armour is powered by an elerium core and boosts the soldiers speed and strength.
In addition, it adds complete protection against environmental hazards like fire and smoke.

Suggestions / Re: Damage types
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:20:07 am »
This was already even in the original game.
Like how Sectopods are vulnerable to lasers.
Sectoids fall over if you sneeze at them.
Floaters aren't much better then Sectoids
Snakemen are resistant to fire, though I found lasers are strong against them.
Chrysalids and Reapers are vulnerable to fire ammo.
Mostly due to a bug in the original game, 2x2 units were weak vs explosives as they got damaged 4 times by those (each part got hit separately). XD

Suggestions / Re: Augmentations
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:13:51 am »
Speaking of hybrids, in the late game if you combine the original and TFTD.
Sectoids should start working for Xcom too, knowing they would lose. They decide to switch sides... ^^

Suggestions / Re: Augmentations
« on: November 18, 2013, 12:23:12 am »
(what about some augmentations for female soldiers only? to um... distract the aliens... >_>)

That would only distract your male troopers... Seeing most aliens are sterile and use cloning.
And the Chrysalids don't care what you look like, they just ram an egg down your throat with a zombification venom... ^^

Open Feedback / Re: Remove the limit of 80 items?
« on: November 13, 2013, 07:29:49 pm »
Okay you can have as much stuff s you want in the Skyranger, but the more things there are laying on the floor the higher the chance the aliens throw grenade or aim a Blasterbomb into there... :P

It would make sense as they would want to cut Xcom's supply line... ;)

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