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Messages - Daiky

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37 ... 46
Offtopic / Re: X-com Apocalypse
« on: May 28, 2011, 12:46:39 am »
Ok, I now have played it too.... and even though it has good ideas in it. There are lots of things that makes it not so enjoyable as x-com 1&2

The game was great fun actually.  You just have to forget about X-Com1&2.

Ok, that last one is actually the hardest part :)

I think the posts of pmprog and alienjon describe the same feeling I have about apoc.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: May 26, 2011, 10:44:25 pm »
Thanks darko.
I quickly uploaded a vid for people not wanting to have the trouble of downloading a build and run it, but still want to see what's coming in release 0.3 battlescape :

Suggestions / Re: Cryssalids & zombie mission
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:44:30 pm »
Ok, I got it now :)

You are right that it always has been a bit unsatisfying that they added this very explicitly in the ufopaedia, but never did anything with it in the game.

Suggestions / Re: Cryssalids & zombie mission
« on: May 26, 2011, 01:46:30 pm »
Hmm, it should make a bit of sense story-wise :

If a ufo lands for research, harvest, abduction missions etc and your ground assault fails, the most logical consequence is that the aliens just continue with their mission and take off, no?

Also note that alien terror is not something aliens do when they feel like it.
They are very carefully planned missions by the "brain", a proper team is trained and briefed and after days of preparation the mission is executed to a strategically important, specifically chosen target. Their purpose is to make governments sign pacts with the aliens.

Suggestions / Re: Cryssalids & zombie mission
« on: May 25, 2011, 11:01:26 pm »
Isn't that very similar to a normal terror mission?

Suggestions / Re: other psionic powers
« on: May 23, 2011, 12:59:48 pm »
you could use the energy bar for that, once you do such an advanced psi move, it uses all your energy and you need to wait until you are back at full energy :)

Suggestions / other psionic powers
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:15:56 am »
I wonder if there would be room in x-com (later stage) for other -well known- psionic powers:

- psionic healing: increase morale level of a friendly target, slightly increase health and chance on healing a fatal wound
- psionic intuition: can reveal enemy location(s)
- psionic translocation: teleport to any location on the map

I know they could be very powerful and unbalance the game a lot, but I was just brainstorming :p I'm always thinking of suggestions that hardly cost anything in terms of development, and nothing in terms of adding graphics ;)

Suggestions / Re: variable bullet speed
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:04:25 am »
It doesn

Suggestions / Re: variable bullet speed
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:41:59 pm »
Options is not yet implemented. - I added it the OP that it's optional... phew :)

PS. All gameplay differences with vanilla UFO will be options - this is kinda "the openxcom rule". It's just because options are not yet implemented, during intermediate builds, I have let people test this feature by enabling it. With the real 0.3 release it will be gone (put in comment), like I did with previous features that will become options at some point.
(I'm thinking of the famous "terrain blocking light"-option)

Suggestions / variable bullet speed
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:00:42 am »
The autoshot bullet speed is now a little faster and the aimed shot bullet speed a little slower than the normal bullet speed.
I thought it would be some nice feature to test and see if it enhances the gameplay.

The idea behind it is to match the length of the action more with the amout of TUs. So with an autoshot you really get the feeling of 3 rapid shots wildly fired, and with aimed shot you get the feeling it costs time and it is calculated.

(enabled/disable by options in the future)

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:36:46 pm »
I did also write about the throwing trajectory on my blog, with screenshots:
for those interested.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: May 16, 2011, 12:37:38 am »
Thanks, I had some free time this weekend, so I finished the whole "throwing items" feature. Only thing still missing is an out of range check.

I implemented throwing to make it feel like the old x-com as much as I could, and improve a little where I could.
The soldier throws in a parabolic trajectory, but depending on the obstacles it chooses the best curvature (or how high the arc is in the middle point).
Openxcom will test 4 curvatures, going from almost straight, which is good when there are no obstacles, to very curved when you want to throw something over a fence or a wall. When you are indoors the bigger curvings will fail, because the arc hits the ceiling.

After the curvature is determined, it will apply a deviation on the two angles (tilt & pan) at which the trajectory starts (using normal distributed number between 0 and max deviation, which depends on the soldiers throwing accuracy (>=100% accuracy will result in a minimum deviation)).
This will result (as with firing) in a range-based accuracy. A very small deviation on a short distance is no issue, but a small deviation in a throwing angle for a long range throw can cause the item to end up one or more tiles off-target.

I remember it was painful when you wanted to throw a live grenade through a window, but you missed and it would hit the wall :)

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:57:14 pm »
- Implemented a parabola throwing trajectory.
- Implemented item shadow when throwing an item.
- Implemented clip ammo size and ammo usage.

but for some reason the automatic build did not work...

Offtopic / Re: Xenonauts
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:03:52 am »
very neat indeed !

Open Feedback / Re: The road to 0.3?
« on: May 09, 2011, 11:38:56 pm »
in percentage, in number of day or number of features? :)

I don't know, really. I also don't know whether SupSuper started the Soldier Equip Screen or not.

I just know what I am working on right now, and what's still on my near future todolist.
I'm working on the throwing trajectory of throwing items. And my near future todolist is to finish the action menu (throwing/shooting).

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