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Messages - pilot00

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If you don't have two or four Heavy Lasers, better run :P

Heavy lazers be damned! One of those things can

-resist 8 direct hits on its back side from a heavy lazers
-eat at least 3 elerium granades and not even flinch
-I lost count of how many RPG rockets their tank ate to the face and just trolled me (combined with elerium grenades and acid vials

But after a million restarts, blood shed and tears, I finaly found the magic weapon that kicks their asses
...Well not really cause their stats must be maxed out. But at least you can kill most of them with 4-5 shots. How lucky I was that I raided that academy base as early as I did!
I have a gut feeling that made them also immune to smoke and they can see through it right?

Its been years since a game made feel so desperate. Now I am scared to continue...

I'm remember the early game it was a hire and fire towards girls strong enough to carry a hammer. Then rush and gang upon one Merc at the time. The RPGs were crucial to deal with their tanks. At the beginning there was not enough heavy laser ammo available for a sustained campaign. It is not without saying the WIA and KIAs numbers were high.

Now Voodoo, Electro-whip and Heavy plasma dominate the game.

I am not deep enough into the game for those, I am scratching them though. Ill try the lazers tactic I have 9 heavies. But their tanks are immune to RPGs sort of.

Yeah having a modified globe would be great, I agree. Any volunteers to do it? :)

About the "augmented" pistol ammo: yeah no extra damage there. Bootypedia can't be wrong on that since the number is taken directly from weapon stats (and thank God for that). Bigger damage would be contradictory with what the Pedia says on the PS ammo (good for high-velocity piercing ammo because the projectile is tighter, but not much effect on low-velocity 'bludgeoning' ammo since it isn't really more dense/plastic).

Ah cool, didnt knew the pedia is linked directly to the values of the weapons.

BTW I just met the mercenaries (according to the stunned corpse) and man....what have you created in there? My gals are holed up inside the bony and a couple farm houses, under siege pissing their pants...Scary stuff...

Yeah, the extended version is surely a great for even more detailed weapon stats.  ;D

One other suggestion
The changed borders and countries on the globe are really good to distinguish the mod from vanilla. I think some kind of terrain change on the globe would be also good. A lot can happen in 600 years alien occupation: maybe something like
- nuclear winter (larger areas of ice, larger continents)
- global warming (more desert areas, smaller continents)
- large wastes in some areas (more desrt, steppe)
- massive vulcanism (additional mountains or islands)

I was thinking about this too, but (and without knowing for sure) I belive that for better or worse we are stuck with it, cause of the game engine.
If not, another idea of mine would be to use the terror from the deep palet. Its harsher and given the state of the world (pollution,destruction, mutants etc) the yellowish tint would fit better IMHO. But I doubt its possible.

I think the melee balance is amazing.

I think all the balance swinges Dioxine did are amazing. In X-Com (except in the heavily moded version of Solarius) you pretty much had one set of weapons and a few extras for each phase of the game (early mid late). I never ever thought I would be playing X-com and my soldiers would be carrying three types of different granades just to keep my rear covered. And thats just an example.

BTW Dioxine another question:

I researched the smartpistol and I was wondering if the "augmented" munitions do the same damage as normal ones on purpose, bootypedia mistake, or oversight (I know about the secondary effect, I just wander if its all there is or not).

Playthroughs / Re: Jstank's Final Mod Pack Lets Play | 28
« on: April 24, 2015, 09:30:47 pm »
Message of the day!

Open X Com Final Mod Pack | 29 | Terror Averted Pt 2

We finish up the terror site and try and figure out what to do next.

Wrong linky :D

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2015, 07:30:59 pm »
Not true. Both in Predator and Terminator 2 real miniguns were used, so there you have visual evidence it is possible and the recoil isn't as violent as you say. What you won't see is a hidden power cable, running to a 50 kgs battery providing electricity for the gun. However, with 2015 advanced batteries, you could probably bring down the weight of the power source to about 10 kgs or even less, making it more or less portable... however, miniguns aren't used by infantry since they're useless in that role - even if someone could carry and fire it, there is little practical reason to do so. The only viable use for them is to sweep a landing zone and force enemies into cover, that's why they're mounted on US transport helicopters.

Oh yeah and making them lighter would make the recoil stronger, not weaker.

Ok you are saying to me that Swatz actually fired that thing? Sorry but I dont buy it that is possible for a single human to fire it even when braced. If it was even with the combined weight to be around 30-40 kg it would be enough to lay waste a whole area and it would be the perfect heavy weapon for squad deployment, which is not the case. I believe as it is the weapon is ideal as mounted but I cannot believe (I Dont know the specifics) that a human can possibly keep it stable to fire by himself. And that comes from having fired a (quite limited I admit) number of military rifles myself.

And you might be true that the thing making it lighter will increase the recoil, I havent thought this through. Well, let the strength requirements be the same then.

Anyway as I said, I am just voicing some thoughts loudly not demanding anything.

EDIT: An intresting read on the problems of it:

Let's say I don't want to lose my time (AND clutter the manufacture lists) for the odd chance that someone wants to waste workshop time & produce useless ammunition that can be bought quite cheaply anyway :P

As I said np, I just wanted to ask.


Why would you manufacture buyable ammo?

And yeah there are loose plans for such a weapon, but we needs a Terminator armor first... :P

Same reason you do for the flintlocks me thinks, costs reduction. But its not a problem really just thought Id ask.

Question: Is there a reason why we cant manufacture (after the appropriate research) all shotgun type ammo? I thought making rifle clips is far more complicated than making shotgun shells. And since you can manufacture certain shells (including some really exotic stuff), it seems a little bit oxymoron that you cant manufacture the base ammo.

EDIT: After seeing certain warhammer references in the game PLZ PLZ tell me you have (or plan to add) a researchable end game thunder....erhm I mean elerium powered hammer  8)

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2015, 04:28:07 pm »
The strength requirement is so you can't have minigun totting troopers. Not until a months or two into the campaign, where fighting alien and sniffing plasma turns your scared newbies into competent shock troopers. It makes perfect sense.

Yeah tottal perfect sense, because even today in 2015 we have minigun totting troopers using earth science... M8 do you know what will happen to a human if he fires a chain gun like this from the recoil alone? There is no way even a strong human can fire the damn thing without servo assistance and stablilizers and remain as he was. And earth science hasnt made these practical yet asside from fixed platforms or mounted on craft/vehicles. Why would they be in the games time frame without extra research been used by a single guy without assistance?

As to the second part (Not until a month or two). Why would you use a minigun if you have an autocannon with three types of ammo and arguably less requirements to handle or even more exotic weapons dependent on how well you did*? My case rests on making the minigun a decision based on effectiveness and cost as to opposed to high STR no brainer, that you have access from the start (which you wont use later because you would have better options, how many people used the heavy machine gun? I tried but the requirements make it practicly useless).

Hence my alien alloy requirement suggestion (mitigates in theory the recoil and lowers the weight making it able to be handled by a strong guy) and a slight boost to damage to compensate for the matterial and time spend on research. So to sumarise: Experimental weapons + Allien alloys -> Heavy chain guns = Minigun + Light minigun (Had it be on me I would put the auto cannon here as well). IMHO it will make a costly heavy weapon which will have a balance between power output, weight and been able to be used as opposed to forgotten. And having to spend time to research and matterials to build those will make it a desicion as opposed to a freebe for a high STR guy.

The final answer will come from Solarius anyway. This is his mod hence his vision, I am just throwing arguements/ideas.

*To clarify something: I am not the breed known as a power player, and I do understand the need for additions for enjoyments sake. I really do, but I would like to see everything having its practical uses and tradeoffs. Even if its just for fun.

Playthroughs / Re: Getting my ass handed....
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:03:35 am »
If you play Solarius's mod and reach Cydonia....I wont spoil but a fully capable psi squad (about 15 guys with 70+ psi strength) wont go through it probably, with vanilla psi mechanics.

Heya all. Once again, more questions from me. I downloaded the latest nightly, since I was still running off of base 1.0 and it occured to me I have no idea if this would require me to restart campaigns in progress or can I simply resume my war?

I did that. Its actually mod depended and if no mods are active, then you are most likely ok. Best load a Geoscape save first though.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« on: April 24, 2015, 02:54:47 am »
Version 1.2 is online.

  • All craft cost money now (because maintenance).
  • Fixed the string with Stormtrooper Armour Repair.
  • Scout Drone's Reactions brought up to 90, because it's so small and cute and inconspicuous, as well as made the smoke effect bigger.
  • Enhanced Miniguns and Multi-Launcher.
  • New icons for the Skymarshall.

I especially encourage you to give the miniguns a second chance. ;)

Only if you make them researchable and costing alien alloys to build. And slightly lower their strength requirement (because alloys). I dont remember back in the day mingun totting troopers :P

Nah if you wreck it, the only thing of value left is a damaged grav unit (which IS recovered, just check your stores). There are two ways of getting a Pedia entry on them, the non-obvious one is Academy Engineer. :P

Figured it as much when I unlocked the cyberdisc and I saw the drones in their base.I just thought you could use the wreck as autopsy matterial as with the other things.

BTW I managed to beat the shit outa a boomasaurus with fistycuffs. How awesome is that?
(yeah I needed to brag about it).

Oh and something else. Has anyone tried to hit a window with a hammer? For maximum hilarity try it with a soldier standing 3-4 squares on the opposite direction 2-3 floors lower  ::)

If it was possible, you would have it from day one :) I could put in the Pedia but I'm hesitatant to make so many articles... Maybe once you have all the members of a faction + slavery researched you'd get a detailed article?

I thought so, but I thought of posting this in case you missed it. With so many details to fix/create/update a minor thingie might have slept from your mind.
Well I do not think there needs to be a pedia entry for it cause it will mess up the place really bad.

Regarding the craft weapon: I even regret for asking it. Seems a bit logical if you think about it: Just scale the damn thing up. I kinda thought of it but I was sure I would get something by researching automatics and the subsequent unlocks. It didnt cross my mind about the cannon, because I mostly never used them in vanilla.

EDIT: BTW there seems to be no research for the drone(?) wrecks and an innablility to recover them.

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