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Messages - tyran_nick

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Released Mods / Re: Tyran_nick's mods
« on: August 07, 2013, 02:31:25 pm »
haha, you re quite right!
I ll upload an new version with correct descriptions
Corrected version uploaded. Thanks!

Released Mods / Re: Tyran_nick's mods
« on: August 07, 2013, 10:43:51 am »
Edited first post to include all mods there
Added Mass Accelerator Rocket (Ammunition for Blaster Launcher) and Craft Mass Cannon (... Craft Weapon)

Although the game does not seem to have a limit in the number of types of ammo a weapon can handle, ufopedia seems to have. I tried to add more ammunition types to rocket launcher. It works fine in battlescape and the rest, but once I go into ufopedia the game crashes. If I remove any of the built-in types in order to have up to three types, then everything works fine.

Is a workaround possible?

Work In Progress / Re: Adding New Image Files
« on: August 07, 2013, 10:28:18 am »
That did the trick! Thanks

Work In Progress / Re: Adding New Image Files
« on: August 06, 2013, 10:29:07 pm »
I was going through Github and in DogfightState.ccp I found the following:

https:// Draw weapon icon
frame = set->getFrame(w->getRules()->getSprite() + 5);

I am using sprite 6 in the ruleset, so I load the following:
  - type: BASEBITS.PCK
      54: Resources/RailGun/Basebits/railcraft.gif   <- This works ok (strangely!) and I get the correct icon in the equip screen

  - type: INTICON.PCK
      11: Resources/RailGun/Basebits/railcraft.gif    <- 6 + 5 from above, but it doesn't work. When the dogfight starts the game crashes

I have also tried numbers 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 43 for INTICON, but no lack

Work In Progress / Re: Adding New Image Files
« on: August 06, 2013, 12:47:47 pm »
How about new craft weapons? What is the index padding for those?

I got the basebits part right (I think! - at least it loads), but I m having trouble with inticon

In the ruleset I am using sprite 6 (6 in-game weapons + 1)
In basebits I am using sprite 54 (next available, loads in game fine, I can see the new sprite in the craft equip screen)
I am a bit lost on inticon. I already tried a few options there but to no avail. Whenever a dogfight starts the game crashes... I think because it cannot find the appropriate sprite?

I am using only gifs and bmps. If I switch the graphics of the weapon to 5 (plasma beam) everything works fine, so I am confident that the problem is with the graphics.

Released Mods / Re: New melee weapon
« on: August 04, 2013, 08:33:31 pm »
Thanks :)
I want to get a bit more comfortable with the research trees and ufopedia entries before I finish off the "mass accelerator" tree. I guess adding a vehicle upgrade (maybe with some revised graphics of the hover version?) would be fitting. Potentially then a craft weapon and base defense version.
Once I get more comfortable with openxcom structure I want to see what I can do with personal shields and more melee fighting.

Work In Progress / Re: Hostile gangs and civilians
« on: August 04, 2013, 08:21:04 pm »
This is nice, when I get some time I would like to see if it is possible to build human bases to raid. Something along the lines of Cult of Sirius, but I have in mind something much simpler. For start it would mostly be for countries that have stopped paying their part into xcom. You could raid corrupt/traitorous political organisations HQs.
I guess for that we can build missions, etc and initially the map could be based on the xcom base map.  but is it possible to make the country start again paying to xcom after such a missions?

Resources / Re: New Weapons sprites / Technology Branch
« on: August 04, 2013, 08:12:57 pm »
These look very nice. Following moriaty's suggestion my opinion would be that you might want to try to change the gray bit at the front of the heavy variant to a different colour? Not something very different, but enough to differentiate the weapon in battlescape.

For fluff there was a quite nice background on gauss weapons in the old syndicate game. I should be able to dig out the description somewhere.
Are you planing to make these x-com only weapons? Something after laser or instead?

Released Mods / Re: New melee weapon
« on: August 01, 2013, 12:57:53 am »
Thanks, I ll edit the post :)
Here is a screenshot without any filters

Work In Progress / Re: Animated gifs
« on: July 31, 2013, 12:16:52 pm »
Indeed, I ll have a look at the code and see how this is done and if we can use this for animating the soldiers when they are still, or equipment. I think the animation during movement can be faked up to a point, so that should not be the problem.

Work In Progress / Re: Animated gifs
« on: July 30, 2013, 10:44:47 pm »
I was thinking for instance to animate equipment, like armour, when a unit is stationary.
Is there a way to do this with spritesheets? From the little bit I understood of how to build new items, it seems that you have to point it to a single sprite. That would also be relevant to the equip screen and so on.

Work In Progress / Animated gifs
« on: July 30, 2013, 07:55:14 pm »
Is there any way of using animated gifs for sprites? This should allow us to do a couple of neat tricks

Released Mods / Re: New melee weapon
« on: July 30, 2013, 07:41:56 pm »
Of course if anyone wants to use any parts of this for your mod, you are more than welcome

Some more weapons, this time ranged ones and a grenade.
The mass accelerator weapons can be researched after the laser and plasma technologies and is the human technology response to plasma weapons. Using alien alloys and elerium the scientists at X-com were able to militarise technologies that were impossible before.
Currently I have build only personnel weaponry and have not expanded this to vehicle weapons, craft weapons or base defense.

 - Mass Accelerator Pistol
 - Mass Accelerator Rifle
 - Mass Accelerator Sniper Rifle
 - Mass Accelerator Cannon
 - Mass Accelerator Grenade


EDIT: Also added an updated version of the Elerium Mace that includes new sounds and better listing in ufopedia and equip screen. Can I change the file in the first post?

EDIT: Everything is now include in the first post.

Released Mods / [WEAPON] [CRAFT] Tyran_nick's mods
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:28:03 pm »
Edited first post to list finished mods

Melee Stun Weapon
  - Elerium Mace (A researchable upgrade to Stun Rod)

Mass Accelerator Technology:
 - Mass Accelerator Weapons (Ufopedia technology entry)
 - Mass Accelerator Pistol
 - Mass Accelerator Rifle
 - Mass Accelerator Sniper Rifle (More expensive, but better than rifle. No auto)
 - Mass Accelerator Cannon
 - Mass Accelerator Grenade
 - Mass Accelerator Rocket (New ammunition for Blaster Launcher)
 - Craft Mass Cannon (Craft Weapon)

Graphics replacement mods:
 - Firestorm

New Interceptor:
- Thunderstorm

Will expand this post as I get more things done!
For more details  and downloads check: (Thanks Luke83!)

As always, feel free to use any assets for your own mods
All mods are now updated for the new string localisation

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