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Messages - Amunak

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Suggestions / Free version of vanilla-like assets?
« on: August 15, 2013, 01:11:04 am »
We cannot, for legal reasons, distribute the original X-com assets. But when I saw such a great work on the music, a thought crossed my mind... Would it be possible to remake all the original assets to a point where the game would be playable? Would there be a desire for such thing? I believe there are many creative people in this community - both programmers, artists and designers - to make this happen.

It would be a different game, but the mechanics already are there, so it would play like (open)xcom, it'd just look a little bit different.

I'm afraid though, that such project would require some work of the programmers to make it possible. Some user-friendly way to edit all those assets, maybe finally add PNG support? Invent a usable map/tile editor? Things like this would make this much easier. And they'd open opportunities for patches (if it was implemented right). And for modding.

What do you think?

Programming / Re: How to code the AI
« on: August 06, 2013, 02:13:18 pm »
You know... Some of us still like the fact that it plays like the original. It's nice to have deadly aliens, but I guess for most people it's not really fun when you play one mission for  four hours only because you have to repeat it over and over again ;)

Troubleshooting / Re: exe and taskbar icon?
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:59:09 pm »
I had this problem too. You can just find the .ico file in the repo, download it and set it as the shortcut icon manually.

Work In Progress / Re: Sell / Sack menu
« on: July 28, 2013, 09:51:08 pm »
Any chance we'll see this soon, SupSuper? :)

Work In Progress / Re: New soldier?
« on: July 28, 2013, 09:45:51 pm »
I think that making several (three?) tiers of soldiers available for purchase would be a sensible thing. It'd also add a great variety and numerous tactical options into the game. But I also think that for balancing reasons the soldiers would have to not only cost more, but they'd have to have greater wages. So they'd have to keep their "skill level" so their payment could be based on it. Then you could add the option to recruit highly-trained soldiers (limited on stock perhaps?), for a very high price AND with monthly cost of three general soldiers.

Alternatively all soldiers could have monthly costs determined by their skills - just assign every skill a value, multiply it by the skill level, add some little base and you'll get screwed if you have many highly trained soldiers  ;D Should this scale logarithmically, though, it could work.

Builds & Ports / Re: Android Port
« on: May 25, 2013, 05:09:09 pm »
SDL is cross-platform so it shouldn't be too hard, seems it's already been done for other SDL projects:

I dread to think how OpenXcom performs on mobile devices though...

Better than emulated in DosBox I'd guess :)

Programming / Re: Battlescape development
« on: January 22, 2013, 06:12:20 pm »
I'd suggest just using save file compression instead of using binary. You could edit it freely if you want, but it won't take up too  much space. There would also preferably be a switch to turn the compression on or off and the game would be able to read both compressed and uncompressed save files. Dwarf Fortress does it this way and it works nice.

Open Feedback / Re: New website design
« on: October 08, 2012, 09:15:53 pm »
Yes I realize by now I might as well just reduce the site to two pages, Git and Forum. :P
+1 on that.

Well... Maybe not, but you could make three HUGE buttons on the right side of the header, and that would be forums, download latest (nightly) build and download latest stable build. I think that that are the three most used links on the website.

Fan-Stuff / Re: old Xcom1 dos music
« on: September 22, 2012, 02:04:05 pm »
There you go. Do whatever you want with it, though it should last for a while at my storage.
Code: (Checksums for [Select]
CRC-32: 411805d1
   MD4: a2fcc715a4da074a65d69a5d45cb77d5
   MD5: 19585cc1029649dca03b1fa2ef0aa8f3
 SHA-1: 1673d2d89b6ca3b3f6826d856c14e1590be3bb49

Suggestions / Re: Make a real bug tracker?
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:36:14 pm »
It is possible (even without a bridge) - both is written in PHP, you can just change the login query.

Suggestions / Make a real bug tracker?
« on: September 20, 2012, 12:10:41 pm »
Posting after a month or so... :)

When I saw all the posts in the "unread" list, it wasn't really nice. I want to be notified of bugs, but I don't need to see twenty separate threads. There is a point in making them (as moritary said) though. What about making a real bugtracker? I think that forum isn't good enough to serve this purpose. I have good experience with Flyspray. It is open source, higly configurable ticket system.

Suggestions / Re: hand-to-hand fight
« on: August 22, 2012, 01:42:52 pm »
But it might be interesting in other ways, to damage certain low-armor terrain objects maybe. Damaging a hedge or wooden fence with a good kick or a little pushing so you can walk through it, makes sense. I wouldn't try it IRL just for fun, you might upset people (unless you own the hedge/fence), but I guess it works :)
It depends on the fence quality. Though in 1999 we can assume cheap fences in most parts of the world (especially near barns and similar things) and those are usually very easy to destroy (kick or two and it's down).

You probably can't destroy ufo walls, brick wall or stone fence, but you can certainly destroy hedges, wooden fences and even wooden walls.

Work In Progress / Re: Adding countries to Open-XCOM
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:53:17 pm »
I'd actually prefered evenly big areas through the whole world than actual countries. The way it is in x-com now is really weird. If you add all countries, the end-of-month report will become very messy.
This avtually leads me to an idea - since x-com is clearly happening in parallel universe (countries are different, technologies differ, no ufos ever terrorized us, etc.) we might just edit borders / rename countries to make some sensible, evenly-big areas (maybe something simple like united europe, united asia, united north, south america, etc.). It won't change gameplay too much (if at all) but it'd at least make sense (more sense then chosing x random countries and adding them into the game).

You don't need to add *every* country. Just those with sufficiently high GDP/military expenditure ratios to be worthy of inclusion on the Council of Funding Nations.
Personally I don't like that there are many "blank spaces" - I'm not sure but I think that if you shoot down ufo out of these countries they don't raise your fundings/happines? Maybe I'm wrong, but still, it doesn't make sense to have earth made of 20 countries (or how many are there).

Work In Progress / Re: Adding countries to Open-XCOM
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:04:45 pm »
I'd actually prefered evenly big areas through the whole world than actual countries. The way it is in x-com now is really weird. If you add all countries, the end-of-month report will become very messy.

Resources / Re: Custom Tilesets & Help
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:36:12 am »
This looks really awesome. As for the palette, are you sure that you chose to save it with gif palette?

All the colors and objects seem very nice. The only thing I'm not sure is the color of the walls - it seems a bit too dark and different from the rest of the colors used.

Anyway, good job. This is exactly what xcom is missing - some real "rooms" (as in terror missions as in xcom bases).

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