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Messages - mrxian

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Suggestions / Re: SUGGESTION/REQUEST: New weapon Sentry Cannon
« on: December 09, 2015, 08:46:16 am »
The spin-or-fire problem makes the weapon interesting in the first place; it's supposed to be an assault fire support, not a tank.
Very true.

I guess you could limit the units energy if you wanted otherwise and get similar effects.

Suggestions / Re: SUGGESTION/REQUEST: New weapon Sentry Cannon
« on: December 04, 2015, 11:44:10 pm »
Won't it take more than 3 tu to spin to hit something behind it?

If it could be implemented, I see some potential.

Imagine, for example...
A breaching shield that, when used, gives you a sizable bonus to frontal armor, but at the cost of accuracy, and when you use it again the effects go away again.
A force field generator that gives short-term damage resistance.

Many potions would be quite nice to have, if they were expensive to make and only lasted a few turns they could be easily balanced.

I see some potential.

Suggestions / Re: External upscaled sprites
« on: November 12, 2015, 11:01:06 pm »
Damnit, the body armored trooper is spinning in the wrong direction.

Suggestions / Re: Gauss cannon buff
« on: November 11, 2015, 10:13:51 pm »
The very idea of using Gauss weapons underwater is unholy. It's like using torches underwater.

Gauss bullets are ultra-fast and quite small, which gives them limited range on land because the quickly burn in the atmosphere. Of course, water is way worse. So I don't think they could have made a worse choice for a weapon type than this.

Why am I writing all this? Well, if I were in charge, I would come up with some other weapon type and depending on choice, I'd give it logical stats. For Gauss cannon as it is, sure, we can give it a better range or something to increase its gameplay value, but that's still unsatisfying. ;)
Actually, if I were to create an underwater gun, a high speed small caliber one sounds like a good idea.

Just use a high powered laser beam to evaporate a thin tube of water and shoot the bullet through that. Due to the high speed and low calibre, you only need to vaporize a thin tube, which can be quite straight.

You can justify it in a number of ways.

My point was that you can more easily control the availability and value of blaster bombs if you have to craft them.

Maybe a solution would be to have seperate blaster launchers for the aliens and the humans. You'd obviously have to research gun and ammo first, but after that you can only use blaster launchers you crafted yourself. That way, you can more easily control the supply of ammo for them, since you could make them expensive and lengthy to create.
I'm sure commanders would think twice about launching a blaster bomb if the damn thing cost 50 elerium to make.

I'd personally just edit the blaster launcher to either only have two waypoints, or function similar to a more powerful rocket launcher.

The idea of a guided missile is fun and awesome early on, but it really breaks the game - especially with shooting at enemies you (or the aliens) don't really know are present.

Suggestions / Re: Engineers strike
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:14:29 am »
On Redux we strive to offer the same labor conditions to all our employees.
Doesn't that basically mean every other engineer gets handed an exploding screwdriver?

Examples? If you dislike any particular mod and think it has useless equipment, please join the discussion on its thread - vague truisms aren't really constructive :3
Sorry, but I can't recall any specific mods right now, I haven't played in a while and my memory is a little foggy. I do remember reading through the modlist, and seeing an uzi and other light SMGs and three different assault rifles and a light machine gun and reading their stats, and though they were all a little different, they all had the same basic function as the standard rifle. They were also all made obsolete early on in the game - even the laser pistol was better.

Of course, this isn't all on the mod makers - it's just as much on the player for keeping so much clutter around.

Maybe it's an idea for the modmakers to actually reduce the item clutter somewhat.

Sure, it's an awesome thing to have a variety of handguns to choose from, but do they really have a gameplay difference is what matters. You don't need a dozen guns that all perform essentially the same purpose.

Couldn't these issues be solved by rounding the result of the range calculation down before using it to check if a weapon's target is in range? It would change range patterns a bit, but not too drastically.

Suggestions / Re: Awesome extended ending
« on: August 19, 2015, 06:25:23 pm »
I rather like the idea, assuming that mars includes some new tech to advance your soldiers on. But it sounds like a very hard mod to make.

I think this is a bad idea.

It would make it so events take place that you can't react to, or it would increase the time without stuff actually happening in that time.

Also, it would change very little in the actual game if a reasonable time was used (Which is probably to the tune of a minute or less per turn.)

Suggestions / Re: Brainsucker
« on: August 06, 2015, 01:06:03 pm »
Interesting.. That would mean that aliens actually share information. That's good! I always thought that they worked only individually, except for psi-attacks.
From my experience, it's a mixture of the two. In the original game, once you had been spotted on the aliens turn, you were subject to psi attack from the entire team, but they didn't converge on you en-masse, and there were some restrictions (I never figured out exactly what) on blaster bomb usage. They also didn't quite seem to know where your hidden soldiers were hanging out, though they sometimes knew there were many potential reaction shots coming into play if they got too close. (So they didn't get too close.)

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