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Messages - Danny

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Released Mods / Re: Tyran_nick's mods
« on: August 07, 2013, 06:28:02 pm »
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Mass Accelerator tech, more or the less the same as Gauss tech? XD

Suggestions / Re: Mixed bag of suggestions
« on: August 07, 2013, 01:05:19 pm »
Just a thought, but it might not be fun to add damaged and broken items and weapons, because if you end up with a broken rifle, how the heck are you gonna shoot? Your operative might as well be dead. No fun in that :(

Maybe if Xcom troopers get a punch as melee option... Would be funny trying to punch a big Muton... XD

Suggestions / Re: Saving Loadouts
« on: August 06, 2013, 09:22:09 pm »
Yeah, that would be cool too; preset 'class' loadouts you can select for a soldier.

That said though, I'd like to instantly load out my entire team from a choice of saved presets at the click of a button.

Maybe just on a per soldier basis maybe not every is good for your chosen class.
Though it would be good from the base soldier overview, as you want to check new soldiers anyway so you can assign them then too ^^

Suggestions / Re: Mixed bag of suggestions
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:29:50 pm »
Thanks for answering my questions anyway :P You answered 2 & 4.

I still want to know what people think of suggestions 1 & 3.

I did answer 3... :\

Suggestions / Re: Mixed bag of suggestions
« on: August 06, 2013, 03:17:54 pm »
Most of these seem more like questions then suggestions... XD

2. Tanks are remote controlled off site...
3. You're thinking of the new Xcom... Items do not get destroyed in inventory only on the ground.
4. One handed weapons fire equally good from either hand (I think) but only one hand at a time. Only when you have a two handed weapon and you have both hands full do you get an accuracy penalty. ;)

Suggestions / Re: Saving Loadouts
« on: August 06, 2013, 03:08:46 pm »
Perhaps you can make some load out classes and on the equipment you can click a button and the game tries to equip that soldier with that class with stuff you have put in the Skyranger... ^^

Troubleshooting / Re: Chryssalid Crash
« on: August 06, 2013, 09:01:34 am »
Lol, I guess Chrysalids don't want to be nerfed so they just crash your game... XD

Suggestions / Re: Transfer loot from sites
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:56:11 am »
well, stunned aliens are items, after all :P

Though I wished that could change :(

Suggestions / Re: Transfer loot from sites
« on: August 04, 2013, 07:51:33 pm »
well, if we say we bring the weapons and ammo back on the transport craft, perhaps the same should apply for live aliens... that's the best way for them to be guarded, surrounded by xcom soldiers with stun rods. (and no, I won't go into detail about what happens if you get an alien stunned by smoke or weapons fire and your troops don't even have stun rods... they always have fists, rifle butts and perhaps some makeshift tazer from flashlight batteries and paperclips. there's a MacGyver in every team. :P

Though the Skyranger could be full...
If you manage to win without casualties somehow or take more captures then you have room for... XD

Suggestions / Re: Transfer loot from sites
« on: August 04, 2013, 12:54:43 pm »
Make it so:
- ALL weapons and ammo should always be brought back with the Skyranger.
- Alloys (UFO hull and such), nailed down UFO components (navigation consoles and such), dead bodies and elerium with a general transport.

How ever CAPTURED aliens should require special attention, you don't want them to wake up amongst the cleanup crew (especially Chrysalids or Ethereals)... ;)
They should be guarded by some troopers and transported back on a specialized transport.

Open Feedback / Re: Aliens don't attack my base?
« on: August 03, 2013, 08:56:25 pm »
It could also be like in TTS? ^^

Also some aliens are better at surviving then others, Sectiods very quickly and Mutons not easily at all... =3

1) aliens shouldn't forget the position of your base after breaking through your defences and being defeated on the ground. why would they?
I know that it's a gameplay thing: if the aliens just keep coming at you forever, you would get frustrated, so there has to be some end to the attacks. perhaps after successfully defending your base, you are automatically able to determine the base-of-origin of the UFO that LANDED on top of your base, enabling a special counter-strike mission where you have to destroy that bases central computer, wiping out the information and preventing further attacks? that would make way more sense.
also, once you successfully defend your base, you should get ALL the loot from the UFO that landed. I mean, you wiped out the aliens, right? the UFO can't just disappear.

I always thought the aliens would be like:
Oh our forces are so great we can delete this base location, when the Battleship is just commencing the attack... XD

Suggestions / Re: Transfer loot from sites
« on: August 03, 2013, 03:27:54 pm »
Though to begin with a you could have a 2nd much slower moving dot on the geoscape (after your returning Skyranger), travelling from the crash/landing site to your base.
Which would be the UFO parts travelling to your base. ^^

Suggestions / Re: Craft armory
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:38:39 pm »

sorry, it was the same in the original. I used to think that, too, but clearly it was just wishful thinking. as are a lot of things in the original: they are random (although, for most things, weighted random decisions), so they appear more complex than they truly are.

F-ing HFIL!!!

I guess I got lucky when I tested that... :(

Suggestions / Re: Transfer loot from sites
« on: August 03, 2013, 12:34:21 pm »
I dunno, might not be possible for humans to interface with them, or perhaps they require a fingerprint scan etc. Otherwise we'd be flying around in Battleships.

Mindcontrol the last alien and have them fly it... ^^

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