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Messages - humbe

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Stay vigilant.. Tempting to just move spotters down and up and end turn, but also turning all the way around one see sneaky bastards like this one..

This Chryssalid was one tile past what I saw when I went down, and if I hadn't turned around I would have missed him.. Hrmpf.. He could take a punch.. We shot and shot, and while we missed quite a lot, we probably had like 6-7 hits before he went down.. No scream either, so he's likely stunned.. Watch out..

It's going great though. We've seen so many panicked messages from aliens, that not many of them can actually still carry a gun. Also seen berserkers not creating a sound likely because they have no gun either..

Finished around turn 40.. Yay.. That's quite a bit of loot for us..


We started pretty close to northeastern corner of the map, and the UFO is just next to us.. Establishing a spotter/sniper crew for the opening behind the pillars facing the skyranger ramp. Marked soldier will be spotting to see if anyone tries to sneak through on top, and the one just behind him will go down to spot anything coming from the UFO ramp.. Then we have 3 snipers located behind them that can hopefully target what is spotted, hopefully before target spots them. Looks a bit weak though, as aliens will need to be some distance from the middle ramp before they have line of sight, so the visibility gap between them once the alien comes into line of sight isn't huge.

The remaining crew is going south to try and clear the area around. Forest at night.. Not an easy job to clear it without casualties.

We also saw a Chryssalid.. Didn't think alien base missions had terror units, but I guess battleships maybe always have them? I guess the two guys without flying suits need to be especially careful.

Thankfully we managed to spot these 3 in our own turn, with enough TU left to shoot them down.. In their turn, a Chryssalid has moved towards us, but no plasma shots were fired.

After some rounds clearing the area south, we have established sniper outposts on 3 exits:

The fourth corner is in the corner of the map.. We'll just leave it be, though we must be careful we don't get surprised if anyone comes through there.. Especially not killing the spotter down southwest. That's Michelle, and she's a great soldier, so not really one for the spotter job.. I guess we should find someone to switch her with. Maybe position 2 up here too, as we've done northeast, so someone can spot up the side each turn..


The next supply ship landed in jungle territory, which had more hiding places for the snakemen.. I think an eager Jet explored a bit too far, being seen by an alien outside flare lightning. Critical mistake and he got shot dead..

After that we managed to clear the area and camped the UFO.

10th of June, Carney finishes it's hyperwave decoder. We know have decoder coverage everywhere aliens may land, and on most of the ocean too.. We could drop an 8th base on Hawaii to reduce the biggest ocean gap, but shouldn't really matter. Not spending money on that now at least..

02:00 on the 10th another Ethereal retaliation scout in Australia.. We shoot it down over water again..

On the 11th 07:30 there's a small scout on infiltration mission in North America.. Launching interceptor there.. Does that mean we're doomed to lose US as a funding nation? Destroyed it.. I read that infiltration missions cannot be stopped, only delayed..

12th of May we finish researching Fusion Defense.. Grabbing Grav Shield next..

13th of May, 12:00 and we get Ethereal scout on retaliation mission in Europe. Sunk that in the sea too..

14th of May, at 14:00 we finish building a second avenger.

16th of May we research Grav Shield. I guess we can just research plasma rifles and pistols..

Not been much UFO activity in June, but the 19th we see a Supply Ship in North Africa.. Haven't seen an alien base mission since the scout, so I assume there is no base yet, so I guess this is the first ship of many that will now create a base. How many will there be?

There seems to be some issue that a troop transport done with a mission has to return to base, so each of our transporters will only be able to do one mission if we're trying to attack them on the ground. We can shoot some down to handle them later though..

We have an avenger ready in San Marino now, so we are able to mount two attack groups from there, 10 soldier strong each, each having 7 armors..

So far we've seen 2 supply ships and one battleship going to northern Africa. We've split the San Marino team in two, trying to share equipment, and are flying in the Weinan team. Additionally we have an Avenger in Australia, so we could summon a team from there, but they're all rookies.

We're sending the Weinan team after the battleship, as it's has a full 14 man crew fully armored.. Letting the two San Marino teams take a supply ship each..

At 21:00, before any of the 3 ships have landed, we spot a battleship with Ethereal's on retaliation mission in Australia.. Yikes.. If they attack the rookies over there, we might have a hard time winning. I guess we wan't make a base assault team of the Aussie soldiers.. Wonder if they have spotted the base or not.. We have shot down all their scouts at fair distance from the base, so I'm hoping not.. Maybe it's just a huge scout..

The first supply ship lands, and we send the skyranger San Marino crew over there to fight it. Sadly a night mission, but too early in the night to be able to wait until daybreak..

We throw around flares everywhere and manage to clear outside unhurt. We have left the senior command without armor, so they are moving out only in cleared areas to sniper positions.

The supply UFO seems a bit more tricky to camp than many of the others.. Trying out this way..

We've hidden a guy in flying suit up on top of the UFO. Each turn he'll move two turns forwards, turn right, lower down two levels, and then return. This uses 50 TU and only 8 stamina (as going up and down costs no stamina). Where he stands, the enemy has to go quite a bit out from the ship to spot him, and when he moves he's likely to spot the aliens when at the bottom level, and being hidden one level above, so he can go back up immediately without giving them a chance for reaction fire. Then he gets out of the way, in case some of the snipers miss.

The snipers here are 29 tiles from the entrance, but more important, at least 24 tiles from where the spotted on the roof will have seen last turn. That's a bit short, and we were hoping to put them further back.. (I guess we should have moved them a bit north.)

The idea is that the spotted shows whomever is getting close, and then they can snipe him down..

There's a similar setup on the other side, though with only 2 snipers.. But it was a tight fit here, so we were expecting most of the aliens to leave the other way..

We have put out two other guys to spot the area behind where the spotter comes down. If an alien is moving so far that he'd end up behind a spotter, we'll notice, rather than later being attacked by him..

This worked out pretty well.. Due to the a bit too short distance to the sniper team southeast, they got the chance for some reaction rolls, so they trained a bit of reaction, but that could also have created a death.. I first tried to have the spotters a bit closer to the ledge, but they were spotted once, so I decided to hide them a bit more. Nobody spotted them from there of the remaining dudes..

Took some time before all the aliens left though. Probably played until turn 50..

There.. Elerium storage refilled.. And good is that.. We use a ton to create flying suits.. Two more missions coming up.. Sadly night missions too..


We were happy we started towards map border. We dropped smoke grenade and waited for it to go of.. And while we are waiting, a Chryssalid just walks up the ramp and turns Mel into a zombie.. Damnit.. That's it for Mel sadly. He was a good soldier, who in all his action had trained his rifling accuracy from 63 to 78, but positioned in front due to his low bravery and not so great reactions.

There were quite a few terror units around here.. Luckily most of our soldiers had flying suits making them invulnerable to those once they got out of the Skyranger.

Annoying having a Captain dying, but as he was standing in front of ramp, he was by definition expendable.. But a bit sad that I feel we had nothing we could have done to prevent it.


A start towards the map corner. Buildings close though, so we gotta watch the windows. There were a couple of sectoids in the southern building, but none in the eastern.

Managed ok. Kept the dudes in personal armor within the skyranger until we had cleared the immediate area and they could move up on the roof. They didn't join the action though. Eventually camped the last aliens sitting above their entrance..

6th of June we research fusion missiles.. Hmm.. We can now build Hovertank/Launcher.. That might be a nice one to have.. Though a soldier with a blaster launcher takes up far less space. Fusion Defense next..

7th of June 22:00 we detect large scout heading to Australasia for terror mission. Scrambling Weinan team again to intercept it. A bit later we see a terror ship with snakemen coming for Europe. Better try to shoot down that one..

We end up shooting down the terror UFO, awaiting a bit to engage it to get day mission, and we manage to attack sectoid scout in Australia on the ground..

Alien Retaliation with Ethereal scout in Australia still.. Thought maybe they had moved on as they appeared in Europe.. Maybe I need to get to final mission before my bases disappear.. Ironman and base defense in main base sounds like high stakes.. We shoot the scout down over water.. Will like to avoid Ethereal missions until I know psionic strength of soldiers..

5th of June and we receive interceptors in Amazonas and Harare.. Now we have fighters with plasma beams in all 6 bases..

I feel we need to take another look at our soldier pool. At least so we have 14 known dudes on each of the bases with an assault team..

In Europe, the newest recruits are Shailene, Hudson, Hugo, Jet, Christian and Chris. That makes the full San Marino team now:

                   Starting stats                          Current stats
            TU Sta Hlt Brv Rea Acc Thr Mel Str PSt PSk  TU Sta Hlt Brv Rea Acc Thr Mel Str PSt PSk  Score
[Max cap*]  60  70  40  60  60  70  80  40  40 100  24  80 100  60 100 100 120 120      70 100 100+
Mel         59  59  36  10  37  63  68  27  34          74  81  52  10  38  74  75  27  58          6
Ryan        57  65  25  10  38  70  80  31  34          67  90  48  10  38  90  81  31  61          6
Hugo        54  66  34  40  50  53  64  29  23          55  66  38  40  50  54  66  29  23          5.5
Hudson      54  58  38  30  60  56  68  34  37                                                      6
Jet         57  53  31  50  30  62  73  27  27          61  66  43  50  34  66  79  27  35          7
Uma         60  57  26  50  32  60  53  27  37          70  74  38  50  35  69  55  27  47          7
Christian   58  55  34  20  59  64  54  28  31                                                      7
Jason       58  65  34  50  47  43  67  26  30          76  88  53  50  52  54  75  26  53          7
Shailene    54  57  26  60  50  46  56  28  38          55  62  30  60  50  47  57  28  40          6
Colin       57  64  38  50  50  42  62  28  21          74  81  48  50  51  49  64  28  43          7
Chris       50  64  30  40  57  60  56  33  27                                                      6.5
Keanu       50  53  30  10  49  70  58  20  40          75  94  60  10  51  93  58  20  66          7
Tom         51  58  25  50  44  67  65  27  29          62  79  42  50  45  75  65  27  43          7
Charlize    58  40  40  40  58  41  62  23  25          74  71  52  40  61  51  64  23  50          7
Harrison    50  58  32  50  57  53  80  37  20          77  85  56  50  65  64  84  37  45          7
Gal         53  44  39  50  57  61  77  27  37          66  65  45  50  57  68  80  27  53          8
Daisy       51  66  38  60  54  68  68  27  20          62  85  53  60  54  74  68  27  44          8
Christopher 53  56  35  60  54  66  73  27  24          68  76  52  60  55  74  73  27  51          8
Arnold      57  65  30  60  60  45  77  40  22          76  87  49  60  65  55  78  40  54          8
Sylvester   58  59  40  40  59  67  75  40  23          63  68  42  40  59  72  75  40  36          9

In Weinan the new recruits are Ben, Jeremy, Will, Charles, George, Vin, Roger, Famke & Lucy.

The full Weinan team is then:
                   Starting stats                          Current stats
            TU Sta Hlt Brv Rea Acc Thr Mel Str PSt PSk  TU Sta Hlt Brv Rea Acc Thr Mel Str PSt PSk  Score
[Max cap*]  60  70  40  60  60  70  80  40  40 100  24  80 100  60 100 100 120 120      70 100 100+
Ben         51  49  25  30  36  57  60  21  32                                                      4
Jeremy      50  51  28  10  35  70  68  25  20                                                      4.5
Will        52  41  34  40  31  59  78  30  30                                                      5
Charles     60  54  31  20  55  40  54  28  27                                                      5.5
George      57  62  35  10  50  48  74  25  24                                                      5.5
Halle       60  69  27  50  33  46  73  37  37          65  76  33  50  34  48  78  37  49          5
Vin         52  46  36  60  36  70  51  37  20                                                      5.5
Roger       59  46  40  60  37  63  54  33  37                                                      6
Famke       52  57  32  60  59  44  64  29  30                                                      6
Lucy        50  42  40  10  56  68  54  27  40                                                      7
Jennifer    57  52  30  30  43  52  74  24  32          64  71  41  30  48  63  77  24  37          6
Michael     53  42  26  30  50  53  63  22  40          58  63  37  30  55  59  64  22  55          6
Liam        57  63  31  10  46  61  50  26  30          70  74  44  10  48  68  50  26  51          7
Denzel      52  56  36  30  54  60  69  35  32          56  70  47  30  58  66  69  35  45          7
Eric        58  57  36  60  34  60  75  27  37          62  64  40  60  34  61  76  27  39          6
Sigourney   59  65  34  30  51  64  56  27  20          63  70  36  30  55  66  56  27  27          7.5
Kate        58  51  37  60  46  70  77  20  40          70  73  52  60  46  80  81  20  55          8
Michelle    60  42  39  10  55  67  55  31  35          76  73  55  10  56  84  58  31  57          8
Dolph       53  61  33  60  51  67  62  38  26          56  61  36  60  52  70  64  38  27          7.5
Bruce       58  61  35  60  58  69  58  34  32          63  73  41  60  63  73  58  34  34          9

Just 3 hours into June, we spot 2 new UFOs.. First a small scout on alien retaliation mission in Europe, with Ethereals.. Secondly, a medium scout on terrir mission in Australasia.. We send the Weinan team down after the last one in hopes of getting a ground day mission. If we don't we have the avenger there for plan B.. We'll send an interceptor after the retaliation scout in hopes of shooting it down before it sees base..

We manage to shoot down the small scout, but the terror scout didn't land before it was night.. We accepted a night mission to get some more loot this time..

A night mission always look scary.. But at least we're facing the map edge so noone is pointing their guns straight into the ranger..

Finally a mission against sectoids.. The house next to the deployment site here housed 4-5 sectoids though. We blew out a corner just to look in.. Saw one. Shot one. Saw another, shot another, saw two more.. We tried with a grenade, but one of them survived the grenade, shot past the flying suit closest and killed Nicolas in his personal armor..

Hrmpf.. About time the entire Weinan team had flying/power suits.. We created quite a lot last month but have divided them among the bases. Should have outfitted this team fully first..


The first issue isn't much of an issue.. We spot an alien from the start, so we drop smoke on skyranger level.. Once we do deploy in turn 3 I think (probably lay down smoke on ground level in turn 2), we see some snakemen, and when we have shot them down the mission is over..

Small UFO, not so many survivors and small map.. And not much loot left either..

Jees.. Two snakemen facing into the skyranger. Good we have a pre-primed smoke grenade to drop at skyranger level.. We turn, but it's not enough. While we can't see the snakemen, one of them is still spotting us.. Does the game calculate sight, so he sees through the level below the smoke and see our feed short into the smoke, while we with eyes high see too much through the smoke so we can't see them?

By pure luck the alien misses us, but this coulda been a total disaster.. With two pre-primed grenades maybe I could have managed to throw one out without getting a reaction shot.. But I think I would have gotten one against me if I tried.

In the real world, you wouldn't land in the middle of the aliens.. I understand they want to have small maps, but I really don't think it makes sense that aliens are aiming inside the skyranger as its hatch opens. Then it wouldn't land there.

30th of May we invent the Motion Scanner.. What should we research then? Base defenses seems unneeded. We can hopefully defend with soldiers for loot.. Plasma pistols and rifles seems a bit meaningless when we have heavy plasma available, which also is much easier to recover clips for. I guess we'll take fusion missile and get to fusion defense in case we see the need for base defense later on..

At 11:00 31st of May we see a snakeman terror ship approaching Europe.. This'll be the last UFO in May I'm guessing. We'll of course try to shoot it down to avoid a terror mission.. Hmm.. We never managed to catch up with it, and it never landed.. Strange..

Everyone seems to be pleased with our performance..

We have likely won this game long time ago. Except for psionic bits, we have a lot we can show up on the final mission with. But lets just expand a bit more to be sure, and at least get to where we know our troops psionic strength.

Have been quiet from activity for a while now. 20th of May we finish researching Cydonia or Bust. Going back to Blaster Launcher and Bomb.. We can now start the final mission anytime we want. We have the Avenger, and we know where to go. 21st we research blaster bomb. Setting all to research the launcher. The 25th we finish researching the launcher itself. It's gonna be a while before we can use a Psi-Amp, but lets research it as we have nothing else we really are waiting for..

On the 25th, there's another large scout on retaliation mission in Australasia.. We don't really want to fight Ethereals without knowing psi strength, so lets just shoot them down into the ocean..

28th of May we research Psi-Amps. Not really needing anymore yet, we start on motion scanner, and I guess we'll research plasma pistols and rifles afterwards with their clips. At this time we could cut down on our research team if we want to. We're currently paying 4.5 million dollars a month to have them, but as we don't require more tech, we could really dump all. But to be able to research a bit, we could dump at least 100. But as we do have the money, lets just keep them for this month, and rather do it next month, so we can clear out that list a bit..

28th of May we spot something interesting.. An alien base mission seems to be starting in North Africa.. That means many large UFOs we can exploit for loot. Looks like this one is going to be a night mission unless I shoot it down. If I shoot it down, I guess I will delay the base mission a bit, but if I have understood it correctly, it won't abort it. A large scout appeared just after. We shot down both so we can handle them in daytime.

13th of May we spot another retaliation scout in Australia.

What to do with it? Fighting Ethereals is dangerous business, and we do not know psi strength of soldiers yet. Maybe we should just shoot it down over water. Hope this doesn't end up in an actual base defense against a battleship full of Ethereal soldiers. They would control the heck out of my soldiers.

We end up shooting it down over water, and while we remember, sending 2 plasma beams for avenger down to Australia.

15th of May we finish research of Psi-Lab.. Sadly too late to finish building them within May, so we won't know our soldiers psionic strength before end of July.

Building a psi-lab in all of the 6 first bases. Starting a hyperwave decoder in the 7th Antarctica base, which just built it's first living quarter, and we can thus hire 20 soldiers there.. The psi-lab wasn't terribly expensive to build, and we don't have a lot we need the money for at the moment, so maybe we should just add another one in each base to be able to train all 20 soldiers at the same time. Well.. We started the first, but it would actually have ideal to wait until June 5th or something, to just make it before end of month. Helps us nothing to finish the build early in June. But what done is not forgot at least, and we don't need to remember to reserve the money.

It woulda been a lot easier facing of a sectoid mission with a single sectoid leader able to do psionic attacks.. Now we're facing Ethereals that have good armor and all of them may attack us with psionics.

As it's the first mission against anything psionic we have no clue who is psionic strong of our soldiers. In a sectoid mission we could have opted for using conventional weapons only, which our armor can handle, but we need decent weapons to get through Ethereals armor.

Until we know who our psi weaklings are, I guess we should try to not end turn holding a weapon. It seems we only use 2 TU to drop a laser rifle, if the value is static that is. Picking it back up is 8 more though.

The start looks ok. We are looking up towards the northwest corner, so we can get our back against the map border fairly easily at least. We start of dropping smoke at ground level. Ignoring level 1. Only expecting Ethereals to be able to see in from the side from the east, and our scout in power suit that drops to level 0 immediately should hopefully be able to expedite any..

It's also an open question who to shoot and who to try and stun. It would be very nice to stun one early so we knew we had one to interrogate, but the last one will be a lot easier to stun than the first one we see. How many aliens might we be facing? We shot the UFO down, so some might have died in the crash. How many do we dare shoot before having to stun the next?

We leave two soldiers in the skyranger and move the rest out, dropping their laser rifles before ending the turn. Oh.. We forgot on the two first scouts going out. There's two buildings here, and north of the eastern building there's hedges around the tile covering it up, so there may be many aliens within 20 tiles for all we know..

I think we got many psionic attacks against us, but we only noticed Colin panicking. An alien moved ouf of the whole in the wall we created and around the corner. Noone shot at us.

Nice position for small launcher. Hopefully we can stun him, and then we can kill of anyone else we see.. Tough bastard.. At least we have many small launchers.. After 5 small launcher shots we finally stun him.. One missed, at least 2 were direct hits.. Well well.. At least he's down. Lets hope he doesn't wake up before we've cleared the surrounding area..

Hmm.. We don't always manage to end up with enough TU to drop weapons.. This is a dangerous mission..

We spot another alien and kill it. But when we spot a third we don't have anyone with TUs to shoot at it, so we just move a bit back and wait. In the alien turn another alien shows up out of the house to the east where we have blown out some walls, and shoots Charlize. Thankfully her armor took the hit. Colin is now under alien control, but he don't have any lethal weapons on him. He may have a stun rod or small launcher in his backpack though.

The southwestern corner looks likely to be clear of aliens. At leat no doors that have opened and we've seen a lot of the area..

The second alien that walked out of the house we stunned too.. This one took "only" two small launcher hits. Good to be able to have stunned at least 2 just in case an explosion or something happen. They are a bit too close though. Once we've cleared a bit more we'll carry one west I guess..

That's 2 stunned and 2 shot so far.. Looks to be just a 4x4 tile map, and I guess we see the outline of the ufo in the tile north of the northeastern corner. So far so good...

Phew.. That was actually it.. Ending turn and we were done.. Switching research to Ethereal Soldier.. Just after we launched to go home, our interceptor caught up with the large scout on terror mission in Europe and shot it down. Sending Weinan team to handle it, as the San Marino team is still over Australia and may not be back to fight that mission in daylight..

11th of May we finish researching Ethereal Soldier. Psi-Lab next.

No issue finding the 31th UFO at least. We move out in smoke and start clearing the area. What really bites me is that when we spot an alien, and we try to snipe it down from above, one of the snipers manage to miss big twice, both times hitting Steven in the back, and end up killing him. Is it possible? When hitting a friendly target way of the path to the alien, one should think one thought twice about where to point that gun.

Steven have been a valued member, been transferred to Weinan to help out. Have amassed 15 kills. He wasn't a brave soul, but he was good at his job..

With all the loot we have amassed from the latest missions we're now just above 20 million in available credits, and we have sold far from everything. Each of our main 6 bases now have 6 heavy plasma + 18 clips, 1 blaster launcher with 4 bombs, 10 alien grenades, 1 laser rifle, 4 laser pistols, 30 smoke and 30 proximity grenades and 11 regular rifles with 22 clips. We haven't researched all the bits yet though.

I guess we should send a bit extra to Alice Springs, as there's a current retaliation mission there. Sending another 10 heavy plasma and 20 clips over there..

9th of May, Floater Commander has been interrogated, researching Cydonia or Bust..

10th of May, at 05:00 we see an Australian mission popping up. We scramble the Avenger with it's cannons now stationed in Australia.

We shoot it down on Tasmania. Lets see if we can get to them before the wildlife there kills'em ;)

We pick up the main assault team and send them on the way.. But while they're travelling we get a new report. The Weinan team might be able to catch them while landed, but it looks like that would be a night mission. I think we'll just shoot it down, and let them handle it a bit later.

7th of May.. We spot another UFO..

Yay.. Another shot at capturing a commander hopefully..

Camping the UFO. Having 5 small launchers and 8 stunrods.. This seemed to work really well.. Though a bit boring waiting quite a few turns verifying that noone is below.

Yay.. The commander is right in front of us.. We actually take him down with a stun rod.. Next turn we carry him away into safety just in case there should be an explosion here..

Noone managed to see me hugging the wall one level above ground, and when we found someone they had typically expended all their TUs getting there, ,so we could easily shoot them down.. The risky bit is clearing around, but that worked out ok..

Pausing launcher and bomb and starting researching the commander..

A bit later a terror ship comes for Southern Africa.. We intercept it with interceptor, and takes a day mission with the Weinan team as the main team is still regrouping after the last mission.

The start isn't promising. We've forgotten to prime a smoke grenade prior to starting mission. We take a chance having Russel trying to shoot the snakeman down, but he misses too much and the snakeman shoots him dead..

Later in the mission, Karl tries to make a run for it to get behind the UFO entrance, but is surprised by an alien coming out, and he's a gonner too.. Sad.. Well.. Other than that, we manage..

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