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Messages - Danny

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Suggestions / Re: Alien personalities? - Aliens with names?
« on: January 25, 2014, 10:32:15 pm »
I don't see why after Xcom researches all of the alien genetic stuff, they can't make human-snake hybrids... :P

Or Human-Chrysalid hybrids! A real horror for the aliens... XD

Suggestions / Re: Alien personalities? - Aliens with names?
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:43:05 pm »
SNAKEMEN, on the other hand... :)

Maybe some Snakewomen? ^^

Suggestions / Re: Make ufos smarter an tougher
« on: January 22, 2014, 02:32:23 pm »
Non-combat UFO's:
Small scout - slightly faster then interceptors, but no weapons.
Medium scout - slightly faster then interceptors, cannon range and damage
Large scout - twice as fast as the smaller scouts, long range but same damage
Abductor, Harvester and Supply ship - twice as fast as large scout but no weapons

Combat UFO's:
Terrorship - same speed as lightning, plasma cannon range but laser cannon damage (trooper carrier)
*NEW* Destroyer - Slightly slower as Avenger, Fusion ball range and Plasma cannon damage. Air superiority, shows up (and replaces for a while scouts) when you down a lot of UFO's very easily.
Battleship - As is now.
*NEW* Bomber - Half speed of Battleship, Laser cannon range and damage (in the air). Shows up when Battleships keep getting shot down by your defences and takes them out for a few days. NEVER LANDS!

Programming / Re: AI of close combat aliens
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:57:21 pm »
Yeah, it does work very much like the original, so if it's working as designed, great job :)

But since apparently a new AI has been put in, maybe it would be cool to make the Reapers a bit more bloodthirsty. Right now they are nothing but free reaction training for my troops...

Well your troopers need that reaction training for when they face Chrysalids... XD

Suggestions / Re: Pact Recovery through base destruction.
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:18:43 pm »
Well the countries signing a pact were convinced by the aliens to join them.

Maybe you should be able to send diplomats in order to convince them back with very low chance of success, when you get Psionic diplomats it becomes easier. ^^

Open Feedback / Re: Remove the limit of 80 items?
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:19:07 pm »
Has any of you ever seen this happen?

I have had Blaster bombs directed into a half full Skyranger (half my troopers were still inside)... :(
Well in the original... XD

Or an alien grenade right at the entrance...

Open Feedback / Re: Alien/Sectoid Psi attacks
« on: January 17, 2014, 01:16:39 pm »
I never found psionics fun at all. It's not fun being gunned down by your own soldiers, and it's not fun controlling the aliens either. Since it feels like an "I win" button.

I'd say it be toned down or maybe even both toned down and exclusive to the aliens..

Maybe don't allow mindcontrol to fire guns or throw grenades for the aliens and human Psionic troopers will rarely succeed mindcontrol thus would be better off just panicking the aliens... ^^

Suggestions / Re: New types of alien bases - manufacturing bases and all
« on: January 16, 2014, 08:17:34 pm »
The original game had all races separated... :\
TFTD had some mixed crew missions but not all too common. Colonies made sense as they actually needed to make all the aliens, so some hang around for defence. But even then the 2nd part was always just Lobsters and *shudder* Tentaculats...

Now I suppose some random aliens could hangout in another alienrace their base e.g. a few commanding Ethereals in a Muton base or some Mutons grunts in a Ethereal base to do some mindless grunt work. XD

Though now I'm talking about this, I think its also original lore that Silacoids were used to actually dig out bases.
So it wouldn't be too surprising to find in any of the alien bases... ^^

Well Mutons are basically big purple enhanced body builders, who got castrated, lobotomised and stuffed into a green strong spandex suit... XD

Suggestions / Re: New types of alien bases - manufacturing bases and all
« on: January 14, 2014, 07:49:37 pm »
Exactly what I have in mind! Some more ideas include:
- Cloning facilities: large, heavy duty cloning vats to breed Mutons and Chryssalids, as well as smaller vats for Sectoids and Floaters. Embryonic, half-formed aliens can be visible inside.
- Industrial-sized surgery rooms (using similar or the same equipment as the Abductor) for installing all those cybernetics in freshly bred Mutons and Floaters.
- Manufacturing plants, with suggested production lines (and perhaps some extra alien weapons/equipment to capture).
- Medical facilities, containing cloning vats (much like ones in the cloning facility above, but empty) and a monitoring computer.
- Dormitoria, where aliens spend their "free" time - when not on duty or at the entertainment station (which is a lot of time). Include casket-like "beds" (possibly filled with some fluid) and maybe feeding stations (simple machines which apply dissolved alien food to the bloodstream).
- Perhaps a human tech room, with some Earth-made equipment (for studies or some other, more mysterious purpose - supplying their human/half-human agents?).
- If we want to go a little further, UFO hangars (only for small craft for emergencies, like Commander evacuation or special assignments that come up without warning). With a functional Medium Scout or several Small Scouts inside.

Making and coding these in should be fairly easy for an experienced modder, and I think they'd add a lot to the game. Even I could give it a try, at least with the graphics. :)

Maybe also making alien bases unique to the race?

Sectoids would have very clean looking cloning chambers and Cyberdisk engineering rooms.
With maybe also a lot of alien entertainment.

Missions of interest: Research, Abduction and Harvest. (not limited to)

Floaters a bit more messy cloning vats with more integrated engineering rooms to add the anti-gravity device to freshly cloned Floaters.
Bigger cloning vats for reapers.

Missions of interest: Research, abduction and Terror. (not limited to)

Snakemen would have room full of eggs and artificially kept alive humans with chrysalid eggs in them maybe even some hatching during a base assault? XD
Barely any engineering rooms

Missions of interest: Abduction, Terror and Harvest. (not limited to)

Mutons alot of human body parts, alien surgery and genetic manipulation equipment. (I see the original Mutons the result of alien experiments on humans)
A lot of alien food containers as Mutons need their food to feed those muscles... ^^

Missions of interest: Abduction, Terror and Retaliation. (not limited to)

Ethereals are similar to Sectoids, with most of the entertainment replaced by unknown and mysterious psionic devices of some kind.

Missions of interest: Infiltration, Research and Retaliation. (not limited to)

Well Ethereals have strong Psionic powers so they can use telekinesis to lift it... ^^
Ethereals are end-game enemies and thus are strong and have the strongest terror unit too ;)

I also think the Blaster launcher should be a heavy but mobile weapons platform that an alien or soldier would first need to set down before firing after moving.

Open Feedback / Re: Alien/Sectoid Psi attacks
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:57:24 pm »
Psionics, unfair in the hands of the aliens and overpowered in the hands of the player... XD

Maybe add psionic specialities like the new Xcom?

One of them could have squad-sight Psionics at the cost of only being able to panic enemies... ^^

Well it has the word heavy in the name...

And Sectoids maybe shouldn't be wielding them. Seeing they are pretty much the beginner level aliens and get boosts in the form of Psionics later on.
And are accompanied by the deadly Cyberdisc... XD

One of the few things the new Xcom did right was not giving heavy plasma's to Sectoids ^^

Makes Plasma rifles more useful ^^

Suggestions / Re: LAN PvP?
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:21:07 am »

Open Feedback / Re: SOLDIER GENDER
« on: December 24, 2013, 01:05:01 pm »
Huh, I never thought of it that way. I like sending the low stat females out to die, I get a tingle from hearing their cute squeals when they eat a fat bolt of alien plasma. Remember, they're pixels, and they signed up to play soldier-girl the grown-up way which means they signed up to maybe get shot by evil invader pixels.

Pixel people are people too you know...  :'(

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