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Messages - Daiky

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Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: February 23, 2011, 12:00:57 am »
And the first PEW PEW!

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: February 20, 2011, 10:50:46 pm »
meanwhile... I finally got the one-handed and two-handed weapons drawn all right on the soldiers.

Jane looks kinda excited with this big fucking gun in her hands.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: February 19, 2011, 11:02:13 am »
hmm, that's very strange stuff, could be a memory issue of some sort, I've never seen it or had a similar report of this before.  ???
I'll guess I'm going to do some code reading to see if there could be possible errors that can cause this.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: February 18, 2011, 06:49:16 pm »
Could you please give more info when you report a bug, like a screenshot in this case and system you are working on, and also report it in the bug report board? Thanks.

Suggestions / Re: The weapon upgrade idea.
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:54:46 pm »
Actually the speed of the auto-cannon was a result of the technical limit of not more than 1 bullet that can be flying at the same time.
The next bullet could only be fired when the previous one hit something (or went out of the map).
I think of this as more of a design decision to ensure that the player knows what he has hit, by having the screen follow each shot until it "terminates". Only then can you fire another shot and have the screen follow that. Whether this is an absolutely critical feature for "good" tactical gameplay I am not sure though...
Well, the way I was going to implement it, it IS a technical limit: there always can be just one action on the battlescape at a time: whether it is an explosion busy with exploding, a soldier walking, a ufo door opening or a bullet flying. Only when the previous action has finished, the next one can start.

Suggestions / Re: The weapon upgrade idea.
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:08:54 pm »
2. Yes, the speed of the auto-cannon is ridiculous.  But maybe 4 shots instead of 6.
Actually the speed of the auto-cannon was a result of the technical limit of not more than 1 bullet that can be flying at the same time.
The next bullet could only be fired when the previous one hit something (or went out of the map).
So, if you did an autoshot to something on a tile next to you, the autoshot fired the shots really fast.
If you did an autoshot in an area with no obstructions, the autoshot fired the shots really slow.

I'm going to make sure that openxcom does not have this limit, so there can be multiple bullets flying around the map.
But by default -as always- I will keep the oldskool behaviour.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:38:56 am »
oe oe oe ! A new git build:
Featuring: nothing very impressive really...

The crew on your skyranger gets a few test-items pushed in their hands. And if you click the item you get a cross-hairs cursor to aim :) And if you right-click you cancel the action.
They are not allowed to shoot - just yet :)

Offtopic / Re: New sf theme
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:11:07 am »
Well, colors have their meanings.

Grey means neutrality, security, reliability, maturity, intelligence, modesty.
Blue (which is the only color you see in the previous screenshot) means  trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, and truth.

That's why office applications will be in grey, with a touch of blue sometimes (but that seems to tone down).

Other colors you'll see almost never in business applications (red:danger/emotion, yellow:joy/creativity, green:health/fertility)

I guess with the recent problems of security SF had, they wanted to profile them more in that grey, secure, reliable, mature, neutral color.

Suggestions / Re: The weapon upgrade idea.
« on: February 15, 2011, 06:25:15 pm »
Don't be afraid bramcor, I'm talking about the possibility to add this in as a modding possibility for you (the user/modder), so certainly not the n00bs :p
My main argument actually was: have the option of modding in upgrades on standard items - the stun gas grenade is a good example - without the need to create new graphics.
This would for example result in a modified game that makes more use of the conventional weapons, in a different, more powerful form, instead of a game where you only see them for 2 or 3 missions and then totally disappear from the game.
Balancing is up to the user/modder.

Suggestions / The weapon upgrade idea.
« on: February 15, 2011, 12:45:39 pm »
I always found that the conventional weapons (pistol, grenade, rifle, auto-cannon, heavy cannon, rocket launcher, stun rod, grenade, proximity grenade) became obsolete too fast in the game. It just feels more rewarding to me to kill an alien with my own technology rather than theirs.

So I was thinking about weapon upgrades, it's a system used in a lot of RTS games. Probably because it is not so hard to implement: the item graphics stay exactly the same, only some of the item stats are better than the normal item.
Visually it can be sufficient to add just a little icon on the weapon graphic to indicate this is an enhanced version of an item. The name can have a certain prefix like "Enhanced".

Of course these upgrades should be researched, preferably at some point in the tree that is on the same level of alien weapons. For example: you have the option to research plasma rifles or to research a rifle upgrade which makes the conventional rifle a nice alternative for the plasma rifle.
The upgrades are then manufactured using the base weapon as material (your conventional weapons can be recycled) + alien materials.

Upgrades can increase damage, lower time unit cost, increase accuracy or maybe add some new side-effects or firing modes.
And to take it even further you have upgrades to ammo too...

- the stun-gas hi explosive pack - set timer high enough to evacuate the area
- armour piercing rifle ammo  - don't even try unloading a rifle on a sectopod without this upgrade
- rocket launcher with guided rockets - almost like the blaster launcher, but less destructive
- auto-cannon autoshot fires 6 rounds instead of 3 - from ta-ta-ta to tatatatatata
- auto-cannon ammo rounds with twice the number of bullets in it - let it rain bullets
- heavy cannon that acts as a high power launcher for ANY grenade that will detonate/activate on impact

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: February 15, 2011, 10:39:22 am »
Btw, does fire emit light? Did it in original?
Shame on you michal, you call yourself an x-com fan?  ;)
Instead of flares it was sometimes better to take an auto-cannon with incendiary rounds with you on a night mission, especially on terrains like jungle or farm it could be used to both light up areas and burn down cover at the same time.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: February 15, 2011, 12:31:44 am »
Don't try this at home kids. Dry hay is flammable!

Fan-Stuff / Re: Hi-Resolution Interface & Sprites...
« on: February 14, 2011, 07:16:22 pm »
first of all, do you talk this much in real life to, or just on forums  ;D No offense, everyone their own style ;)

PS; Can anyone here contact Daishiva so that his MapView, PCKView & XCView tiny (but essential) editing programs are uploaded as working Win-7 executables at the usual SourceForge spot? Cuz, i still get the darn Green palette + the header bytes (PPI) flaws on saves and i don't own a 1500$+ MS_VB compiler to use what he has done since - it seems - forever!
During the little chat I had with Daishiva, he basically told me that he'd probably never touches these tools anymore. It's all uploaded on SF, but that's it. If you want changes/fixes you download it and compile it, which I did. You can do that with the Free MS Visual Studio, it's in C#. I have no issues with it in Win7 concerning the palettes.

PS3; And finally... a reference ( about what good filtering tricks can do to any Sprites. Anybody has runtime versions for any of these? I could even try suffering through some bat command_line weirdness if i must.
Actually you find links to the runtime versions on that same wiki page. I've used that hq3x.exe before and works fine.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: February 14, 2011, 12:47:53 pm »
Hi Zyxpsilon, I see it that you are "IN", but -like I said already a few times- I'm not IN (think that's the first time I use bold or underline) :) at least not while I'm working on the battlescape (which is what this thread is about btw).

So about battlescape:
- items in soldiers hands displayed on the information pane
- items in soldiers hands displayed on the unit
- items on the ground displayed

is what I'm working on.

EDIT: to make it clear: I'm talking about coding, not the graphics , the original X-Com graphics are used to play OpenXCom;)

Fan-Stuff / Re: Hi-Resolution Interface & Sprites...
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:11:03 pm »
I like that blaster launcher image of volutar. If you can convert them all like that, that would be a great start.
Would be nice to share the method used...

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