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Messages - Daiky

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 ... 46
Programming / Re: I'd like to help with programming...
« on: August 05, 2011, 06:18:30 pm »
I compiled a debug version of the yaml-cpp lib in visual studio 2010, and use it without problems while debugging openxcom in visual studio 2010.

Offtopic / Re: Maps and city scapes
« on: August 04, 2011, 01:47:09 pm »
This is exactly what i was thinking  , i just cant remember if each ufo size got recorded into the ufopedia ( with a graphical image) or not that was my main concern with this option.
Well, the ufopaedia indeed gives an indication of the dimensions (height,width) of the UFOs:
You clearly see how many levels and the width in the number of tiles.
So mainly changing the inside and just doing small changes to the outside is a good idea if you want to stay true to the ufopaedia.

Offtopic / Re: Maps and city scapes
« on: August 04, 2011, 10:38:55 am »
hi luke, the game will not automatically add a roof. I think you should be able to change the map dimensions somewhere (which includes the number of levels).
Normally openxcom version 1 you will be able to add your own custom mapblocks, for both terrain and ufo's.
(it's the famous "external rulesets").

This gave me the idea to have the ability of assigning more than one ufo design for the same type of UFO, the game will then randomly choose one of the designs.

Programming / Re: I'd like to help with programming...
« on: August 02, 2011, 10:52:21 am »
Great :)
Yes, forking it, and when you have coded stuff you can issue a pull request, which will be reviewed by me or SupSuper and then merged into the master.
But I'd recommend just have a look at compiling it, and have a look at the code, getting yourselve familiarized with the engine. And there might be some little things to do here and there at first. There's still a large module todo, the "Graphs" part of the game, but I would like if either me or SupSuper first draw out the big lines for that first.

Programming / Re: I'd like to help with programming...
« on: August 01, 2011, 09:57:56 pm »
Welcome Istrebitel,
always great to see other people wanting to contribute, I'm sure you can be of any help to the project.

I can suggest starting with setting up tortoisegit, which is similar to tortoiseSVN, so you should quickly get the hang of it.
There are tutorials about it, like here

After that you can try to check out your local repository and compile the program.

Offtopic / Re: Maps and city scapes
« on: July 31, 2011, 12:23:21 pm »
I can write a quick how-to guide:
(assuming you already got the correct path settings all set)
In the main screen "Map Editor", you can browse the different maps.
First you make a backup of the MAP file (in the MAPS subfolder if your game) that you want to change.
Click the map you want to change, don't look at the RMPview for now, first we use the TopView and TileView.

In the topview click the cell you want to change. Then click either ground, West, North or Content. Then in the TileView screen, click the corresponding tab with either ground, walls or objects. Then right-click on the sprite you want to place there.
Repeat this for all cells you want to change. Et voila - your map is done.

Now go to the RMP view. This is a bit harder to understand, because it's more behind the scenes stuff.
Ideally, you don't have to edit this. But you might want to check if the nodes are not in places where they cause an issue if a unit would spawn there. (for example on an object)
If that is the case, then you first rightclick on a cell, this will add spawnpoint/patrol-node. Then you fill-in all the data of the original node to this new one, setting by setting. Then you delete the old node.

Suggestions / Re: Autocombat
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:06:24 pm »
when AI is finished, it would be not a lot of work to attach (that same) AI to x-com units, just for fun to see what happens :)

Suggestions / Re: Instant Battle Option
« on: July 29, 2011, 06:31:33 pm »
I like that holodeck idea a lot !

We could assign a hotkey to this, maybe "H" in the geoscape, to call a simple configuration screen to start a quick battlescape mission - could double as a way to debug/test certain battlescape scenario's.

Suggestions / Re: Simple suggestions
« on: July 29, 2011, 06:28:55 pm »
All good points. I just have to add to point 2: if you kneel, your line of fire changes, so it is very possible you had a line of fire when standing up, but you don't have a line of fire when kneeling (if you are behind an object).

For the question : the fun of it is rewriting from scratch, even if pocketUFO would release their sources, it would not help us that much.
And the code of UFO2000 I know every detail of it (because I used to do some tweaking in it), but the code is not as organized as the openxcom code, and it would not help copy-pasting parts of it because it does not fit the logic of openxcom.
At the moment I have about the whole implementation of the battlescape already in my head, it is just a matter of writing the code.

Suggestions / Re: Non-proprietary resources
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:47:47 pm »
If they release it under a somewhat permissive license...
You just need permission (e-mail will probably do) of the person who created the specific artwork, if you wanted to distribute it. There's 2 or 3 guys that worked on it, so I guess that's not so hard to get something figured out.
The hardest part is probably getting the openxcom engine work with BMP files :)

Suggestions / Re: Instant Battle Option
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:05:28 pm »
Actually there is a cheat to start an instant battle in the current builds right now, with the graphs button, it's for debugging purposes. (I'll have to look for another shortcut, as at some point graphs will be implemented)

What might be interesting to add is a little configuration file in YAML where you can set up the different starting parameters...
You might want to set up the equipment for the soldiers and aliens too.
This can be used as both debugging and people wanting to play a quick battle.

Offtopic / Re: Maps and city scapes
« on: July 27, 2011, 01:53:29 pm »
Is anyone even thinking this far ahead yet?
Yes, but not offcially :p

I'm not sure how that general map editor is going to work with the PCK format and the palettes and stuff...
Also I don't immediatly see a way to create AI path nodes (which is all nicely implemented in Daishiva's editor)

Offtopic / Re: Maps and city scapes
« on: July 26, 2011, 02:34:55 pm »
There's only one that I know of:  Daishiva's mapview:
(download the (requires .NET)
Or you can download the sourcecode and compile it - that worked fine for me.
It isn't actively developed anymore, but if we would have bugfixes or enhancements to be implemented - I guess it could be picked up again, either by daishiva - but more likely by one of us, I would just need to ask him for write access to that repository.

Offtopic / Re: Maps and city scapes
« on: July 25, 2011, 11:32:26 pm »
There are already map packs and a great map editor, which works with openxcom as good as it worked with the original game. Which is the advantage of being able to handle old file formats.
If we would use a new format, unfortunatly a new map editor has to be written before anyone would be able to make new maps...

There are a few rules, but not many. Roads have to be constructed in a logical way. And there has to be space on the map to land a plane and a UFO on it (they never crash on buildings or trees, but always on grass or flat ground). Bases are constructed according to their lay out.

In TFTD there are a few more rules on the sites like islands, ships and harbors.

But how these rules will be implemented is not yet decided. Making them external would indeed make it more flexible for mods...

Builds & Ports / Re: Android Port
« on: July 22, 2011, 01:00:00 pm »
sir_nacnud : did you check this out?
Why would he not fork the project, as that seems to be easier to merge in updates, no?

Probaby, because one's done in C++ where as another is in Java?

Hehe, I even did not look that far. I wonder how all the SDL and YAML stuff works with java...  I wish this guy a lot of luck, because he'll need it :p

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