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Messages - grzegorj

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Work In Progress / Unused UFO maps in the vanilla game
« on: September 07, 2014, 12:54:22 am »
The original game contains some unused files, including several unused UFO maps: UFO1B, PSCOUT, UFO000, UFO010, PHARVEST, PABDUCT. I would like to restore them back to life as new variants of the existing UFOs. However, there is a problem with it.

Mods like Luke's Extra UFOs, are based on a premise that all variants of a given UFO type (e.g. UFO_110, ox_ufo1, ox_ufo1b, etc. - variants of Medium Scout) use the same tilesets (mapDataSets) in the same order (in the given example:  BLANKS, U_EXT02, U_WALL02, U_BITS, UFOL83). But in order to use the extra UFO maps that are present (and unused) in the game, we do need another tilesets than the basic, well-know, vanilla variants of UFOs.

For example, to bring UFO1B to life as another variant of Small Scout it is enough to make a new MCD/PCK/TAB set (let's say, UFO0) of the existing UFO1 set, by removing the first tile (which is duplicated besides).

But the existing syntax seems to exclude such an option, cf.:

    size: STR_VERY_SMALL
    sprite: 0
    damageMax: 50
    speedMax: 2200
    accel: 12
    power: 0
    range: 0
    score: 50
    reload: 56
    breakOffTime: 200
      name: UFO1A
        - BLANKS
        - UFO1
        - name: UFO1A
          width: 10
          length: 10
        - name: UFO1B
          width: 2
          length: 2

It will not work: the variable mapDataSets is defined BEFORE the list of variants (here: UFO1A and UFO1B) and not within each single UFO type description, so it is common for both variants.

The first question is: is it possible to define a specific mapDataSets variable for each single UFO variant within the same UFO type -  for instance different tilesets for UFO1A and UFO1B, both being variants of Small Scout?

The second question is: will the game function well with such a strange map, of width = 2 and length = 2?

I know that there is another, very simple solution: to add one to each single non-zero byte inside UFO1B.MAP, and then it will work with UFO1 tileset. And, in case of problems, to enlarge the map to the size of 10 x 10. But I am asking for curiosity...

In order to revive other unused UFO variants, present in the game but unused, we need special tileset(s). So, to have both the well-known vanilla, basic UFO variants along with the revived ones (if the tilesets making will succeed...), we will need different tilesets for various UFO variants within one UFO type, and we will not avoid this (unlike in the case of UFO1B).

And the third question is: has anybody tried to bring PSCOUT, UFO000, UFO010, PHARVEST and PABDUCT back to life yet? Or I am the first one who has ever thought about it?

Translations / Re: The new system can be destructive for the translation!
« on: September 06, 2014, 04:47:23 pm »
@Dioxine: Marinistic terms, including "komandor", are also used in aviation, at least in the common speech. But an aeroplane is called just "statek powietrzny" = "air ship". Its commander in the sense "dowódca" is called "kapitan"... just like on a water ship. However, in the Polish air forces, names of military ranks are the same as in land armies (unlike in either USA or UK).

I like the pair of translations: "leader" = "lider" and "commander" = "komandor", seeing here just Polonization of the original terms, not a strict translation. They seem to me to be right as I am accustomed to the English version of the game, which I have used for almost twenty years... It is how you said: associations play a huge role in the translating process. For you, "komandor" may associate with definitely human characters. For me, a long-time UFO/XCom player, "komandor" associates with the highest rank of the alien forces. However, "oficer" and "generał" are not bad, either. Even if I am generally against translating by voting, perhaps we should ask what others think of this. Of course still voting on translation of particular strings (as well as on the translation as a whole) is the worst possible solution.

Btw. I can guess that "leader" means probably "squadron leader" (a military rank used in air forces). It corresponds to "major" in the Polish army (just like in Anglophone land armies, with different pronunciation). The strict counterparts of "commander" in the navy and "wing commander" in the air forces are, in the Polish army, "komandor porucznik" and "podpułkownik" respectively. This can cause a translator's hell, indeed... Note also that lieutenant in the navy and air forces = ("kapitan marynarki" or) "kapitan" in the Polish rank system while lieutenant in land armies = "porucznik", just like dictionaries say.

On chrysalid: note also that "poczwarka" = chrysalis (or pupa). Chrysalid (with -id, not -is) is an individual term of XCom inventors, and thus should not be translated. Anyway, it does not resemble a "poczwarka" in any detail. True chrysalises are immovable, as a rule, and immature = they cannot breed. "Our" chrysalid is not chrysalis-like: it is very fast and it treats reproducing as its weapon.

On "sektoidzi" etc.: I would like to ask others what they think about the problem. Still, I am against voting on particular strings and even on the choice between "sektoidzi" and "sektoidy", and between "mutoni" and "mutony" separately. This is one problem, and its solution must be introduced in the whole translation at the same time. Let's vote on alternative general solutions, not on strings!

Anyway, I vote against masculine-personal forms. Look at the Polish substantive ("noun") "antropoid" - a being similar to man but different in some respect. Dictionaries give only "antropoidy". It is for emphasizing the difference. The problem cannot be solved by means of language rules as the masculine-personal gender is conventional to some degree. I mean e.g. "karły" (short people, dwarfs) with no personal form in the normal speech, "chłopaki" (boys) with "chłopacy" used only rarely, etc. I also mean terms referring mainly or even exclusively to animals which are of the masculine-personal gender: "drapieżcy" (predators) and especially "roślinożercy" (plant eaters) - we use "wegetarianie" or "jarosze" when talking of people. But cows are definitely inhuman, and we still call them "roślinożercy". We can speak "ci obcy" (m-pers.!), "kosmici" and also "najeźdźcy" (invaders), and this is still insufficient to imply "sektoidzi". The possiblility of using non-personal forms for personal substantives is yet another problem. Note "bliźniaki", much more frequent than "bliźniacy", and also "chłopy", "doktory" etc., used even in belles-lettres.

@Falko: I would also prefer SupSuper doing coding, and it is the clue! I would not prefer random people doing coding. The same I would not prefer random people doing translation, and especially random people deciding on translation of random strings.

I understand that making translation free for everyone was thought to be an encouragement for more people to help. But it has appeared that this has caused VERY serious problems.

I am not for shutting mouths of all who are able to say something important or wise. I am against making a mess and against destroying the yet-done work.

How would SupSuper feel if somebody did a mess in his code? This is the same how a translator feels when a random man destroys his translation, especially when he changes "komandor" into "przywódca" in one string while it remains as "komandor" in another string. Does such a practice help anyone in anything?

OpenXcom is an open project - but the code is somehow protected against possible vandalism and against random coders who change the code in one place while leave it unchanged in another place, isn't it? The same should be done with the translations - the work of translators should be protected in the same way as the work of coders. You may not know it but translating is a very hard work and it should not be done by random persons - I am sure that Dioxine will confirm it even if we do not agree in some details.

@Yankes: This sounds quite reasonable. I do not think that there will be much problems with choosing the person responsible for the translation. He (or she!) should want to sacrifice his/her time and have enough competence. Special voting may be unnecessary - unless some person says "I will do it" while another person says "I am against it for some reason".

@Sturm: There are pros and cons. I played UFO in English for many years, so personally, I do not need a Polish translation at all. However, not everyone is enough fluent in English, and may just want to understand some details, e.g. in the ingame Ufopedia, for curiosity (I know such people). So, don't be egoistic, think of others as well. Besides, the original game was available in 3 languages from the very beginning. If in 3, why not in 30? English is a kind of modern Esperanto, OK, but why national languages should be worse? I only wish the translation should cost less time and effort. But it does... hence this discussion.

You are right and wrong with the term "karabin szturmowy" (anyway, there is no even the least reason for capitalizing it, such a spelling manner looks like littering our language with foreign spelling customs). Indeed, the newest norm does not have it. Such a term can be met in the literature, however (so, you are wrong thinking there is not such a military term). As it is absent in the norm, and at the same time it is a word-for-word translation of the international term, we may call it popular. Terminological (military, industry etc.) norms, unlike the orthographic norms (or to some degree, language or orthoepic norms) needn't be the one and only law. All depends if a term inconsistent with the norm is widely used or not.

On the other side, I understand that for a person who deals with military things, using an unnormative terminology may be thorny.

As far as I know, no hand weapon may be called "armata" in the modern language. So you may be wrong in this point. "Ciężki laser" would be acceptable but "ciężka plazma" woud not. "Plazma" means a state of matter, not a weapon (shortening of "broń plazmowa" to "plazma" is a slang). Such a translation may appear as thorny for a physicist as thorny is "karabin szturmowy" for an expert in militaries.

Programming / Something wrong with messages during tactical battle
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:50:36 am »
Sometimes when your unit has 0 TUs left, and you try to move it, you receive a message that there is no time left for aimed shot - even if aimed shot has not been reserved...

Load the attached savegame, take a look at the sectoid under Xcom control, try to turn it with right click, and see the message...

I have already added this issue to the bugtracker.

Translations / Re: The new system can be destructive for the translation!
« on: September 04, 2014, 09:32:34 pm »
Dioxine, I hope we will never hate each other, and we will go to a compromise finally. You are right about various meanings / possible translations of "commander", and I think the problem is that I see nothing but a military rank here while you do not seem to. Note that  "dowódca" refers to the head of any squad ("dowódca oddziału", "dowódca eskadry", "dowódca plutonu", "dowódca armii"); in this sense, in our beloved game, "dowódca" may be navigator (?), leader, or commander, depending on type of mission. So commander = dowódca would be really an unlucky translation.

Also "przywódca" is wrong, not only because "przywódca" is a synonym to "lider" in Polish. "Przywódca" always refers to the main chief ("przywódca partii", "przywódca powstania" etc.). And "przywódca" may be only one while there are many commanders in the game.

"Commander" is not a title but a rank here indeed. Do you know military realities? "Komandor" may be a chief of a fleet, of a base, or of a ship. It is exactly just like in the game. Hence I opt for "komandor" and I will do it. Not because I am on a pedestal but because of my general knowledge on our world. I will not deny that there is another reason for which I prefer "komandor": this term is similar to the English original one. I have known UFO: EU for years, and I used to play it in English. Hence every single unnecessary Polonization raises my resistance. And I expect that a translator, whoever he will be, will respect it. Simply speaking: I would not see here too much personal inventions.

I have given the example with "laser" not because of details but of the general rule. We borrow English words on the phonetic base but only if the loanword is felt really English, Germanic (cf. mail which may also be spelt "mejl" today in Polish). Words which have Greek and Latin roots are borrowed orthographically: radio, radar, laser are in this group. I do not know a single word of Greek origin, borrowed from English to Polish with the English pronunciation. All words with "ch" pronounced "k" in English belong to this group. It is true towards Celtic words too (hence Loch Ness is pronounced as it is written, i.e. [lox], not [lok]). Hence I cannot imagine borrowing "chrysalid" as "krysalid".

Taking "s" as "z" in words of Greek provenience is not typical now, even if it happened in the past. In practice, it is still possible only in some word-forming elements, like Gr. -ismos = Pl. -izm. So, "kryzalid" would be yet more untypical. However, indeed, a rare, bookish Polish word "chryzalida" for "poczwarka" is still noted in some dictionaries. I am a professional biologist (biology teacher) and I have never met this word in professional literature. Anyway, the substitution of "z" for "s" is, despite of all, more probable than taking "k" for the orthographic "ch" pronounced [k] in English. The dialectal ("rural") form Krystus has nothing to do with this all, as well as the Christian name Krzysztof, created in old times and because of mixing of the name of Christ and the Latin word for cross, "crux", borrowed to Polish as "krzyż" through old Bavarian dialectal "kriuži" (note a similar f/p problem in Pabianice but newer Fabian, or Szczepan together with newer Stefan). In Kraków, some older people still pronounce "k" instead of "ch"
  • in the final position, even in the pronoun "ich" (pronounced "ik"). However, we should not speak about dialectal forms at all, let's limit ourselves to the literary language.

I understand your point on "sektoidzi", the more that I am a Tolkien lover. However, as far as I know, Skibniewska writes "gobliny", not "goblini" in "Hobbit". Alien races are not like elves or dwarves (Tolkienisms), they are those bad ones, hence they do not deserve exalted forms. We can speak "elfowie" because they are human. "Orkowie" - because they come from elves. Unlike them, sectoids or mutons are inhuman. Don't you really feel it? Sektoidzi, mutoni, wężownicy? I do not like these forms at all. Sektoidy, mutony, wężowniki are more suitable for these wild beasts.

As a linguist-hobbyist I perfectly understand your problems with subjective/objective ambiguity. The example of "polskie badania" vs. "badania Polaków" is not fully parallel: "polski" means "referring to Poles" but "obcy" does not mean "referring to aliens". We do not have a suitable adjective in our language, if we translated "aliens" as "kosmici", we could create the form "kosmicki" ;). But let's not exaggerate. "Działalność obcych: żniwa" is fully acceptable (see below on the lowercase "o"), and I am happy we can agree in this point. "Badania prowadzone przez obcych" could be another possible variant. I only wonder if such strenuous avoiding of ambiguity is really needed. "Żniwa obcych", "badania obcych" etc. may be ambiguous but they are only titles... Each player knows what they mean.

I do not like writing "Obcy", however. Do you really see a nation here? I can see a conglomeration of different races rather. In English many things are big-lettered, including adjectives (like "Polish"), derivatives (like "Polonization"), and even months and days of the week (as well as the 1st person pronoun "I"). We Poles are much more economical with using capitals.

To sum it up... We agree that the present click system is not a good idea. I hope the right persons will understand it, and will withdraw from this idea. Then we could go back to the problem. As for now, probably we can only make translations for our personal purposes.

BTW., another ambiguity. "Our purposes" means "our common" or "of each of us individually"? The language has a lot of such instances, and despite of them, we can communicate... A miracle?

And finally, another "flower" (this is a word-for-word translation from Polish, I have no idea if anything similar is ever used in English, it means something like "setback"). STR_NEWSEEDONLOAD: has been translated as "Zapisz losowość" (write/save the randomness) which means exactly the opposite! I had serious problems because of this... A working, temporary, but comprehensible translation (far from being perfect) is "Nowa losowość przy załadowaniu"... (that means "nie zapisuj losowości" = "do not save the randomness" in fact!).

Open Feedback / Re: OXC is too much repeatable
« on: September 04, 2014, 07:43:53 pm »
Oops... shame on me... thanks! The right option is newSeedOnLoad: true.

My problem was because of completely wrong translation in my language... another problem caused by this stupid click system because of it irresponsible people introduce translations which they like, and which are out of sense. Now it's all OK, and the game behaves correctly, thanks again!

Open Feedback / Re: OXC is too much repeatable
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:19:04 pm »
Oops... I've checked my options... "includePrimeStateInSavedLayout: false" in the option.cfg file, so the game should not be that repeatable - but it still is... So, what does this option do?

You may check it using the attached save (a tactical battle with mutons). After loading the game start the alien turn immediately. I have checked it several times (ten or so): a muton shoots during the hidden move, and the shot goes in exactly the same point. So there is no randomless at all, even if irt should be according to the settings...

I am not sure what here is a bug and what is not. I understand that some players may limit themselves and not to use savescumming. But if there is an option not to save the random seed, it should do something, anything. But it seems that the option does nothing... The game stays repeatable in the least details.

Once again, what is this option for, then?

I can still feel a kind of bug here.

Open Feedback / Re: OXC is too much repeatable
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:58:00 pm »
Thanks for the info, I will check it :) I understand the reason but in the same time I would like to have a possiblility to sometimes play the game exactly as in the original. If there is such a possiblility, everything is in the perfect order :)

Open Feedback / Re: How long should Supply Ship stay at the alien base?
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:35:59 pm »
OK, I will :)

Open Feedback / Savegame converter?
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:34:48 pm »
Will it be possible to try to add a savegame converter UFO: EU <---> OpenXCom? I realize that because of many (stupid...) limitations of the original game, and many unique (and nice!) features of OXC it is not possible to make an accurate "translation" between savegames. But perhaps it would be possible to get something as similar as possible.

I feel it would help with testing some (yet) not implemented features of the original game like the correct length of alien ship landing on the ground, or of the range of randomless of alien behaviour during tactical and air combat (see my other posts).

It would also be nice to compare if you can catch a Supply Ship with an Interceptor or not - in exactly the same situation, in UFO: EU and in OXC.

As meaning of (lots of / most / nearly all?) bytes in the original savegame is known today, such a converter should not be a serious challenge for a smart programmer... I hope... I wish I was much skillful and wrote such a program but myself... but with my present very limited (rookie  :) ) skills it would really take too much time for me :(

Open Feedback / OXC is too much repeatable
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:21:51 pm »
The original game behaves VERY differently each time when loaded from a savegame. It concerns both tactical and strategic savegames. Just load a savegame several times into UFO: EU, and you will see what I mean. Unlike the original game, OXC seems to be repeatable, schematic.

When you save the game during chasing a UFO, and then load it several times, it will appear that the alien ship may land down in 30 seconds, 3 hours or at all. You may try the UFO: EU savegame attached to my other post, or start a new (vanilla) game, wait till the first UFO appears, then save the game immediately, and next load it several times, again and again. You will see that the scenario will be different each time.

The same about tactical game. Sometimes you finishes your move, and during the alien move one of your soldiers is being killed. In OXC he is always killed (or at least the situation can change only rarely). When you are using an autoshot, each of three shots goes to the same place! In UFO: EU each time you load the same savegame, the situation develops differently, and results of an autoshot are never the same.

Please give much more randomless to the game to make it really similar to the original one. No predictable trajectories of alien ships on the globe screen, no fully predictable alien behaviour during mission, please.

Open Feedback / Re: How long should Supply Ship stay at the alien base?
« on: September 04, 2014, 01:59:39 pm »
Oh, it is not a problem to refresh memories :-) There may be serious problems with running so called UFO for Windows (Collector's Edition) under Windows 8 / 64bit, but the DOS version runs perfectly under DosBox, even on the newest computers.

I have just checked some of my savegames, and it appears that an alien ship stays on the ground 20,000 seconds, i.e. ca. 5 hours 30 minutes. So, there is a bug in OXC. It should set secondsRemaining to TWENTY thousand seconds while it sets it to TWO thousand seconds. The time of UFO staying on the ground should be ten times longer then (in OXC).

Please correct this...

Open Feedback / Re: How long should Supply Ship stay at the alien base?
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:43:07 am »
Interstingly, I used to play UFO:EU many times, and I have NEVER little problems with catching Supply Ship, also with Skyranger. With OXC (without making changes in the save record) it appears to be impossible (unless my base would be located VERY close to the alien base). I guess Supply Ship should stay on the ground for several hours in UFO:EU. I hope it is not a very hard work to check it... I am going to search for a suitable savegame...

Translations / Re: The new system can be destructive for the translation!
« on: September 03, 2014, 09:01:03 pm »
@Dioxine: Unfortunately, you are wrong. "Commodore" = Polish "komodor". And "Commander" = "komandor" in the sense of a military rank. It is not a rookie translation, it is what you can find in dictionaries. So please stop talking about rookies, OK? I will tell you more: stop lying! Look into dictionaries first. Anyway, "przywódca" = leader, never commander (checked in 5 dictionaries). If you know (printed) dictionaries in which komandor is not commander (in neither sense), and commander is przywódca, give me their bibliographic data.

I know that errare humanum est - everyone makes errors. But it is very bad if someone changes a correct translation with a wrong one. That is why a discussion and arguments are needed. Instead of stupid clicking. And instead of making changes (like przywódca on the place of komandor) without any discussion.

So, the current translation is wrong and confusing, and thus must be replaced by the previous one. Not because I am a god but because your proposal is inacceptable.

As I said, cancel all the innovations, and next let's discuss new proposals together with their argumentation. Otherwise I will not be constructive any longer. Then we may vote indeed - but not on particular strings! It is a stupid idea.

I do not like krysalid, and prefer chrysalid (similarly: I prefer "laser" to "lejzer" in Polish). You may have other preferences. And finally I may agree with krysalid, perhaps (but what should we change it for?) - but in all strings at once! _This_ is the real problem. It cannot be so that there is "chrysalid"m in some strings and "krysalid" in others, at the same time!

"Żniwa obcych" is the only acceptable translation of "alien harvest". And it is ambiguous in the same degree as its English counterpart. The same problem is also in many other languages, including Latin (genetivus objectivus : genetivus subjectivus). But it is the only possibility. "Obce żniwa" is ridiculous for real and may mean "unfamiliar", "strange" or "outlandish" (harvest). I will never accept it as a valid translation, it is not in my native language. Please stop clutter the translation with such personal inventions!


12. STR_LASER_WEAPONS: "Bronie laserowe" is another bug in translation! "Broń" = weapon is not used in plural in Polish at all (like bydło = cattle, or życie = life/lives, unlike in English in this instance).

The only acceptable translation is "broń laserowa".

I wrote on it one and a half year ago - but somebody neglected it completely (because he thinks he knows everything but it appears that he himself cannot speak correct Polish). If one of my pupils wrote "bronie", he would get the lowest mark.

Do the aim of the localization of this game is to promote incorrect language forms? If yes, I cannot see a place for me here. If not, we cannot vote on forms that are unequivocally condemned in authoritative sources! Hence my voting... against voting, at least in some instances.

@Yankes: I realize I am talking about the Polish translation but the problems came into being only after introdicing the unfamous system of voting. It is clear that details of the Polish translation can only be discussed among Polish translators - but I am presenting the general problem in this thread. No capable translators will participate the project as long as there is a possibility that in a couple of days someone irresponsible will destroy their work with clicking and voting.

Hence my appeal: close the voting system as it is destructive! It harms to the result of work of other people who know what are doing. And first of all - it does not guarantee than a new translation of a given term will appear in all string in which the term is present.

I'm also interested if other languages have similar problems. It is hard to guess it is only a problem for Polish translators.

A word on language and spelling correctness: Perhaps the English people do not feel it like the Poles. But among us, if a person makes language and spelling errors, it proves in my country he is undereducated. As a professional teacher and a language lover I know it perfectly. In English, indeed "sacred" rules are (should be?) invalid, hence "nite" instead of "night". Perhaps it looks nice. For us Poles similar changes are not fine at all. We love out spelling rules (much simpler that the English ones but still not THAT simple), and we really try to obey them, except undereducated teenagers. People who do not think so are alienated in the Polish society, ostracized and riduculed by others. Spelling and language correctness are just important for us. You make errors - nobody treats you seriously. And because of this we have fat dictionaries of correct Polish. And I have a website with pages on language correctness ( in the case you are interested in it - unfortunately it is only in Polish). So, for us (and especially for me as I am a teacher) it is really IMPORTANT if it is "broń laserowa" or "bronie laserowe" in the Polish translation.

@ivandogovich, thanks for your nice words! Our mother tongue, Polish, is so horrendously complex (but so beautiful, rich and flexible at the same time) that mastering another language, especially with so simple grammar like English, is, as a rule, not very hard for us. However, do not exaggerate, we make errors... and also I make errors, sorry for this. Unfortunately, I cannot think in English all the time... But I hope you non-Poles will understand us...

Open Feedback / How long should Supply Ship stay at the alien base?
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:11:46 pm »
As I have noticed, Supply Ship flees very quickly in OX, much quicker than in the original game (UFO:EU). As a result, "alien base milking" is very hard.

It is so because the initial value of ufos: secondsRemaining: is set to 2000 seconds. Perhaps two thousand seems to be an impressive number - but one hour = 3600 seconds! In other words, UFO waits for only a little more than half an hour... With Skyranger, it is impossible to be there on time. Unlike in the original game...

Is it on purpose, or is it a bug of OXC?

Translations / Re: The new system can be destructive for the translation!
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:13:33 pm »
Not to be groundless, here are several, chosen changes that must be made in all the document, without any stupid voicing on each single strings.

1. The human organization fighting against aliens is called XCom, not X-COM and not X-Com! See the name of the game: OpenXCom. The "-" mark must be eliminated at the same time in all 34 occurences (note how awful it looks with case endings, like "X-Com-u"!). In capitalized strings: XCOM. With case endings: XCom-u, in capitalized strings: XCOM-U (the ending should be capitalized as well in such instances).  Btw., one and a half years ago it was correct. But then somebody changed it for unknown reason... Why?

2. Names of alien races (or more pecisely speaking: species, like "sektoid", "lewiton" etc.) and ranks ("terrorysta", "żołnierz", "inżynier" etc.) should always be spelt from a lower letter (they are not proper names), in all (numerous!) occurences. This is demanded by the Polish spelling rules and cannot be voted, now and ever.

3. Because we speak "mutony", "lewitony", then also "sektoidy" and not "sektoidzi". They are not humans, and only human names should have the masculine personal case ending in nominative plural.

4. There is also no reason for spelling "Ciężkie Działo Samobieżne". Instead, "ciężkie działo samobieżne" should be applied everywhere. It is not a proper name. Also the shortening should be spelt "cds", not "CDS" (consult for examples).

5. Let Chryssalid be "chrysalid" everywhere (now it is sometimes Chrysalid, and sometimes Krysalid! - it is completely inacceptable). Any ideas on changing this term may be a subject of further discussion. If another option wins, the name must be changed in all places at the same time, never string by string.

6. Commander cannot be "Przywódca" because "przywódca" is leader in Polish, not commander! Such a change is confusing and thus inacceptable. The most suitable translation is "komandor" and it should be restored in all occurences. A further discussion may change it (personally I am against it) but if yes, then in all occurences in the same time. However, the translation cannot be "przywódca" for the reason I have just mentioned.

7. The official shortening of "sekunda" is "s" (without a dot) and not "sek." - it must be changed due to rules of the {Polish spelling and cannot be further voted.

8. Let "corpse" be "zwłoki" (except cyberdiscs and sectopods) and not "ciało" (cf. autopsy = "sekcja zwłok") - but if yes, then in all occurences. It must be established by a consensus of some kind, and changed in all occurences at the same time, never string by string.

9. In the cases of cyberdiscs and sectopods, let "corpse" be "wrak" but let "autopsy" be "analiza części", anyway the same in both races! Besides, "sekcja wraku" sounds both ridiculous and absurd!

10. The words "twój", "tobie" etc. should not be capitalized, it is not a letter but a computer game! Consult the rules of Polish spelling please.

11. The translation of STR_ALIEN_HARVEST as "Obce żniwa" is really ridiculous! Just think what it should mean in Polish... Of course this should be "żniwa obcych"! The same on STR_ALIEN_TERROR: "Obcy terror" and STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION: "Obcy odwet" ("obcy" = "sąsiedzki"?). I am under impression that the translator of the God's grace did use Google, hence this result. But why did he destroy the correct translation? Note that STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH is still "Badania obcych" (and hopefully not "obce badania"  :) ).

If you do not agree, please show your arguments instead of stupid clicking!

A ready-to-test, corrected translation (with the above listed changes) is in the attachment, together with the current official (and damaged) version and two other versions from the past, for comparing.

I wil not continue clicking. If you like these changes and you can do it, please cancel the present string-by-string-voting system, block it forever, and add the changes I have just listed to the game. They are necessary because of spelling rules and logic. Instead, voting on proposals of changes of particular tems, not strings, can be establlished but with possible changes only in all strings at the same time, never string by string.

If it is done, we may start to work on the translation to make it better than it is now. Instead of voting for such or another string, let's vote for such or another solution but in all the localization file.

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