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Messages - RareOne

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XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: December 06, 2015, 07:36:39 pm »
I honestly don't know if it is on or off. Just unpacked the 0.97 and put my saves to proper folder.
How to disable it?

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: December 06, 2015, 07:27:06 pm »
Ehm, I'm sorry, but it seems that after the update quicksave and quickload functions don't work. WAIDW?

XPiratez / Re: Couple of mods for X-PIRATEZ: OPENXCOM EXTENDED
« on: December 06, 2015, 04:39:13 pm »
Great, you're welcome!
Of course, change as you wish. You know the balalnce better that anyone.
Seems like that I missed the body12_F1_pir one.
Attached now.

Also recoloured Hoof Spewer. It looks better now.

XPiratez / Re: Couple of mods for X-PIRATEZ: OPENXCOM EXTENDED
« on: December 06, 2015, 04:08:33 pm »
And so I continue making addition for my pleasure and your use.

I changed SmokeBombs weight to 3, but I see no need to post it here again.
The same goes for Lightbulbs.

3 Demigod armor. A mixture of Brute and Blitz armors with healing properties. Imbish maybe, but it is not intended for mass production. Plus I haven't invented armors better than Brute yet.

4 Breaching Charge and 5 Tranquilizer by Civilian
Simply introduced to the game.

6 Dart Launcher by Jstank
Couldn't find heavy dart launcher in-game, so implemented my own.

7 Apogee Cannon (Disruptor by tyran-nick)
Very imbish, and opens only after the plasma research, I don't know will I even be able to use it in-game for a long time. But this + Demigod armor and go solo. Another kind of gameplay.

Now working on dual pistols, bigger vault and multihangar.
I wonder if all these will be of use, but, hey, making modding is about the process, right? :)

P.S. Changed Apogee Cannon texts.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: December 06, 2015, 03:50:58 pm »
Hi, thank you for your work!
Just installed the 0.97 version and found a lot of new researches, which really makes me happier!

But I cannot not to point some problems I encountered right after the start.

I hope you can make some quick hotfixes for that, or post a corrected part of the ruleset, because I cannot figure out the solution myself.

XPiratez / Re: Couple of mods for X-PIRATEZ: OPENXCOM EXTENDED
« on: November 20, 2015, 09:49:44 pm »
Nice thing you like the mod enough to make additions! (and I'm not against adding them permanently/integrating if people like them enough) I will gladly answer any questions so no collisions occur.

Thank you very much for your work, it's been along time time since UFO Defence had a new breeze, as for me. And thanks for allowing the mooding, I was afraid that I'd missed some rules or unspoken modding codex somewhere...  :)

Now, as I understand it:
1. Order lists from master mod and sub-mods do collide, with sad result if they're gfx/sound/similar resource
2. Order lists from sub-mods never collide with each other, as long as they don't exceed 999.
3. Sub-mods have priority over master-mod

It does seem that the gfx declarations from your mods collide with some in the master-mod. Try using numbers of 1000...1999, but you must be consistent with these numbers in all your mods, since the engine adds cumulative +1000 to every mod it finds.

Thank you, I think that really answered my questions. Will just have to create my own separate orderList with my mods for convenience now.  :)

Your mods are quite interesting, perhaps useful as extra starter, or near-start items, after balancing them a bit... Wt=1 for example isn't good, 3 would be better. But I like how the lightbulbs have no Morale-damage effect so they can't replace Molotovs. Although they do much to replace Flares... As for the smoke bombs, I think Radius should be about 2 to be of any use, although more could make the weapon OP... about the dart rifle, it already exists, with 3 types of ammo even :)

Thank you for your feedback. Weight corrections are taken to account, and I agree, because the weight was originaly intended for singular item, not a clip, so it's only logical to increase it.
Lightbulbs aren't a weapon, but yes, they're a replacment for flares after the cooking research. Even though they die out on asphalt and rock after 3-4 turns. I think that, and forest fires balance the clip size outright.  :)

As for Smokebombs, they are emergency items. To drop a primed smoke grenade is easier, but bombs have a clip. And even if they don't make a big cloud on impact, it is enough to cover gal from one enemy, plus (the main point) on the next turn the smoke spreads and creates a good small cloud covering gal from all directions! :)

Actually, yeah, why not the inverse medkit, but it takes 90% of TUs for.. 40 stun, -50 stamina. You have to already stand on top of your target (which is practical only for already stunned targets), but it does make sure it won't get up soon. The large TU cost is there to represent taking the time to access weak spots (find the flaw in the carapace, remove the power armor helmet, etc.) and delivering a large dose of drugs while ensuring the target isn't hurt.

Just great! I'll try that! It really should take a lot of time, from logical and balance perspective.

But the question arose just yet. Is it possible to make individual types enemies fatal wounds immune?

XPiratez / Couple of mods for X-PIRATEZ: OPENXCOM EXTENDED
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:15:40 pm »
Hello, everybody!
I finally decided to join this great community.
Took me some time to understand how to draw sprites, but now I'd like to share some of new items I created for myself.

First of all, I would like to share the music pack I collected.
It consists of Laurent "Lorcan" Horsch's Cydonia's Fall OST and DOOM TNT Remastered OST. Hope you like it as I do. It was created, bacause the atmosphere of Piratez is similar to original, but still different. And piratez gaining concioussness of freedomfighters should have a different accompaniment, even if not tottally different. :)
Then, the items. The mastermod is Dioxine's Piratez, of course, and the original sprites were taken from there too.
But the ruleset is my work, so I present Smoke bombs and Lightbulbs.

Smoke bombs work like stick grenades, but produce small smoke cloud.
Lightbulbs are like Molotovs, but smaller and there is more than one in the bunch.
Just try them in-game, they're useful!

Also, I've implemented (how I could) the Breaching Charge and Tranquilizer by Civilian.
I could post them if anybody needs them.

Also, I'm working on some imbish armor for gals, with good stats and healing properties, just have to finish the sprites

now. The sprites are simple fuse and recolouring of two already existent armors.
I haven't researched the Annihilator or Crystallisk armor yet, so the new armor is more like a quill test.
Could post it too, if anybody is interested.

Have plans to implement the disruptor cannon from OTFTD mod by tyran_nick, to be available after the research of gauss weaponry production. I need to research it first :) I just love the looks of that gun.

And I have a request. I'm trying to implement the Dart Launcher by Jstank. But I encounter crashes every time I try to open Bootypedia, and the Battlescape sprite shows plasma pistol instead of the new gun. I suppose the problem is with the listOrder, but I don't get it. Please, help, it's been bugging me several days already, I can't go on like this! :) I want to try it in-game!

By the way, I would be much obliged if some one answers me: do the orderLists from mastermod and activated mod / activated mod and other activated mod conflict/rewrite one another or they just follow each other like different order lists?

Eagerly waiting for answers!
Hope to learn much and have great time! :)

Моды "Дымовые бомбы" и "Лампочки"
Еcли необходимо, скажите, и я переведу моды на русский язык.

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