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Messages - humbe

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Harrison got shot while we were clearing the outside here, but luckily it wasn't fatal, and he could run over to Colin which had a medkit. He'll be out of action for 38 days though. We also had another injury caused by friendly fire, but the armor stopped most of it, so it was a minor injury, but still required medical attention from Colin.

The houses outside the door was really useful. Destroy the roof and we had excellent cover to jump out of with the flying suits to check if anyone got out. Not visible above, but there was a hedge and a house on the other side too. Not close enough to see what happened at the door, but it would spot the alien moving westwards.

Another excellent result.

Programming / Re: Auto-Battle
« on: August 14, 2020, 02:37:34 pm »
It would be very nice to have. If someone feels it is cheating, then just don't use it. Someone might just want to test out playing just the strategic bits. Maybe testing out the game, learning what techs exist, or just because they prefer to, so why not? And some might find some missions tedious and want to finish a mission they've started or just want to automatically handle a mission that is easy at that point.

But it's not easy to implement (so I don't expect such a feature to come). In games that has an AI, in a player vs AI battle on equal terms, it is easy to use the AI engine to play for the player too.. But aliens and X-Com soldiers don't fight on equal terms, so leaving it up to the AI may require quite a bit of code, and would probably not work that well.. The game is kind of forgiving for a poor AI, as you don't want to lose half the battles because the AI is too smart and has a tactical advantage from the start.

Just evaluating some dice and rolling some dice sounds like a horrific implementation in my mind. A proper AI implementation that played like a not too overly dumb human would be preferrably, but probably too much work.

Something doable would be to automate camping strategies. But likely too situational for someone to bother implementing.. For instance it could work something like this:

 - Enable recording of camping auto-play.
 - Move the players you want to move.
 - Press auto-play, this will end your turn and start auto-mode, which may (possibly optionally?) hide what happens while in auto-mode to be able to speed it up.

- In alien turns your forces will of course just do reaction shots.
- In your own turn, if any of your soldiers see an alien, shoot at him, preferring to use soldiers the alien cannot see first (as in, use soldiers with line of sight that cannot spot the alien themselves)
- The soldiers you moved when recording, will try to do the same movement pattern each turn ending back up in the same spot (including facing). If they spot an alien, shoot at it, again preferring to use soldiers the alien doesn't see first.
- If the aliens kill any of your soldiers, or give them fatal damage, abort and let you take back control.

Open Feedback / Re: Extreme Noobie Questions
« on: August 14, 2020, 01:12:43 pm »
Really best way to get better is to play few times at battle mode and test techinques of fighting
nothing can give more experience than real battles and creating own playing style  8)

That's what the save/load feature is for in non-ironman mode I'd say.. If you're unsure what to do in some situation, then save the game and test various strategies out and see what works or not.

7th of May, we research laser cannon.. Can start producing it for cash.. But with loot from the last missions, we've now got a cash balance of $8.6 million after selling quite a bit, but far from everything..

Already 0:30 on the 7th we spot another UFO. Still a harvester in Southern Africa.. And I was hoping for another australian mission with ethereals.. I have transferred the avenger down there with cannons, so now I hope to shoot one down even if it's a very small one :)

Well well.. The commander will have to catch some sleep before coordinating that mission..

4th of May we finish researching Heavy Laser..
6th of May we see a harvester with floaters going to southern Africa..  Going down there again.. Thankfully it's a day mission.

Quickly spots first alien. Mel takes the chance of taking him down himself.

With 8 sides to the UFO we can move around it with mutual surprise if we spot anything..

But that tree was even simpler to use as a hideout for a spotter that can just pop above it. The people all up on the top of the UFO don't see the alien if he's close to the vessel.. But if the alien starts moving north he will get reaction shots up there and he'll have to use some TU. No alien had TU left to fire up there. After spotting one, the people on the roof could just move forwards one tile and shoot them down if they were next to wall.

Another excellent mission. Lots of goodies and noone killed..

Yet another floater UFO

After clearing the surroundings, we're camping the exit. Training reaction and rifle accuracy.. Camping exit above and behind seems like almost a cheating functionality of the flying suit..

19th of April we finish researching Alien Origins.
20th of April, we finish workshop in San Marino and hire 50 more engineers. I guess we could have done that 3 days ago.
21th of April we finish researching Floater Leader.
23rd of April we get the 50 engineers. Avenger will now complete in less than 6 days, still within April.
23rd 12:00 we get report of medium scout going to southern Africa with floaters for a harvest mission. We will intercept them on the ground. Sadly it'll become a night mission.

It's a 4x4 tile set, and there's only one tile behind the skyranger, so unlikely that aliens is looking into it. Just dropping smoke on level 0 as our two front fighters don't have flying suits and will dump directly to level 0 when leaving..

There's many floaters around, and one of them manage to shoot Gal, which will sadly have to spend 40 days in the hospital to heal. But she survived barely, and with a med-kit we manage to stabilize her until mission was done.

25th of April we research The Martian Solution. 5 days remaining of April. If we had managed to capture that commander we could actually have started final mission within April, even though I wasn't really shooting for a fast game. Think finishing in March should be doable if focusing on it. Anyhow.. Not in a rush here.. Going to try and get to psionics before final mision I think.. Researching the blaster bomb and launcher first now.

28th of April, 18:00 hours we produce our first Avenger. 21:30 there's an inbound large scout harvester into Southern Africa. This time it looks like it may become a day mission, so flying down the team again.. Hmm.. The harvester never landed.. Strange..

At the end of April, we now have interceptors in Great Falls and Weinan with plasma beams (we should have awaited buying them until now though, to save us 1.2 mill). We have built an avenger, and considering whether to move it or the skyranger to Great Falls base to make space for another craft build.

We've researched everything we really need. Though the blaster launcher we're currently researching will also make the final mission trivial, and of course we missed the commander, so Cydonia or Bust is still missing.

We're going bankrupt..

We really need to get money into the bank. If we keep current expenses, we'll need a ~4.7 mill positive balance before next month to stay in positive range, and we need 4.5 millions more to get back to zero now. Lets see what we can sell. Until we're green we'll redirect research to laser cannon and put engineers to work on something helping to pay our bills instead.

We decided to sell our heavy plasma storage, and that actually put us back to 1.7 mill positive ;D.. But knowing that funding don't keep up with maintenance, we'll not stop until we have 5 mill positive bankroll.

First mission in May is a snakeman terror mission in Europe with a medium scout. It's soon day in Europe so we'll attempt engaging it on the ground. I really hope the other activity this month is Sectoid..

Just a few minutes later, we see the next mission. A small scout on alien retaliation mission in australasia. Hmm.. The avenger might be able to get down there in time, but if it shoots it down, we won't get to fight the Ethereal. We'll try to head down there anyhow and test out the new machinery.. Destroyed the Ethereal UFO. Another one will likely be incoming later. I think we'll buy a cannon or two for the Avenger, so we can shoot down even a small UFO later, so we can get to psionics.

What chance do the snakemen have.. None at all.. There was a couple of snakemen in the closest house, so we shot it to pieces with laser rifles :).. When we have 100 laser shots to try and kill what we spot, it's hard to survive as an alien..

The Weinan team manged well against the terror UFO. Sadly Matt got taken down by a fast moving Chryssalid and became a zombie. We cleared the outside jungle, and then the soldiers in the flying suits flew on top of the UFO exits, and camped it so they could shoot anyone exiting in the back. Worked like a charm.

Open Feedback / Re: Help for the new guy?
« on: August 13, 2020, 08:48:52 pm »
I think you're depriving yourself of fun cheating in money, but the save file is now in a very human readable format, so just open it in any text editor and change whatever..

Personally I like the window mode so I can alt-tab.. And playing in 1280x800 which is considerably less than my HD resolution, but it's the largest resolution that scales directly with 320x200.. Using 1/2 display.. Which means things are big enough that it's ok viewable, but makes me able to see more in the battlescape view than in the original game, and it's easy to take a screenshot, and reduce the size to 320x200 or 640x400 and it still looks good...

Open Feedback / Re: Extreme Noobie Questions
« on: August 13, 2020, 08:45:51 am »
UFOpedia site gives you the circle-ish area your soldiers and aliens are able to see when view is unobstructed, and also talks about some issues in the main game of strange visibility when rounding corners (which I dunno if duplicated or removed in OpenXCom).

But if an alien would be visible if it was behind that tree, a tile back and to the left of that tree or what not, is not public knowledge. And while the effects of smoke grenades are known, figuring out how far inside or outside the cloud you are actually spotting is hard.

Open Feedback / Re: Extreme Noobie Questions
« on: August 13, 2020, 12:40:05 am »
As you asked for a guide, I'll paste you my writeup ;D

         UFO: Enemy Unknown / XCOM - UFO Defense - A game guide

At there is now a ton of information available about
the game. Most of the information in this guide also exist there, but here's
my version of what's important.


In the game you're administrating an organization, X-Com that is funded by many
countries around the world to save the world from the alien onslaught. The game
has a strategic bit where you build bases, research and manufacture and make
overall prioritizations of what to do. Early on, an important aspect is
ensuring you can detect alien activity, so you get the option of intercepting

There's a small air-to-air combat minigame where you can shoot down UFO's. This
bit is not turn-based, but it's very simplistic and mostly depending on tech
levels and crafts as to who is winning. No fast reflexes needed.

Lastly, you can fly transports to sites where aliens are on the ground to
engage in land combat with them, or defend against aliens in your bases. The
land combat is where you will be spending most of your game time, and it is a
fairly complex turn based combat system. There's a lot of gear that can help
you here. You can research stuff that helps land combat, and your soldiers gain
individual experience and improve over time. Here, skill matters more than
tech. If you know what you are doing, most battles should be winnable with
pretty basic gear.


Released in Europe as "UFO: Enemy Unknown" and in US as "X-COM: UFO Defense" in
1994. There's a few different original versions, but all of them has quite a
few bugs, and today requires DOS emulation to play. Two different unofficial
products, UFOextender and XComUtil was created to try and fix bugs and improve.
These fan projects patches the game in various very configurable ways, but
reading and patching binary code is tricky, so they don't fix all the issues.
In 2010 a project called OpenXCom was started. This is a total reimplementation
of the game with more modern standards. It still uses and requires the original
game (I'm guessing to avoid copyright issues using the same graphics and sound
and the like), and this also requires you to have a working copy of the
original game to use it. Today, the orignal game is available cheaply on steam,
and openxcom automatically detects steam install from its installer. This seems
to be the simplest and best way of playing the game today, circumventing a lot
of known issues and exploits, and makes some quality of life improvements to
the game.

The OpenXCom version is pretty true to the orignal. The two biggest changes I
have encountered is that aliens seems more eager to exit their UFO and there's
no 80 item limit to troop transports, so to avoid infinite storage there, the
items in troop transports count towards base general storage capacity. Some of
the fixes makes a large impact on the game though, such as not having to pay
for dirt after altering your main base to be easier to defend. There are
various options, but the default options are typically closest to original
game.  This is the version to play.


To win the game, you need to capture some alien artifacts, research the most
critical ones, giving you the ability to research and build the ultimate craft.
Additionally, you need to capture and research live aliens, to figure out what
needs to be done. All of this is possible to do fairly quickly in game.
(Victory within April is certainly possible. I'm guessing also March if you
beeline hard enough.) If going for a speed game, you should know game mechanics
and the risks you are running. For this guide I'm mostly assuming you're taking
a safer route to victory, protecting Earth's citizens as best you can, and
delaying alien progress as best you can, while you get ready to permanently
stop the threat.


If you don't detect the alien activity, you're missing out on so many levels.
Funding nations gets dissatisfied, you get less money from them, and might even
lose the game if they are sufficiently unhappy two months in a row.
Additionally you find less alien artifacts to sell for money (which is a huge
income boost), less alien artifacts to research, and less experience for your
soldiers. Conventional radars only have a few percent chance to detect an UFO
every 30 minutes. If you rely only on radars, on harder difficulties it is
fairly easy to lose the game due to bad score two months in a row, merely
because you didn't detect enough activity.

People around the world are reporting alien activity seen and you get a live
updated graph every 30 minutes. As alien activity lasts for many hours, you
are often able to intercept activity, even on the other side of the world, if
you notice it early. This can be used to counter limited radar capacity early
on, but it is very tedious to check graphs every 30 or 60 minutes to catch
activity early enough.

Your craft also detect alien presence fairly close to them, like moving radars
with a small range, but while the range isn't huge, you have a 100% chance of
detection every 30 minutes. An alternative to looking at the graphs all the
time is to have crafts patrolling areas where activity is likely. For this,
skyrangers are best as they can stay in the air for a long time. Alien
activity is typically limited to one or two zones for a given month, and after
you've detected what zones these are you can patrol.

Radar is so much simpler though, so building more bases to get radar coverage
around the world is an early priority. There's alien tech for improved radar
that is awesome and available early if you know what to do. If you know how to,
you can skip building conventional radars until you have it available.


To shoot down UFOs you use crafts with mounted weapons like the starting
interceptor. However, if you shoot down a UFO, you will destroy parts of it,
and you will likely face less aliens and get less loot when attacking it. If
you can handle the UFOs coming at you, you're better of waiting until it lands
and fight it on the ground. There are three exceptions. You may want to avoid
a night mission, and shooting it down, means you get a crash site which is
available long enough so you can await sunlight. Secondly, it is hard to save
civilians in terror missions without endangering your own soldiers. Also, there
is no UFO in those missions so you are missing out on all the UFO loot. If you
can, these are better to shoot down. Thirdly, shooting down a UFO will trigger
a chance for alien retaliation against one of your bases, and will also delay
the next UFO on that mission, so you can shoot it down, if you want to provoke

What craft you have matters less than what weapons you use. Plasma Beams are
king. They have large range and shoot fast. Meaning you can take down most UFOs
at a range where they can't damage you. Interceptors with Avalanche launchers
have even larger range, and can also be used safely against everything but
battleships, but as the ammo is very limited you need multiple crafts to
engage. Alien UFOs move fast, and sometimes they just fly away too fast. In
these instances a more modern craft with higher speed is nice, but usually
this isn't an issue against anything bigger than a very small UFO. Also less
of an issue when using craft weapons with high range.

Battleships are hard to shoot down. They can cause massive damage and can't
be hurt before you're in range of its weapons. Think twice before deciding
that it is worth engaging it.


The real combat happens when your soldiers come up against the aliens in the
turn based land combat system. There's many types of gear available giving you
many different tactical possibilities. Your soldiers are good at different
things, and they get experience for successful actions, so you should try to
keep them alive.

To begin with you only have conventional weapons. This works out ok against
Sectoids and Floaters which you are likely to face in the beginning, but
becomes really tricky when you face terror units or better armored alien
races. I would recommend researching laser rifles quickly and make them your
main weapon. It has good accuracy, unlimited ammo, can be fired fairly quickly
and can kill anything in the game (though tougher units may require many hits).
It also doesn't cost you Elerium which the alien weapons typically do.

Armor for your soldiers help a lot for their survival. Especially power suits
and flying suits give you a decent chance to survive a plasma hit, and with a
medikit available, you can save most of those who survive the first hit. Personal
armor also helps, but combined with the low health your units likely have early
on, your chance of surviving a hit with it is still low.

Night missions are terribly, in that aliens can still spot you 20 tiles away,
while you can only spot them 9 tiles away unless you have a light source
lighting them up. Use flares for this. Ensure you have flares lighting up
anything in a 20 tile distance from your troops. This is tedious so try to
fight during daytime to avoid the alien advantage.

Smoke grenades are big life savers. Arm at least one before the mission start.
(Right clicking in inventory screen) If you have aliens looking into your
skyranger on turn 1, you can drop it on the floor and get smoke on level 1,
likely meaning the aliens won't see you in their first turn. You can also throw
one outside, and wait a turn to get smoke there, so when you step down you avoid
reaction fires from angles you can't check before you exit.

The basic survival recipy is:
  - If you spot the alien at the same time it spots you, there is mutual
    surprise and it doesn't get to do any reaction fire. Use this to spot an
    alien someone else can kill. Aliens cannot react to agents acting outside
    its visual range.  (And try to avoid walking past a corner such that an
    alien can see you while you can't see it, as it may reaction fire and kill
  - If you end your turn close to aliens, you can have bad luck and it may come
    straight for you and shoot you. To stay safe, you need to establish a gap
    between your forces and the alien forces, so walking across the gap means
    they don't have enough TU left to shoot you. Mutual surprise works for
    aliens too, so if they spot you the same time, they will get first shot in
    their turn. This gap can be established by having spotters move towards
    potential alien positions in your turn, and then move back or hide
    afterwards. Smoke grenades can be used to increase visibility gap if there
    is no suitable terrain to do it close by.
  - Aliens will never shoot at a soldier it doesn't have line of sight to. They
    never intentionally shoot at terrain to see what's on the other side, and
    they don't share target information between themselves. (With the exception
    of PSI attacks)
  - You have an infinite amount of turns, so you don't need to rush anything,
    unless on a terror mission where you want to save civilians.
  - Aliens cannot react to you turning in place, so if you have moved through
    a door or around a corner and haven't been shot, you can safely look around.
    However, once you end up doing anything else, you will have lower TU, making
    it more likely that aliens can react. (To get a reaction shot in opponents
    turn you have to have better modified reaction than the opponent, your
    reaction is modified by your remaining TU)
  - As far as I know, if you are spotting an alien, and can move out of sight
    of it by moving one tile, that alien can't react to that as he need to react
    to the target square, not the source.

Always surviving is still hard though. Especially as the best tactic to save
soldiers is very tedious, so you're likely to take some chances to speed things
up. It's pretty impossible to safely invade the insides of a UFO for instance.
It is good practice to have some expendable soldiers in the front of the
transport, and let them be the ones taking the risk of being closest to the

Psionics make land combat trivial. When you can mind control the aliens, you
can just spot one, control it, make it drop their weapons so they're never a
threat again, and then use it to spot more and rince and repeat. Aliens using
psionics against you can be avoided late game by not using soldiers with weak
psionic strength/skill. Early game, using laser weapons and power/flying suits
works out pretty good, as a mind controlled soldier is unlikely to kill a
fellow soldier.

Not that I'd launch final mission in April, but woulda been interesting getting that commander so I could see if I was ready for it within April. I guess I should bring 2 mind probes next time, and maybe even some expendables and try to enter the UFO.

We're facing the very large UFO first. We're landing in the southwestern end of the map. Noone in sight, but that can quickly change. We're facing floaters so they can be anywhere.

It's an abduction mission, so I guess no terror units? We'll see. The floaters terror unit isn't all that anyhow. We drop a live grenade on the floor and picks up another one, primes it and throws it down. Lets ensure we don't flop the exit.

We move one to each side, using extra TUs in flight suits to get down. We don't see any, so when Uma goes out, she decides to go up a level above the smoke, and immediately we see 3 enemies. Mutual surprise there. Got no reaction shots from the side thankfully.

Ryan moves out and shoots the two floaters, Colin follows and take out the beast, and Uma went on top of the skyranger and looked east without seeing any more enemies. We see no more enemies, so we deploy quite a few soldiers outside.. We hear a lot of doors opening and closing though. Intimidating.

We move towards one of the pillars and get reaction fire from 2 soldiers. We spot them, and manage to snipe them down. A reaper moves towards the skyranger, but it doesn't manage to get close to anyone, and we score a few reaction shots too.

We have moved around the UFO and cleared the outside. Pretty sure nothing is alive outside the UFO as we turn.

The very large UFO have 8 sided legs which seems perfect to hide behind, as one can walk around a corner without having a deadzone to the side (at least as far as I'm aware of). We should thus safely be able to go around it waiting for a mutual surprise. It's not perfectly safe though, as an alien could walk far enough to spot him with enough TUs left to attack, but there should be a fair chance he'll just be in the middle somewhere not having spotted any..

In addition, I've posted snipers in each corner of the map, which can shoot in between any of the 4 legs. Three of the sides have hedges or walls one can hide behind a bit closer, where i have someone posted that can just fly up a level to see if anyone is around. They are even safer from counterattack in alien turn, as they'll have to move quite far from the entrance to expose the cover. Wonder if I should move away from the pillars and let them do all the spotting. Or I could of course enter the UFO. But then we can have bad luck and having an alien wait just inside. We've seen a lot of aliens panicking including a commander, so hopefully we'll be able to capture him.

Lovely to hear aliens berserking without actually shooting because they've previously panicked and dropped their weapon ;D First time I've camped an entire very large UFO I think. What ironman mode makes me do.. The pillars were excellent cover. A few aliens got close, but they were mostly reaction shot before they could do anything.

First very large UFO and no casualties!!.. Yay :) Though the camping tactics was boring..

Sadly, the commander got killed somehow. Either he came out and got reaction shot, or he was killed inside the UFO by some berserking unit. There were at least 3 explosions inside the UFO. At one instance, three aliens got out at the same time too, and I only had mind probe to check two of them, so the commander could have been the third..

Well well.. No commander, but a lot of experience and loot.. And a ton of promotions as we've gotten a lot of soldiers since last mission. Ooh.. And blaster launcher and bomb found among the loot..

We have way too little weapons for all of these soldiers, but to get a start we're dividing what we have.

- We've got 4 heavy plasma and 14 clips for each base.
- We've got 4 laser pistols and 1 laser rifle for each of the 4 bases not having a skyranger team. (Skyranger teams have 14 laser rifles each)
- And we're buying 11 regular rifles with 22 clips, 30 smoke and 30 proximity grenades for all the 4 bases not being geared.

That should give them some starting gear to hopefully make it possible to survive a base attack if it comes. Will try to get them some armor and more laser rifles, medi kits and the like when we have time.

15th of April we finish researching the small launcher and the bomb. Nice. Researching alien grenade next. We have stored up 42 of them, so is nice gear to split among bases for base defense. We're typically saving them for a rainy day when we face highly armored aliens anyhow. Equipping the San Marino team with two small launchers. The Weinan team have no alien containment facility so they have little use for it.

16th of April and decoders detect terror mission.

It's currently over Australia. Will we be able to intercept it and shoot it down so we don't have to fight a terror mission with civilians? These are snakemen, so they'll be having chryssalid units too, which complicate matters. San Marion team will fight it.. Equipping all with flying suits to be able to stay safe from the chryssalid. Phew.. We manage to intercept and shoot it down. Thus we can await morning before we fight it, and we have saved all the civilians, and we can get UFO parts in the loot too. I guess there will be a leader too on the mission. If we detect him, we can see if we can stun him to get closer to final mission.

Before we've started the mission, we turn to 17th of April where we invent Alien Grenade. Lets start researching Alien Origins to get that out of the way.

Just as we're about to attack the crashed terror ship, we get this report:

Oooh.. The first very large UFO we've seen. Currently close to the north pole. This one I think is likely to carry a commander. However, if I'm to capture him I need to use the main assault team, as San Marino is the only base with alien containment. If I'm doing that though, that means the Weinan team has to take on the crashed terror UFO with Cryssalids.. Eew.. The Weinan team has 5 flying suits which will come in handy though.

Shooting down the very large UFO is not doable with current crafts, so taking it on later is not an option either. I think Weinan will reach terror UFO while still daylight and before crash site is done. And I think main assault team has fuel to go after the very large UFO instead, so lets give it a shot.

Destroyed a very small UFO going to South Africa around 14:00 April 8th.

9th of April we finish construction of second hangar in Weinan and Great Falls.. We decide we'll build a 3rd just in case, as they're cheap and takes a long time to build, and cost little maintenance. We also hire 20 soldiers in the remaining 4 bases (except Carney in Antarctica that hasn't built a living quarter yet) and adds on another 4 in the existing 2 bases wit soldiers. I guess we should try to equip some soldiers everywhere to be able to have some base defense.. And we have money to spare currently.

11th of April and we finish researching Ultimate Craft. Would be nice to have one, so we decide to cut short production of flying suits so we can start building one around 02:00 when the current one is finished. No real point in prioritizing researching alien origins immediately as we have no leader nor commander present. So lets research the small launcher with stun bomb first, so capturing one later will be simpler. Putting 100 on launcher and 50 on the bomb, as I assume it's simpler to research the ammo. As we're doing both anyhow, starting them in parallel should lead to a bit less wasted effort.

Starting building Avenger at 02:00.. Can only use 64 engineers as it takes up a lot of space in the workshop. That'll take 22 days to produce, but we'll finish another workshop in 9 days, so we can possibly speed it up so we can finish in April.

12th of April, all the new recruits came in. Now we have quite a job preparing them.

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