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Messages - Daiky

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 [34] 35 36 ... 46
Builds & Ports / Re: Android Port
« on: July 22, 2011, 01:18:11 am »
sir_nacnud : did you check this out?
Why would he not fork the project, as that seems to be easier to merge in updates, no?

PutzWorks also seems to be good at android apps, as he is selling them, maybe you two can get in touch :)

Suggestions / Re: Ground Elevation
« on: July 20, 2011, 11:13:27 am »
If I look at the screenshot of the game I see slopes (or gradients) that are curved. That can only be done with a heightmap, like Volutar said.

If I look at your drawing, you added a new sloped tile that has a lower angle than the standard sloped tile, this is something you can do if you are familiar with drawing PCK files, modding MCD and MAP files. There is not 1 line of code change needed for that :)

Suggestions / Re: Ground Elevation
« on: July 18, 2011, 07:50:16 pm »
I haven't played the game, but if I look at this screenshot, it looks like it's a totally different way of drawing the ground.
 - In xcom every ground tile is a true isometric object - you can see that clearly if you destroy a part of a mountain with blaster bombs.
 - In Alpha Centauri, the ground looks like one big "smoothed" polygon mesh with different textures on it. Although it's probably voxels - if I read around about this game, they seem to use a voxel engine. I guess voxels can create this kind of smooth elevations too.

I'm afraid it's more than tweaking the code :) It just seems that graphics engine is way different than x-com's.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: July 18, 2011, 04:23:00 pm »
Let's keep suggestions for the suggestion forums :)

More importantly: For the next milestone I'm currently working on the reaction fire functionality. Which is not really AI, it just is a formula that defines when a unit should reaction fire.

But nevertheless a very interesting feature, because it will -for the first time in openxcom history- allow aliens to automatically open fire on x-com soldiers (and vice versa) :o

Other stuff to expect very soon (next milestone):
- The sectoid "test aliens" will now be equipped with plasma pistols. (otherwise they can't attack - duh)
- A first draft of a score/loose/win screen will be implemented

- minor enhancements like: better line of sight (multiple raycasting between units instead of just 1 line), because it was possible to hide behind objects where in the original you could not hide behind, unit stops walking when new alien spotted, camera follows bullet when it goes out of the screen,...

Without the real AI implemented you already could play a very nice hot-seat battlescape game :) Or if, like myself, you don't find any volounteer, play both x-com and alien side :p

Offtopic / Re: Daiky's x-com project
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:55:35 am »
I've kinda quit drawing for now :)

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: July 16, 2011, 08:14:21 pm »
The set timer screen looks better now :)
And I have added another important screen, the end turn screen:

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:20:29 pm »
hi R.
You are right, but the purpose is to stick to the original for now. It does not do any harm to have these big numbers :) Althought it totally makes no sense.

If I would have to re-implement this I would just remove the "set timer" screen entirely.
- after you primed a normal grenade, you can throw it, after the turn is over, the other side gets time to move away and after their turn the grenade explodes.
- after you primed a normal grenade, you can hold it in your hands (to cook a grenade as soldiers call it), end the turn and the next turn you have to throw it and it explodes immediatly after it lands. If you did not throw it this turn, it will explode at the end of turn in your hands. (a warning message is shown first to confirm the end of turn when holding a live grenade)

This last option gives the opportunity to throw a grenade without giving the opponent the chance to dodge. However, there is a risk (if you run out of time-units or the grenade lands bad or you get shot the grenade will explode and maybe hurt team mates) and it requires planning ahead (the alien that is now in a good spot to grenade, mayb not be anymore the next turn).

- after you primed a proximity or heavy explosive, you have 2 turns to place it and run to safety, before it either activates or explodes.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: July 15, 2011, 03:35:23 pm »
updates! :)
Ok, I finished the grenade priming screen and functionality to prime grenades.
Only the colors are still a bit off, it's not my strongest point... I miss SupSuper :p

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: July 12, 2011, 02:30:21 pm »
ok, I'm slowly getting back into the game... I had no pc for a while, now I have a new PC, was busy installing everything again, so I just got Visual Studio again up and running :) Expect updates within a week.

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: June 30, 2011, 04:13:21 pm »
Holiday was excellent. We went to Iceland, an amazing country. I'm currently working on a nice vacation video ;D

Suggestions / Re: Battlescape Resolutions
« on: June 21, 2011, 11:34:05 pm »
I like your soldier name  :D

Michal once posted this screen as an idea for hi-res screen battlescape:

(note that the GUI actually scales with it, which makes sense)

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: June 08, 2011, 09:23:25 am »
before people start panicking about the fewer updates on my side... I'm on holiday for 2 weeks... without my c++ compiler :p

Offtopic / Re: X-com Apocalypse
« on: June 02, 2011, 11:20:46 pm »
Yeah the reason X-Com 1 wasn't on top of my list was probably the AI, pathing of units, and so much losing soldiers. I like having one set of soldiers, which I level up, the entire game and that was really hard to do with X-Com 1 ... I don't mind some casualties, but it was soo random in X-Com 1 .., like when my soldier misses at point black range (I thought it was impossible beforehand) and friendly fire shoots other guy standing beside the alien (WTF ... I was soo sure it wasn't possible in the game engine, LOL)
Maybe OpenXCom will become top of your list then, because the annoying "bugs" you name there are solved in OpenXCom. :p

Open Feedback / Re: The road to 0.3?
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:44:24 pm »
SupSuper, no commits from you for a whole month, everything okay? :) Maybe it's just the silence before the storm.  :o
I'm pausing new features for a second now, and going over some code review and minor refactoring (oh, we like refactoring don't we, sometimes even more fun than adding new features :p)

Suggestions / Re: realistic fires
« on: May 30, 2011, 09:52:30 pm »
Sounds good. Just have to take care not to overpower it :)

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