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Messages - pilot00

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So...  I'm still trying to understand the whole slavery thing.

Trd Eng:

zero armor parts.
2 booty (Trader's Booty? - not worth too much, or can you get other things here?)
3 non uniques ( like wire or soylent, etc )

Does it make economic sense to slave them? or just interrogate more of them? or Ransom them?

My take on this (personal experience only Veteran difficulty, whats the name blackbeard?Third one) is that unless you need the storage space (AND YOU GONNA NEED IT) and you dont need to unlock their pedia entries, sell them right away. Once the Guilds large ships start to appear, have the bonny tail them till they land. You will get a crap ton of the common stuff. Now special things and super conductive wires are another matter (you can get the latter dissasembling certain weapons).

Speaking of slavery and interrogation can I place a request? I dont know if its possible to be made, if its not oh well, Ignore me, if it can be made it would solve a bit of a hassle though: Can we get a message of what we just got once we interrogate/enslave someone? Etc 2 x armor parts, 1 soy.

Now who do I have to pay to tell me how on earth do I get to design craft weapons?

Playthroughs / Re: Jstank's Final Mod Pack Lets Play | 25
« on: April 21, 2015, 04:17:43 pm »
Open X Com Final Mod Pack | 26 | The Chryssalids Strike Back

Not Great

-It took me a while to edit this one as I was having issues with my editor software. That is why it came out a little late today pilot.

Np m8, I was just asking because you got us used to our daily addiction :D

Playthroughs / Re: Jstank's Final Mod Pack Lets Play | 25
« on: April 20, 2015, 03:16:42 pm »
Any news on the base defense?

Man this mod is awesome hard as f@%^ but really awesome. I am also impressed with lore behind the factions (I kinda abused the system so I got them all just to peek on them) and you put some real work on your world in there. Kudos sir and thanks for the awesome mod.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 19, 2015, 09:44:44 pm »
I agree with the price.  It should be high.  The scouts are not chinese toys, because it's designed to military spec and probably has real good cameras on it (and grenade launcher). Anyone one working near or with government contractors (at least in U.S) pay large amounts of money to contractors for military equipment.  Current robotic technology in the U.S. military is expensive stuff.  A few years ago, 650 recon scout robots were sent to Afghanistan for 13.5 million dollars, so that comes out to about $21,000 a piece.  Those didn't have grenade launchers on them, just cameras and remote control capability.

That doesnt concearn me so much (but I admit some realism is necessary), I am more concearned about throwing aspects of the game into obscurity. A steep price can help regulate that.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:04:25 pm »
You can put on only 3 on board (limit for HWP's).

My comments were not about overpowering them... they were about giving them some real use. I have to say (after good use of them) the scout tanks are at the moment (FMP 1.1.5) absolutely useless:
1. reactions (I was using them for this) are now same as average soldier... so I can just buy a soldier for much cheaper
2. smoke... is just a joke!... I have tried it again few hours ago recording episode #41... I put a smoke cloud in between me and the enemy (with maximum number of smoke tiles between us) and the enemy could just see and shoot through it without any problems... as if it wasn't there

So either make it a good scout (=good reactions) or good support (=good smoke)... otherwise it doesn't have any use in the game.

As for the price... for a good scout I am willing to pay hundreds of thousands (cost of 5-15 rookies)... for a good smoke support I am willing to pay maybe tens of thousands (max. 2 rookies price).

Of course, putting both skills on the drone is too OP... so I vote for only one of them... I don't care which.

Well, it might be useless right now, but the very fact that you will have a unit that costs 1k to spot you the enemy location for no risk involved and even bite their bullets, is ok in my book even if it dies. And well three to four is not really a big problem :P

I dont feel they are overpowered in the sense. I feel just with their very existance (and this goes to dogs as well but their use is a bit more limited) is denying the risk aspect of the game. That in itself is a big (again IMHO) minus on itself. Loading them with extra stuff (like a normal gas cloud and over the board reactions) is going to remove more aspects of the game. Though again one can advocate with crappy reactions you can use them as bullet magnets, which all boils down to their low price.

At least thats my take on the subject. Dont club me for it :)

Playthroughs / Re: Open Terror From the Deep Teaser
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:47:49 pm »
I always thought that my first draft of the heavy power armor for my mod looked more like tftd diving equipment. Glad someone is going to use it. The arms are probably screwed up since they don't match the drawing routines correctly.

Its cartoonish enough that it fits just fine in the universe. I personally found quite good. Then again I found the power armor helmet changes from the original goofy ones distasfull. My only 'complain' if you could brand it as such, was that for an elerium cost suit and so much high stats, it eats plasma to the face like there is no tomorrow :D

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:27:13 pm »
I may sound like the bore of the party but: After extensive use of both of drones and dogs(and even more if we take into account Meridians proposal of equalising the smoke cloud of the drone with the grenades cloud), I kinda feel its like well....cheating. You remove some risk/reward situations/strategies of the game by simply throwing money at them, especially now with the huge reduction in price for the drone. You dont risk your men, you dont risk your HWPs because you have a cost semi-efficient way of scouting and whith the smoke grenade=drone grenade in radius we throw the grenade strategies out the window.

While I cannot with my heart in the right place advocate their complete removal (after all whoever doesnt like them simply doesnt use them), I believe the reactions reduction was a good step, however agile and small they are they still run the risk of been heard/seen, so been practicaly immune to the reaction fire is IMHO wrong.

I agree with Meridians change for the most part except the pricing of the drone and the smoke granade radius. I wont repeat the grenades consearns but I think the drone should be a price that would at least put some thought for its well beeing. 1450$ is a trivial price and with its small frame (space wise) you could load 4-5 in each mission and call it a day even all of them are destroyed, effectively spamming them and making it a no brainer. Putting 4 of them in every mission sounds a good deal to me already. Selling just one plasma weapon after each mission and you call it even (actually you make a profit too).

Just my thoughts dont any of you take personal guys :)

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 18, 2015, 09:35:18 pm »
Thanks! I'll fix the corpse issue in the next release. But I won't be making these guys any weaker for now, I need to do more tests first.

And also, great job! I think you are only the second person to be congratulated here for finishing the campaign. Now you can start again, since a lot has changed in early game! :)

Meh, I did play only on Veteran level and with a lot of save scumming so....

Y definently I will play the mod again. I think I cant play vanilla anymore now.
But I have to make a run on the Piratez mod. Assuming I figure out how to survive :)

Quote from: Dixine link=topic[shadow=red,left
=3184.msg42974#msg42974 date=1429107395]
And... subpar was made horrible by the magic reset button: whatever happened, whatever was blown up, it couldn't be destroyed. Everything was being rebuilt, no faction could go bankrupt. While on a huge Earth-like map it'd be reasonable, in a closed city it was ridiculous. I have nothing against daily raids on CoS temples. But on a single and the same temple over and over again...?

It kinda made sense though, kinda....They were corporations not based on mega primus but on earth in general and the colonies. So when all was said and done all you were dealing with was 'the local department' of said corp. You were creating a huge mess true, but the monetery hole was local. It theoriticaly could be filled in by the main branch (or if you want to strech it, even cause overwhelming retaliation from outside mega primus, but that would be too much IMHO). Plus the effect was there. If you managed to bring them into a huge irreversible dept (like 300k) they wouldnt launch any attacks on you. And that was easy to do, especially in the early game. You just baught a griffon and set it to destroy the Cults temples around the city two times in a row. The cult would never assault you from them on.

This is something that OpenApoc should redisign from scratch IMHO.

There's so much to fix in this game! It was a shame it couldn't be polished more.

But I agree that the aliens looked like $hit.

And so much cut content to fix and bring it in. I am glad openapoc is on the rails.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:41:52 pm »
Only a little. :P

Bug reports:

The Etherial guardians in the inventory screen dont leave a corpse behind but shotgun ammo with the name STR_WHITE ETHEREAL.

Also on the Geoscape in South America the city (?) of Lapaz has STR_LAPAZ showing.

Only a little. :P

EDIT: Aaaaaaaaaand finished. Wow, the experience with this mod was awesome.

A small suggestion:

Might want to tone down the psi strength of the Etherial guardians. I brought a squad with psi trained (from the mod) soldiers and the weak ones had 60 psi strength to use as magnets. Not only they got controlled but soldiers up to 70+ got too. The only thing that saved me was to reload and play the mission with line of sight active, which IMHO brings psionics to Apocalypse level, that is borderline useless. And I was playing on Veteran, I dont want to even think what might happen in superhuman. With psi train on, you can grind your time and reach 100 true, but with it off, and the tendency of soldiers having random psi strength IDK what will happen.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 18, 2015, 12:51:05 pm »
You reworked the Cydonia mission, didnt you, you naughty person :P

My psi-freak squad is crying!

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 15, 2015, 05:34:47 pm »
Yeah it's all good. Sectoid Guardians are the only rogue race that shouldn't appear in the game. Yet.

Ok. Seems its not a random occurance though. I just shot down (destroyed though) A UFO which the decoder identified the race as sectoid guard.

And another thingie you might want to check the UFOpedia toxic suit armor entry. You get the STR_TOXI_SUIT_UFOPEDIA as a description.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 15, 2015, 03:34:39 pm »
Yeah, they've been in the game for some time. (I think the sprites were made by XOps, though I'd have to check when I'm at home.) Sectoid Guardians, on the other hand, are not supposed to appear at all - I intend to use them on Mars when it's technically doable, but they're not really finished. (And they are by XOps too, if I'm not mistaken.)

What about Muton guardians?I run on one too. I am currently in a crashed battleship mission.

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