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Messages - Danny

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Oh yeah!  Snakeman guerilla operations where they proliferate and acquire human weapons!  Then they might create some localized breeding ground where you're up against 70+ snaKemen with earth guns!!!  And maybe a few plasmas thrown in.

Maybe for when you don't attack crashed Snakemen UFO's, there is an x% chance for a mission like that to pop after some time?
If its a large UFO, then there will be Chrysalids and zombies too. So you want to make sure to get those snakes at all times... ^^

Maybe non-Psi Sectoids could be a bit cowardly? Seeing they aren't very strong... XD
Snakemen should lay eggs like in TTS... ^^

Melee option for all gun wielding aliens, not just terror units.

Sectoids - Vibroblade (Xcom can get)
Floaters - (heavy) Thermic lance (Xcom can get)
Snakemen - Poisonous bite (After researching a live and dead Snakeman, you can use poison syringes to attack with poison) Snakemen are immune though... ^^
Mutons - "Falcon" punch (makes sense right?) XD
Ethereals - A sort of Psychic whip (Xcom troopers with high PSI skill AND strength can do this too) =3

Offtopic / Re: Your X-COM base names
« on: August 28, 2013, 02:19:23 pm »
Just my Geoscape location.... XD

e.g. Europe, America or Asia. :P

What you suggest sounds me more like a custom patch, I was just going for a simple game option to set...

Well it would make sense ^^

Alien bases should be created where a Battleship and a Supplyship land together for a few ingame hours, then disappear as the base is created.
where the ships are both completely dismantled and used in the base.
When Xcom attacks both ships are on the battlescape with with their full complementary crew.

Alien infiltration is where one battleship lands on a city and one hovering around in the area but not directly above it.
When Xcom attacks you will fight in a terrorsite-esk battlescape but with a Battleship on it. And thus there will be civilians. ;)
When successful the 2nd battleship will land in the country of that city and will wait for a Supplyship to start an alienbase mission ^^

Open Feedback / Re: New Git Features!
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:14:26 pm »
But yeah openXcom has some nice features now... ^^

Suggestions / Re: Fire is underused
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:58:41 pm »
Mutons have parts?! o_0
They don't have parts as they are genetically engineered super soldiers, and bred in a test tube...
They are smoother then a Ken doll down there... :P

Also all skin can burn off, its what happens to terminators and they are pretty tough, if not tougher ^^

Open Feedback / Re: New Git Features!
« on: August 25, 2013, 01:55:29 pm »
WoooOOooHooOOO!!! Thank YOU!

So many features, OpenXCOM is the Best Featured XCOM game ever! Thanks to all programmers and MODders on the project.

TTS is better because of multiplayer :P

It occurs to me that a basic flamethrower would be appropriate for Xcom as well as a nice homage to "Alien".

Yeah, though very short range only though. Like 3/4 tiles? ^^
And seeing its a starter weapon, it can't do much damage.

Suggestions / Re: Fire is underused
« on: August 24, 2013, 02:03:00 pm »
Mutons have tough armor skin so they'll just be naked without the jumpsuit if you try to burn them. You really wanna see O_O

Would be funny seeing Mutons collapse into a heap burning flesh then 3 - 4 turns later, rise as terminators... XD

Or even funnier if you did it with Sectoids! for the sheer improbability of it... XD

Translations / Re: Dutch translation
« on: August 23, 2013, 08:52:27 pm »
Progressing very slowly :) But every once and a while I continue.
One thing I noticed is how we, dutch people, are so used to the english words when it comes to science fiction, that it sounds very strange to see them translated in dutch in a game.
For example "alien" is a word that I normally use when I talk. But in proper dutch it's "buitenaards wezen" (en:"foreign creature")...

Pfft, say "alien" to anyone and their grandma around here. And they will ALL know what you mean ^^

But yeah, translations always sound weird. As all the word humour is altered... :(
Though there are some cases, where it actually sounded better in Dutch... ^^

Also: Ja, ik ben Nederlands... :P

Suggestions / Re: Fire is underused
« on: August 23, 2013, 05:40:24 pm »
Fire could be used to transform a new alien into a terminator.

Alien catches fire and begins to chase our soldiers through fire. After 2-3 turns the alien is transformed with a Chryssalid-like animation,  but into a Terminator Alien Endoskeleton!

Mutons come to mind for that ^^

Suggestions / Re: Fire is underused
« on: August 23, 2013, 02:00:43 am »
Ethereal robes should always be able to catch fire though... They need SOME weakness ^^

One thing different in Laser Squad from X-COM was that you had "opportunity fire" instead of "reaction shots", ergo you could actually control your soldier during that "reaction turn", similar to other tactical games like Jagged Alliance. But you rarely got any APs (TUs) to do anything. :P

Also it was a more wild mix of weapons, you started off with a combo of laser weapons, daggers, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, etc.

Xcom has as starting weapons: pistols, rifles, auto cannons, heavy cannons, rocket launchers, grenades and stun rods... ^^

Open Feedback / Re: *gasp* It's so beautiful!
« on: August 19, 2013, 12:00:40 pm »
That's what battleships, muton's, and ethereals are for.

But that's boring...
Never used Ethereals, or needed to use them either... XD
Well one when defending my alien base, together with a Sectopod...
He happened to spawn with a Blaster launcher, though mostly used his mindcontrol. ^^

Only ever had 2 blaster launchers too, the other one was carried by a Muton in the same base defence... XD

My strongest Xcom base attack was with, I believe two Muton terrorships... :\
But no Heavy Plasma's or Blaster launchers, Xcom had a bunch of power armours...

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