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Messages - jmf

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Lobstermen are incidentally quite resistant to hammers. They have the same major vulneravility as in TFTD, though. D/w about them, anyway - doing Lobstermen missions is usually irrelevant, unless you're really short on cash/points (they do provide some scientific backdoor to late techs, though...).
As for score - because it is expected you will pass on some missions, all "lore" researches net you tons of points, you can easily garner >1000 points a month just from interrogations, data discs etc.
but i hate them anyway , how do i kill them?, even if is only for the sweet feeling of revenge  :)

Yes, in piratez, you are not fighting a war, you run a business. Generally, it is not advised to attack your "customers" unless you can take  them out and make a profit.
bu...but i love war :C , that mission was so fun, lot of deep ones in sight, all getting slaughtered, can just tell what weapon works (if any) with lobster menso i can be prepared next time?

well, i'm stuck can't continue playing to understand the available armors before drawing more, the reason?, the same why i could not go far in TTFTD: lobster men, broken OP, lobstermen, only a few months into an i have an invencible enemy.....any help?

Quite long? You've seen nothing yet. The alt option will be choosen if there is no reason to create a new armor.

What do you mean, hair color? All sprites are recolored to fit gal's hair and skin color. That's also the reason I cannot recolor armors, as both options are already taken by hair/skin recoloring. All what's left is rank-based recolor, and I intend to leave it in reserve (maybe for... ranks?).
alt armors, yes please, for the time being is the better option, alt armors mods that can be used at the whim of the player

Looks good, might borrow this also.

Ps - Finished the first version of the gym suit (attached below) and 3 versions of the superhero armour, might post the lot later.
not red but good, i love it!!, thank you

take your time, so it can have the battlescape sprites
Huia Thanks you

Thanks Dioxine, also back to what i'm doing, since i have to play the MOD to know what every armor does, i'm back to fan alt designs for now, today : Alt Tac Vest, i assume that the gals take the green vest and paint it to a more fit color , and maybe add some tattos too.

And the males of the world rejoiced.

is that so then look a this one i made, warning: slightly nsfw

jmf, I'm makeing several alternate versions of the armours - is it alright if I borrow your Idea for the Gym gear? 

I'll start a thread for sugestions/questions when I have some ready to go

yay an pixel artist, of course ypur remember to say "i take the desing form this guy over there (protip : me)"

@Arthanor : i wish but i don't know how to pixel art, :C mostly digital, anyway i have another piece just because i can.
Since japan no longer uses bloomers as school uniform i don't feel guilty for having them as fe... i mean favorite female clothing (alternate Gym suit yay)

Interesting ideas, I won't say no if I could conjure gfx out of thin air :) Yeah I know this is content-heavy mod, but even so, all this stuff requires tons of work. For now I'm adding this to the idea bank (to the other 10 or so dreamed-up outfits).

@jmf: learn to live with Pogroms, there always be one every month :)

i can draw them if i have the time

well, time to go to sleep, here have another present, a sneak peek of my next alternate design
let see if you can guess what suit is meant to replace...

Hi, i'm happy with the reception of my drawings, but since there is too much gear already i might take time to research ingame to know them well, if i can finish those danm progroms, they last forever!!, anyway for now i'm thinking in some alt designs and minor ideas like items, i made this now: alt runt cargo gear, but i'm not sure, any idea to improve it?, hte result does not convinced me

*cracks the whip* Come on ya brainerz! Da Dakka ain't working! We needs some more pew-pew!
don't you know the solution is MORE DAKka!?

Of course! :)
Sure they need a lot of polishing, or actually making them from scratch with actual pixel art, but I do love the concept.
Huia Thanks you

I just think these armours are badass (big biker chicks yay), I don't care if they're necessary as long as they're in the game and balanced. :P
is the one i did right?, if so i'm flattered :P

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