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Messages - Mathel

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Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.1.0
« on: April 08, 2024, 05:42:20 pm »
Current playthrough progress:

I discovered the Rifts, but did not yet research them properly. Live captures and armor have priority.

It turns out that the grenade launcher is great against blue shields. Sometimes I drop an outcast mage in just one hit.
A rift did open once out of my reach, but since the despawn penalty is just 10 points (as opposed to the 50 points from dead civvies if you look and run), it was not so bad.

The interrogation roulette is quite annoying. It was the second-to-last Marauder Boss that gave me the Magic Items research, finally allowing me to research Shielded Lab. I had similar issues with Savage Magic, but runed weapons are not quite as necessary as proper research.

Edit: I am currently chasing something that, at least in the interception window, looks like a medium scout. I suspect bugginess.
Edit2: It landed and is actually a medium scout with sectoids. But since their plasma weapons have different sprites, they might be intended foes?

Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.1.0
« on: April 06, 2024, 08:40:48 am »
Elves are not limited to the area I patrol.
Also, I am being blamed for whatever the invaders are doing in both the Americas and South Africa. I've done every mission I possibly could have, yet still it seems I will lose at the end of the month from negative points.

Edit: I was wrong. It seems I ran from 2 missions at some point. Not in the last few months though, I think.

Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.
« on: April 04, 2024, 06:47:52 pm »
Valuable source of artifacts in early game is Rifts. They are relative easy and spawn regularly.

Hmm, I never found any artifacts near rifts. I am not sure if I did any after I researched Rift Stabilization though.

Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.
« on: April 03, 2024, 03:58:21 pm »
You need more research. :)
For which I need a Strong Artifact. For which I need to sort a Nest's 'plants'. For which I need to destroy a Nest. For which I need to detect a Nest I can defeat, which probably means a Young one.

Researching any magic you can do is gated beyond detecting a Nest and defeating it (possibly more, if you roll poorly on the Sorting of Nest's 'Plants'), or killing a vast number of Invader Rulers.

And the longer Nests exist without being detected, the higher the chance that even if I detect one, it will be an Old Nest, which I probably can't defeat without magic of my own.
As I said, 3 nests spawned just in Europe, and I didn't randomly detect a single of them. Who knows how many had spawned in other parts of the world?

Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.
« on: April 02, 2024, 05:09:44 pm »
Can't reproduce. Maybe savefile/screenshot?
Sadly, I did not make a screenshot and overwrote my savefile. From later playing, I now know it was a UFO that pretended to be a Space Rupture. It had the same sprite, similarly chaotic terrain, same enemies, and in Space Rupture, you also can't use X-Sniper Rifle (Which can be checked from custom battle).
But it was detected as landed UFO and disappeared when I fled from the mission.

Actually, this is a bug. Will fix it, thanks.
Well, I'd like to still have some way to detect nests. The hardcoded 20% for exactly one undiscovered base is clearly too low, seeing as the aliens managed to get 3 Nests in just my area without me detecting a single one.

Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.
« on: March 30, 2024, 05:02:40 pm »
I did run. But now that I have the Light X-Arms, I can wreck them at range. The most dangerous foe I destroyed so far was a blue floaty crystal that had brown shields and shot out lightning and spikes. Had to go melee on that thing with Runed Bone Knives, after I depleted most of the shield with various guns. Still, a guy was vaporized.

My current concern is that my research is too slow. I have 30 scientists working all the time, but I just can't keep up with all the researches popping up and the captures. I also can't afford additional lab and scientists.

A possible bug. I can't field X-Sniper Rifle in near a "landed UFO". It's the one whose landed sprite is a purple elipse. I can use any of my other weapons, but not X-Sniper Rifle.

Edit 2: I have just discovered that the "Hint: Enemy Bases" is false. Enemy bases (Nests) can be detected by patrolling planes in a few hours. A Skyranger over England discovered a Young Nest in Scotland, Adult Nest in Portugal and Old Nest in Finland. Also a Space Rupture in England.

I guess I have to start the game from beginning, now that I know I can scan for hostile bases and destroy them before they become too powerful.

Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.
« on: March 29, 2024, 04:24:30 pm »
I am quite unhappy about exponential Celatids.

If you can't get the first Celatid before it triples itself, they will just keep multiplying faster than you can possibly kill them off. At least in early game.

I believe, if another unit wakes up on a tile that's occupied, the game mechanics will force the spawn of the former unconscious unit on the next available tile. Like when you wake up a soldier using some stims. What I don't know if the game will attempt the spawn on the same map level or will try on different levels.

In any case the mission may end up in havoc if these awaken units cannot surrender and spawn all over the place.

I recall, when I go in with the mission of capturing enemies, I collect the "bodies" into a single area, and put a one or two rookies into whip guard duty. I give them leather whips, and later neural whips. Alternatively, other daze ranged weapons also can be used.

It only checks the 8 adjacent horizontal tiles.

Released Mods / Re: X-Chronicles Release, v.
« on: March 25, 2024, 04:22:23 pm »

I decided to give this a try.

It feels like many researches are taking way too long. In particular, interrogations of people and autopsies of humanoids and regular monsters (By which I mean such things as giant scorpions, werewolves, etc.) should probably not take hundred or more scientist-days.

Aditionally, it would be useful if Monster Hunt missions told you if the enemies were monsters or aliens prior to entering the mission, so that you could get the proper loadout. Something similar to the distinction between Raider terror and Savage terror.

At present, I have researched Invader Paths, and am waiting for a Rift mission. I do hope that Scavenger Armor (which I am on the path to researching) is a significant upgrade over Wooden Vest, though I guess I would settle for it being equal but cheaper.

1. I don't think so.
2. You just need to have it in the same base, does not need to actually touch.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: March 16, 2024, 11:09:42 am »
When attempting to go to Pirate Treasure on north coast of Somalia, game crashed.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« on: March 14, 2024, 06:18:32 pm »
How do you get the data disk out of the computer in Syndicate Data Seizure? I can see an item on the map but on a tile blocked by an object, do I need to blow it up?
But if you want to risk that psavola was right, use melee weapon or direct fire weapon on the computer. Neither of these damage items on the ground, while an explosion would destroy the data disk.

Man, nightgown is powerful in shadowrealms, particularly on highly fresh gals powerful in voodoo.

A gal that, thanks to long life and condemnations, has 200 TUs, 200 Freshness, and 100 VooDoo strength can just run around and beat tens of foes to death on turn 1.

XPiratez / Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« on: March 04, 2024, 11:01:39 pm »
Lok'Narrs and Gnomes have flying armors.

Nightflyer for Lok'Narr, TAC7-G for Gnomes. Cybermage for Bugeyes.
Neither of these is good protection though.

The X-Com Files / Re: EMP equipment and its damage
« on: February 29, 2024, 09:10:17 pm »
Two more things.
1) Explosives only hit under armor on their own tile and tiles next to them. So one or two tiles of the sectopode will be hit in the under armor, (depending on positioning), but the rest will be hit in either front or side armor.

2) The *5 for stunning was correct. Stun and health are dealt separately, each from a different side of the health bar.
Anyways, by my calculations, the median damage per tile hit from Under is 12.5 Health and 50 Stun. For
Rear (not going to happen), it's 10 Health, 40 Stun.
Side is 2.5 Health and 7.5 Stun
Front has a 1/101 chance of doing 1 Stun, median is 0.

These are medians. Average is going to be higher, because all the hits that by caculation would do negative damge do 0 instead.

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